When Do NFL Training Camps Start?

Wondering when NFL training camp starts? We have the answer for you, plus all the latest news and information on your favorite team.


With the NFL Draft completed and most of the big-name free agents having signed with new teams, the focus of the NFL world turns to training camp.

Players report to camp at different times, depending on their position. Veterans and quarterbacks usually report first, followed by rookies a few days later.

The first week or two of training camp is typically dedicated to conditioning and meetings. Players will undergo physical testing to gauge their fitness levels and make sure they are in good shape for the rigors of training camp and the regular season. They will also spend time meeting with coaches to go over schemes and plays.

Rookies will have a lot to learn in a short amount of time as they try to catch up to veterans. The learning curve can be steep, but those who can make a quick adjustment will have a better chance of making an impact during the season.

The first few days of training camp are typically light, but things start to ramp up as players get acclimated to the heat and pace of practice. By the end of camp, players should be in midseason form as they prepare for the first game of the year.

Training camp is an essential part of every NFL team’s preparation for the season. It’s a time for players to get in shape, learn new schemes and build chemistry with their teammates. It’s also a time for coaches to evaluate talent and make final decisions on their rosters.

History of NFL Training Camps

Training camp (or preseason) is a series of practices and exhibition games before the start of the National Football League (NFL) regular season. Beginning in late July, teams travel to training camp for several weeks to prepare for the upcoming season. Training camp gives players a chance to practice and hone their skills in game-like conditions, and also gives coaches an opportunity to evaluate players and decide who will make the team’s final roster.

The history of NFL training camp can be traced back to the late 1800s, when players would report to camp several weeks before the season began in order to get in shape and learn the team’s plays. This was especially important in the early days of the sport when there were few formal rules and players often had to rely on their own physical conditioning and toughness to survive games. In those days, it was not uncommon for players to show up at training camp out of shape, or even overweight.

Today, NFL training camps are much more organized and have become an important part of the NFL calendar. All teams now hold their training camps at locations away from their home stadiums, which allows them to avoid distractions and focus on preparing for the season. Training camp is also an important time for team bonding, as players spend long hours practicing and working together.

Why Do NFL Training Camps Start So Early?

The main reason NFL training camps start so early is to allow teams to get acclimated to the heat before the regular season starts. Training camp is held in late July or early August, when temperatures are at their highest. Starting camp early allows players to get used to playing in the heat, so they can be more comfortable and effective when the games start counting in September.

Another reason for the early start to training camps is that it allows teams to get a jump on preparing for the upcoming season. With so many teams and so much talent in the league, every little bit of preparation can make a difference. Starting camp early gives teams more time to install their plays and gameplans, and to get everyone on the same page before the season starts.

Finally, starting camp early gives players more time to recover from any injuries they may have suffered during the offseason. Training camp can be a grind, and it’s important for players to be healthy and fresh when the regular season starts. By starting camp early, players have more time to rest and recover before they have to start playing games that matter.

How Do NFL Training Camps Impact Players and Fans?

Training camp is one of the busiest and most critical times of the year for NFL teams. While players are working hard to improve their skills and get in shape for the upcoming season, teams are also getting a chance to evaluate new talent and make decisions about who will make the final cut. For fans, training camp is a chance to get a first look at their favorite team’s new additions and see how they stack up against the competition.

Training camp can be a grueling experience for players, as they are often required to practice for long hours in hot weather conditions. This can lead to players becoming fatigued or injured, which can impact their performance during the season. For fans, training camp can be a great opportunity to see their favorite team in person and get an up-close look at how they are preparing for the season.


Even though the answer to “When do NFL training camps start?” differs depending on the team, one thing is for sure: Football season is just around the corner. Be sure to keep an eye out for your team’s training camp schedule so you can enjoy all the fun and excitement that comes along with it.

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