When Will the 2022 Baseball Season Start?

We don’t know yet, but we’re hoping for late spring or early summer. Stay tuned for more updates!

When Will the 2022 Baseball Season Start?


The start of the 2022 baseball season is still up in the air as Major League Baseball and the Players Association continue to negotiate over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. The current CBA expires after the 2021 season, so there is a lot at stake in these negotiations.

The Delay of the 2020 Season

The start of the 2020 baseball season was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the 2021 season will also be pushed back. It is unclear when the 2022 season will start, but it is tentatively scheduled for April 1st.

The Possibility of a Spring Training in February

The Major League Baseball (MLB) season is long-awaited by avid fans every year. The 122nd season is set to start on April 1, 2022 and end on October 3, 2023.In order to make the most of the season, fans often ask when the spring training will be.

According to MLB, the first official game will be on February 22, 2022 between the New York Yankees and Toronto Blue Jays. The exhibition game will be played in Dunedin, Florida. However, the Yankees and Blue Jays are not the only teams that will be preparing for the season in February.

Many teams will be starting their spring training in mid-February in order to get a full month of practice in before the regular season starts. Other teams choose to wait until early March to start their training so that they do not have to play as many exhibition games.

The decision of when to start spring training is up to each team and their coaching staff. However, all teams must have their players report no later than 30 days before the first regular season game.

The MLB’s Plan for the Upcoming Season

After the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the 2020 Major League Baseball season, the league is preparing to make a comeback in 2021. But when will the 2022 season start?

The MLB has not yet announced an official start date for the 2022 season, but it is expected to begin sometime in April. The league typically releases its schedule in August, so we should know more about the upcoming season later this summer.

In the meantime, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred has said that the league is considering expanding its playoffs to include more teams. Currently, 10 teams make the playoffs: six division winners and four wild-card teams. Manfred said that the MLB could add two more wild-card teams for a total of 14 playoff teams.

The expansion would likely mean that the regular season would be shorter, starting a few weeks earlier than usual and ending in early October. These changes would need to be approved by the MLB Players Association before they could be implemented.

It’s still too early to know for sure what the 2022 MLB season will look like, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated as more information becomes available.

How This Will Affect the Players

The players have already gone through a lot this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they have to worry about the 2022 baseball season. The players are going to have to make a decision on when they want to start the season. They may want to wait until the pandemic is over, or they may want to start the season as soon as possible. The players will have to decide what is best for them and their families.


In conclusion, the 2022 baseball season will most likely start in early April. However, the exact date has not yet been announced. Keep an eye on the news for updates on when the season will begin.

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