When Do NFL Free Agents Start?

Get the answer to the question “When Do NFL Free Agents Start?” and learn about the NFL free agent signing period.


Just like any other sport, the NFL has a free agency period in which players who are not under contract are free to sign with any team. The NFL’s free agency period is generally shorter than other sports, but it still allows for a lot of movement and can have a big impact on the league. Here is everything you need to know about when the NFL free agency period starts and how it works.

The NFL’s free agency period begins on the first day of the new league year, which is typically in early March. At that point, all players who are not under contract become free agents and can sign with any team. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as franchise players and transition players, but those are relatively rare.

Teams can begin negotiating with free agents on the first day of the league year, but no contracts can be signed until after 4 p.m. ET on the first day of the new league year. This gives teams a few hours to try to reach agreements with players before they can officially sign them.

During the NFL’s free agency period, teams can sign unrestricted free agents, restricted free agents, andstreet/undraftedfree agents. Unrestricted free agents are players who have completed four or more accrued seasons and their contracts have expired. Restricted free agents are players with three accrued seasons whose contracts have expired. Street/undraftedfree agents are players who were not drafted or who were drafted but did not sign with a team.

The impact of the NFL’s free agency period can be huge, as it give teams an opportunity to improve their rosters by signing talented players who are available. Free agency can also lead to player movements that create ripple effects throughout the league. For example, if a team signs a star player away from another team, that team may then try to sign another player away from yet another team in order to replace the star player they lost

What is the NFL Free Agent Signing Period?

The NFL free agent signing period is the period of time in which NFL teams are allowed to sign free agents. This period begins on the first day of the new league year and ends on the Tuesday following the NFL Draft.

Unrestricted Free Agents

Any player with at least four years of credited service whose contract has expired is an Unrestricted Free Agent (UFA). These players are free to sign with any team, with no compensation due to their former team, beginning at the start of the new league year.

The vast majority of NFL free agents are UFAs. Many will re-sign with their old team prior to becoming UFAs – sometimes months in advance – but those who don’t will hit the open market on March 13. The most coveted UFAs are typically youngish veterans (26-28 years old) who have yet to hit their prime but are good enough to warrant starter’s pay. Players nearing 30 are also highly sought-after, as they usually have several good years left but come at a lower cost than younger players.

Restricted Free Agents

During the NFL’s free agency signing period, which begins on March 18th, teams can sign their own free agents, as well as any free agents from other teams. Restricted free agents are players who have completed three seasons in the league, and their original team has the right to match any offer from another team. If the player’s original team does not match the offer, they may be given draft compensation depending on the size of the contract offered.

Franchise Tag Players

The franchise tag is a designation that a team may apply to a player scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent. The tag binds the player to the team for one year if certain criteria are met. It guarantees the player a specified salary for that year, depending on the tag used, which is no less than the average of the top five salaries of players at his position, or 120 percent of his previous salary, whichever is greater.

Who is Eligible for Free Agency?

In order to be an unrestricted free agent in the NFL, a player must have completed four or more years of their rookie contract. If a player has completed fewer than four years, they are still under contract with their team and not able to sign with another. Unrestricted free agents are free to sign with any team that they choose, without compensation owed to their former team.

Players who have completed their rookie contracts but are not yet unrestricted free agents may be restricted free agents. This means that while they are free to sign with another team, their former team has the right to match any offer that they receive. If the player’s former team does not match the offer, they may be compensated with draft picks.

Players who have been released by their teams before the end of their contract are also eligible for free agency. They are known as street free agents and can sign with any team without compensation owed to their former team.

What Happens During the NFL Free Agent Signing Period?

During the NFL free agent signing period, teams can negotiate with the agents of players who are set to become free agents. Free agency begins at 4 p.m. ET on the first day of the new league year, which is typically in March. To be eligible for free agency, a player must have four or more accrued seasons (a season counts as six games on the active roster).

Once free agency begins, teams can sign unrestricted free agents (players who have completed four or more accrued seasons) to contracts without giving up any compensation. Restricted free agents (players with three accrued seasons) can be signed to contracts, but their current team has the right to match any offer or receive draft-pick compensation if it chooses not to match. If a team does not extend a qualifying offer to a restricted free agent by the deadline (usually early March), that player becomes an unrestricted free agent.

During the free agent signing period, teams can also sign their own free agents and exercise options for players with expiring contracts.

How Does the NFL Free Agent Signing Period Impact Teams?

The NFL free agent signing period is one of the most important times of the year for NFL teams. It’s a time when they can sign players to help fill needs on their roster. But it’s also a time when they can get themselves into salary cap trouble if they’re not careful.

In general, the signing period starts on the first day of the new league year. That day is different every year, but it’s typically in early March. The exact date of the start of the new league year is set by the NFL calendar, which is approved by the NFL owners at their annual meeting in late March or early April.

The signing period usually lasts for about a week or so, but it can be shorter or longer depending on how active teams are in free agency. Once the signing period ends, teams can still sign free agents, but they typically have to wait until after the NFL draft to do so.

How does the NFL free agent signing period impact teams? It can have a big impact, both good and bad.

Good: Free agency can help teams fill needs on their roster with quality players. It gives them an opportunity to add depth and talent at specific positions. And it allows them to do so without having to give up draft picks as compensation.

Bad: Free agency can also saddle teams with bad contracts that hurt their salary cap situation for years to come. It can cause them to overspend on players who may not even be that good. And it can lead to them missing out on drafted players who turn out to be much better than expected.


In conclusion, NFL free agents can start signing with new teams on March 13th. However, they can only do so if they have been released by their previous team. If they have not been released, then they are not allowed to sign with a new team until their contract has expired.

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