When Did the NFL Concussion Protocol Start?

A discussion of the NFL’s concussion protocol, how it has changed over time, and what it means for the future of the game.

When Did the NFL Concussion Protocol Start?


The National Football League concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are designed to protect players from the risk of suffering a concussion. The protocol was first introduced in 2009, following a series of high-profile cases involving NFL players who had suffered concussions.

The protocol has been revised several times since its introduction, and it now includes a number of different steps that must be taken in order for a player to return to the field after suffering a concussion. These steps include rest, limited activity, neurological testing, and gradual return to full activity.

The concussion protocol has been credited with helping to reduce the number of concussions suffered by NFL players, and it has also been adopted by other professional and amateur sports leagues.

The Concussion Protocol in the NFL

In the past decade, there has been a lot of public discussion about concussions in the NFL. In response to this, the NFL implemented a concussion protocol in 2009. This protocol is designed to protect players from further injury after a concussion. Let’s take a look at how the protocol works.

What is the concussion protocol?

The concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are followed in order to ensure the safety of football players who may have suffered a concussion. The protocol was first put into place in the NFL in 2009, but has since been updated and revised several times.

The purpose of the concussion protocol is to ensure that any player who suffers a head injury is properly evaluated and treated, in order to minimize the risk of long-term effects. The protocol includes a number of steps that must be taken in order for a player to be cleared to return to play.

Some of the key components of the concussion protocol include:

· An evaluation by an independent medical professional

· A concussion baseline test, which is used to compare the player’s current state to their normal functioning

· A period of rest and limited activity, in order to allow the brain to heal

· Gradual return to activity, under the supervision of medical professionals, in order to monitor for any further symptoms or problems

How long has the concussion protocol been in place?

The concussion protocol has been in place since the NFL’s 2016 season.
During that season, the league instituted a new set of rules and regulations to help protect players from concussions and other brain injuries. The protocol requires players who suffer a head injury during a game to be removed from the field and evaluated by medical personnel.
If a player is diagnosed with a concussion, he must be cleared by an independent medical doctor before he can return to practice or play in a game.

The concussion protocol has been criticized by some, including members of the NFL Players Association, for being too lenient and for not doing enough to protect players. In 2017, the NFLPA filed a grievance against the league, alleging that the concussion protocol was not being properly enforced.
The grievance was later withdrawn after the two sides reached an agreement on how the protocol would be implemented.

What are the steps of the concussion protocol?

The concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that are followed by the NFL in order to protect players from concussions and other head injuries. The protocol has five main steps:

1. Remove the player from the game or practice immediately.
2. Evaluate the player by a medical professional trained in diagnosing concussions.
3. If the player is diagnosed with a concussion, they must be removed from play and cannot return to the game or practice that day.
4. The player must be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before they can return to play or practice.
5. If the player experiences any symptoms after returning to play or practice, they must be removed from play and cannot return until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours.

The Concussion Protocol in Other Sports

In recent years, the National Football League has instituted a concussion protocol to try and mitigate the risks associated with brain injuries. This protocol has been successful in reducing the number of concussions sustained by NFL players. However, the concussion protocol is not just limited to the NFL.

What is the concussion protocol in the NHL?

The NHL concussion protocol is a set of guidelines that team doctors and trainers use to evaluate and manage concussions. The protocol was put in place in 2011, after a spate of high-profile concussions and head injuries.

Under the protocol, any player who is suspected of having a concussion must be removed from the game and undergo a series of tests, including a neurological exam, Balance Error Scoring System test and King-Devick test. If the player is diagnosed with a concussion, he must be cleared by a team doctor before returning to play.

The protocol has been criticized by some as being too conservative, and there have been instances of players being pulled from games only to be cleared later. However, the NHL has said that its goal is to err on the side of caution when it comes to head injuries.

What is the concussion protocol in the NBA?

The concussion protocol in the NBA is very similar to the concussion protocol in the NFL. Players who are suspected of having a concussion are taken to the locker room and evaluated by a team doctor. If it is determined that the player does have a concussion, they are not allowed to return to the game.

In the NBA, there is also a concussion spotter who is responsible for identifying players who may have suffered a head injury. If a player is suspected of having a concussion, they are immediately taken out of the game and evaluated by a doctor.

Like the NFL, the NBA has implemented rules to try and prevent concussions. Theserules include banning players from deliberately striking an opponent in the head, neck or face with an elbow or forearm and instituted stricter penalties for flagrant fouls.

What is the concussion protocol in Major League Baseball?

In Major League Baseball, the concussion protocol was formally introduced in 2011, following a recommendation from the MLB Concussion Committee. The protocol requires that any player who is suspected of having a concussion must be removed from the game and cannot return to play until he is cleared by a medical professional.

The protocol has been updated several times since it was first introduced, most recently in 2020. The 2020 update requires that all players undergo baseline concussion testing before the season begins. If a player is suspected of having a concussion during the season, he will undergo further testing and will only be cleared to return to play if he receives medical approval.

The MLB concussion protocol has been generally well-received, although some critics have argued that it does not do enough to protect players from concussions.

The Concussion Protocol in the Military

In 2012, the National Football League (NFL) implemented a concussion protocol to help protect players from the long-term effects of concussions and other head injuries. The protocol has been updated several times since then, but it has remained largely the same. The protocol requires that a player who is suspected of having a concussion be removed from the game and evaluated by a medical professional.

What is the concussion protocol in the Army?

The concussion protocol in the Army is a set of guidelines and procedures that must be followed in order to ensure the safety of soldiers who have suffered a head injury. The protocol includes guidelines on how to identify and diagnose concussions, as well as how to treat and rehabilitate soldiers who have suffered from one.

The Army’s concussion protocol is based on the most up-to-date research on concussions and their effects. It is important to note that the protocol is not a set of rigid rules, but rather a set of guidelines that can be adapted to each individual case. The goal of the protocol is to ensure that every soldier who suffers a head injury receives the best possible care, and that they are able to return to duty as soon as it is safe for them to do so.

What is the concussion protocol in the Navy?

The concussion protocol in the Navy is a set of guidelines that Navy medical personnel use to assess and treat concussions. The protocol is based on the most up-to-date medical research on concussions, and it is designed to ensure that Navy personnel who suffer a concussion receive the best possible care.

The concussion protocol in the Navy has three main components:

1. Education: All Navy personnel are educated on the signs and symptoms of a concussion, and on the importance of seeking medical attention if they suspect that they or someone else has suffered a concussion.

2. Assessment: Navy medical personnel use a variety of assessments to determine whether someone has suffered a concussion. These assessments may include neurological examinations, neuropsychological testing, and imaging studies such as CT scans or MRI scans.

3. Treatment: If someone is found to have suffered a concussion, the focus is on rest and recovery. Marines who have concussions are typically removed from duty and placed on limited activity restrictions until they have recovered from their injuries.

What is the concussion protocol in the Air Force?

The concussion protocol in the Air Force is a set of procedures that all units must follow in order to properly address and manage concussions among airmen. It is designed to ensure that airmen with concussions are properly diagnosed and treated, and that they do not return to duty too soon.

The protocol begins with a mandatory education program for all airmen. This program covers the signs and symptoms of concussions, as well as the importance of seeking medical attention if any are experienced. All units must then have a designated point of contact (POC) for concussion cases. The POC is responsible for ensuring that airmen with concussions are properly evaluated by medical personnel and treated according to the protocol.

If an airman is suspected of having a concussion, they will be immediately removed from duty and placed on rest until they can be seen by a medical professional. Once seen, the airman will undergo a thorough evaluation which may include neurocognitive testing, balance testing, vestibular testing, and/or ocular motor testing. If a concussion is diagnosed, the airman will be placed on convalescent leave for a minimum of seven days. During this time, they must rest and avoid activities that could exacerbate their symptoms.

After seven days, the airman will be reevaluated by medical personnel to determine if they are ready to return to duty. If they are not yet cleared, they will remain on leave until they are no longer symptomatic and can pass all neurological tests. Once cleared, the airman will be slowly reintroduced to full duties over the course of several days or weeks, depending on their individual recovery timeline.


The current NFL concussion protocol was introduced in 2009. It has been updated several times, most recently in 2016. The protocol is designed to protect players from the risks of concussions and other head injuries. It includes a number of measures, such as ensuring that players are removed from games if they show any symptoms of a concussion, and mandating that players must be cleared by a medical professional before they can return to play.

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