When Did The NBA Create The 3 Point Line?

The answer may surprise you. The 3 point line was not always a part of the NBA. In fact, it wasn’t created until the 1979-1980 season.


In the 1979-80 season, the NBA introduced the 3-point shot. This was a game-changing event that has had a huge impact on the way the game is played today. The 3-point line was added to create more scoring opportunities and to make the game more exciting. It has also had the effect of making the game more wide open and explosive.

The 3-point line has had a profound impact on the way basketball is played. It has created new strategies and new ways of playing the game. It has also opened up the game to players who might not have otherwise been able to compete. The 3-point line has changed the game of basketball forever.

The birth of the 3 point line

In the summer of 1980, the NBA decided to add a 3-point line to its game. The 3 point line was first used in the 1986-87 season. There are many theories as to why the NBA decided to add a 3 point line, but the most popular theory is that the NBA wanted to make the game more exciting.

The ABA and the 3 point line

The ABA was the first professional basketball league to institute the 3 point line. The ABA did so in an effort to open up the game and increase scoring. The 3 point line was first used during the 1974-75 season.

The NBA adopted the 3 point line for the 1979-80 season. Prior to that, there was no formal 3 point line, though some teams experimented with a 22 foot line. The Boston Celtics were one of those teams.

Rick Mount of the Indiana Pacers is generally credited with being the first player to make an NBA 3 pointer, though it should be noted thatMount only made 1 three pointer in his entire NBA career.

The NBA and the 3 point line

The three-point line was first implemented by the American Basketball Association (ABA) in the 1967-68 season. At the time, the ABA was in a fierce competition with the National Basketball Association (NBA), and they hoped that the three-point line would make their game more exciting. The NBA initially resisted the idea of adding a three-point line, but after the ABA merged with the NBA in 1976, the three-point line became a permanent part of the NBA.

Since its inception, the three-point line has undergone a few minor changes. In 1986, it was moved back from 22 feet to its current distance of 23 feet and 9 inches. And in 2008, the NBA introduced an “arc” beneath the basket to discourage players from taking shots that were too close to the hoop. But overall, the three-point line has remained largely unchanged since it was first introduced over 50 years ago.

Why the 3 point line was created

In the 1979-80 season, the NBA introduced the three-point field goal. To encourage more scoring, the league placed a arc 3-points from the basket. The rule dictated that any shot made from beyond this line would be worth three points. This was a significant change from conventional basketball, where a made shot inside the arcs was only worth two points, no matter how far away from the basket it was taken.

How the 3 point line has changed the game of basketball

In the beginning, there was only one point. That quickly changed, though, as players and teams realized that baskets from long range were just as difficult to make as those closer to the hoop. So, in 1904, the two-point shot was introduced. This change only lasted for six years before being scrapped because it made the game too easy.

It wasn’t until six years later that the three-point line made its first appearance. Originally, it was just a half-court shot, but it was quickly shortened to its current 22 feet. This experimental rule was used in select games during the 1979-80 season before being adopted for good the following year.

The three-point line has had a profound effect on the way basketball is played. shooters have become more important than ever before, and offenses are now built around players who can stretch the floor and open up driving lanes for their teammates. What was once a gimmick is now an integral part of the game, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.


The NBA 3-point line was first established during the 1979-80 season. The distance from the basket was originally set at 22 feet, but it was later moved to its current distance of 23 feet, 9 inches in 1986. The 3-point line has undergone several other changes since it was first introduced, including the addition of a 4-point line for a short period of time during the 2013-14 season.

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