What’s the Tie Break in Tennis?

If you’re not sure what the tie break is in tennis, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will explain the tie break rules in tennis so that you can be prepared for your next match.


In tennis, a tie break is a scoring system that aims to resolve matches where the players are tied at 6–6 in any set except the third or final set. In a third set, the tie break may be played if the score reaches 6–6; if not, the game continues until one player has won two more games than his or her opponent. In a final set, however, if the score reaches 6–6, a tie break is always played.

Thewinner of a tennis match is the first player to win two out of three sets (or three out of five sets in a best-of-five match). If one player wins two sets and the other wins one set, the match is over and that player is the winner. However, if each player wins one set, then the score is tied at one set each and a tie break may be played to determine the winner.

Thetie break was invented by James H. Van Alen and first used at Wimbledon in 1971. It has since become an integral part of professional tennis matches all over the world.

Atie break is basically a mini-game played within a regular tennis game. It is used to resolve situations where the players are tied at 6–6 in any set except for the third or final set. In order to win a tie break, a player must win seven points with a margin of two points. For example, if one player wins 7–5, that player would need to win another point in order for the tie break to end; if both players were to win their next point, then the score would be 8–6 and so on. The first player to reach seven points with a margin of two points is declared the winner of the tie break and thus wins that particular set.

Ifyou’re still confused about how all this works, don’t worry – you’re not alone! The rules of tennis can be quite confusing, especially when it comes to all of the different scoring systems in place. However, once you understand how it works, Tie Break tennis can be great fun to watch – and even more fun to play!

The Basics of a Tie Break

A tie break, also called a “set tie break” or simply a “tiebreaker”, is a score in tennis that determines the winner of a set if the set score is tied at 6–6. A tie break is usually played as the final game of a set, but can also be played earlier if needed. The winner of a tie break scores seven points and wins the set. This happens even if they do not win by two clear points.

The basics of tiebreaks are straightforward: the player who wins more points wins the tiebreak and thus the set. However, there are some important intricacies to keep in mind. Here are the key things to remember about tiebreaks in tennis:

-A tiebreak is won by the player who wins six points, provided they win by two clear points. If the score reaches 6–6, then a player must win by two clear points to win the tiebreak and thus the set.
-The server serves first in a tiebreak and will continue to serve every two points until they lose control of their service game (i.e., their opponent wins two consecutive points). At this point, service alternates between players until one player wins six points and takes control of the service game.
-Players can only win a point on their own serve; they cannot win a point on their opponent’s serve.
-In order to change ends of the court during a tiebreak, players must first reach four points (i.e., they must be leading 4–3 or 5–4). Once this happens, players will change ends of court every six points thereafter until one player has won six points and taken control of the service game.

The History of the Tie Break

Invented by James H. Van Alen and introduced in 1970 at The Newport Casino in Newport, Rhode Island, the tie-break was originally known as the “Van Alen Streamlined Scoring System” and later as the “Iverson System”. For the first few years it was played both at Newport Casino and West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, New York City.

How to Win a Tie Break

In tennis, a tie break (sometimes called a breaker) is a score that provides an advantage to the player who wins it. It is typically used in tennis at the end of a set when both players have won six games. The player who wins the tie break scores seven points and wins the set. If necessary, another tie break is used to decide the next set.

To win a tie break, a player must win by two clear points. If the score reaches 6–6, then each player serves two consecutive points until one player leads by two clear points and wins the tie break. The player who wins the tie break serves first in the next game.

The Different Types of Tie Breaks

There are different types of tiebreaks in tennis depending on the score. If the score is 6 games all, then a tie-break is played to decide the winner. This is usually referred to as a ‘set’ tie-break. If the score reaches 12 games all, then a ‘championship’ tie-break is played. The first player to win 10 points wins the match.

At 6 games all, a regular tie-break is played. The player who wins the point at 6-6 serves first in the tie break and from then on, the players take turns to serve. The player who wins the point serves again and play continues until one player has won 7 points and with a 2 point advantage over their opponent – for example 7-5, 8-6 or 9-7.

At 12 games all, things work slightly differently.service alternates between players every 2 points instead of every point as in a regular game. Again, the first player to win 10 points and with a 2 point advantage over their opponent wins the match – for example 10-8, 11-9 or 12-10.


In conclusion, the tie break is a great way to add excitement and drama to any tennis match. It is also a great way to ensure that the better player wins the match. There are some who argue that the tie break should be abolished, but I believe that it is here to stay.

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