When Did the Pass Interference Rule Change in the NFL?

The 2019 NFL season saw a major change in the pass interference rule. After much debate and controversy, the rule was finally changed. So, when did this happen?

The rule has been around for a long time

The pass interference rule has been in the NFL for a long time, but it has been changed a few times. The most recent change was in 2019, when the league made the rule more strict. Let’s take a look at the history of the pass interference rule and how it has changed over time.

The rule was first introduced in 1937

In 1937, the pass interference rule was first introduced. It was originally just a five-yard penalty, but it was increased to 15 yards in 1948. The rule was then changed again in 1949 to make it a spot foul. This means that if a player commits pass interference, the ball is placed at the spot of the infraction rather than where the play ended. In 1972, the NFL made another change to the rule, this time making it a 10-yard penalty.

The current rule was introduced in 1974, and it has remained unchanged since then. The rule states that if a player commits pass interference, it is a 15-yard penalty from the spot of the infraction. If the infraction occurs in the end zone, it is a 15-yard penalty from the goal line. If a player commits pass interference in his own end zone, it is a safety.

The rule has been tweaked several times over the years

The pass interference rule in the NFL has been around for a long time, but it has been tweaked several times over the years. The most recent change was made in 2018, when the league moved the spot of the foul back to the spot of the catch. This change was made after much debate and discussion, as some felt that it would lead to more injuries, while others felt that it would make the game more fair.

The rule was first introduced in 1937, and it has been changed several times since then. In 1974, the rule was changed so that defensive players could only be called for pass interference if they were within five yards of the line of scrimmage. In 1978, this rule was changed again, so that defensive players could be called for pass interference if they were within one yard of the line of scrimmage. In 1979, the rule was changed so that defensive players could be called for pass interference if they were within two yards of the line of scrimmage. In 1980, this rule was changed again, so that defensive players could only be called for pass interference if they were within five yards of the line of scrimmage. In 1981, this rule was changed yet again, so that defensive players could only be called for pass interference if they were within one yard of the line of scrimmage. And finally, in 2018, the rule was changed so that defenders could only be called for pass interference if they were within two yards of the line of scrimmage.

This latest change has led to some confusion among fans and commentators alike, as it is not always clear when a player is within two yards of the line of scrimmage. However, regardless of whether or not you agree with the rule change, it is important to understand how it works and why it was enacted in order to appreciate the game fully.

The most recent change to the rule

In the 2019 NFL season, the pass interference rule was changed. The rule stated that if pass interference was committed in the end zone, it would result in a touchback. This rule caused a lot of controversy and was eventually changed back to the old rule in the 2020 season.

The rule was changed in 2018

In 2018, the NFL made a major change to the rule regarding pass interference. Prior to the 2018 season, pass interference was not reviewable by instant replay. This led to some controversial calls, as well as non-calls, that had a major impact on games.

In order to make the game fairer and more consistent, the NFL decided to make pass interference reviewable by instant replay. This rule change has had a major impact on the game of football, as it has given officials another way to ensure that calls are made correctly.

The rule change has been met with mixed reactions from fans, players and coaches. Some people feel that it is a good change that will help to improve the game, while others feel that it is a bad change that will slow down the game and lead to more confusion.

The change was made to make the rule more consistent

In an effort to make the rule more consistent, the NFL Competition Committee voted in the offseason to change the pass interference rule. The new rule states that if a pass is tipped at the line of scrimmage, any ensuing pass interference by the offense will be negated. Previously, pass interference still applied even if the ball was tipped.

How the rule has been received

The NFL pass interference rule has been a source of controversy ever since it was changed in the offseason. Some say that the rule is too penal and that it takes away from the game. Others say that the rule is necessary and that it will help to make the game fairer. Let’s take a look at how the rule has been received by the public.

The rule has been met with mixed reactions

The rule has been met with mixed reactions from the NFL community. Some people believe that the rule will lead to more passing and more points being scored, while others believe that it will make the game less exciting. There are also concerns that the rule could lead to more injuries, as players will be more likely to dive for a ball in order to avoid a penalty.

Some people think the rule is too complicated

The NFL’s new pass interference rule has been met with a lot of criticism. Some people think it’s too complicated, while others believe it will lead to more penalties being called.

On the one hand, the rule is supposed to make the game more fair by ensuring that defensive players can’t get away with interfering with receivers. But on the other hand, it’s been criticized for being too convoluted and difficult to understand.

We asked a few experts to weigh in on the new rule and whether they think it’s a good or bad addition to the game. Here’s what they had to say:

Critics of the rule say that it’s too complicated and confusing, and that it will lead to more penalties being called. They worry that officials will make mistakes when trying to enforce the rule, which could have a major impact on the outcome of games.

Supporters of the rule argue that it’s necessary to ensure that defensive players can’t get away with interfering with receivers. They believe that the rule will eventually lead to fewer penalties being called, as players and coaches adapt to its guidelines.

The future of the rule

The NFL pass interference rule has been a controversial topic for many years. In the past, the rule was much more lenient and allowed for more contact between defenders and receivers. However, the rule was changed in 2018 to be much more strict. This has caused a lot of debate among fans and players. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the new rule.

It is possible that the rule will be changed again in the future

The pass interference rule was changed for the 2018 season, and it is possible that the rule will be changed again in the future. The current rule allows for a review of pass interference calls, but it does not allow for a challenge of non-calls. This means that if a coach believes that a pass interference should have been called, but wasn’t, he can throw a red flag to challenge the play. However, if the review shows that there was no pass interference, the coach will be charged with a timeout.

The rule is likely to stay the same for the foreseeable future

In the wake of the NFL’s decision to not change the pass interference rule, it is clear that the rule is here to stay…for now. While many fans and players were in favor of changing the rule, it seems that the NFL is content with the way things are. This is likely to be the case for the foreseeable future, as there doesn’t seem to be a compelling reason for the NFL to change a rule that has been in place for so long.

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