When Does Baseball Season Start 2018?

It’s that time of year again! Get excited for America’s favorite pastime with our guide to the start of the 2018 baseball season.

When Does Baseball Season Start 2018?


Baseball season is upon us once again! If you’re like many baseball fans, you’re probably wondering, “When does baseball season start 2018?”

The answer is that baseball season starts 2018 on March 29th. This is when the first game of the season is scheduled to be played.

So mark your calendars and get ready for some exciting baseball action!

The History of Baseball

Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players each. The game proceeds when a player on the fielding team, called the pitcher, throws a ball which a player on the batting team tries to hit with a bat. The objectives of the offensive team batting are to score runs by hitting the ball into the field of play, and to advance runners along the basepaths.

Early baseball

The history of baseball can be traced back to the early days of human civilization. A game similar to baseball was played by the ancient Egyptians, and a version of the game was also popular in medieval Europe. However, the modern game of baseball as we know it today originated in North America.

The first recorded game of baseball was played in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1846. This game was between two teams of ten players each, and was played according to the rules that had been codified by Alexander Cartwright. Cartwright is often considered to be the “father” of baseball, as his rules formed the basis for the modern game.

Baseball quickly became popular across America, and by the late 1800s professional teams had been established in cities across the country. The first professional league, known as the National League, was founded in 1876. The American League followed suit in 1901.

Today, baseball is one of America’s most popular spectator sports. The regular season runs from April to September, and is followed by a postseason playoff series between the champions of each league. The World Series is the culmination of this playoff tournament, and is typically held in October.

The modern game

In the late 1800s, baseball was a popular but unsophisticated game. The rules were constantly being tweaked in an effort to make it more exciting. One problem was that there was no established way to end a tied game, so they often continued until one team finally prevailed. This could take hours, or even days. Other rule changes included the introduction of foul territory, the designation of the pitcher’s mound, and the adoption of nine innings as the standard length of a game.

The modern game we know today began to take shape in the early 1900s. In 1903, the first World Series was played. The Boston Red Sox defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in eight games. Major League Baseball (MLB) was officially established in 1920, when the 1920 season began with eight teams: The Boston Red Sox, Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Indians, Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees, Philadelphia Athletics, St. Louis Browns (now the Baltimore Orioles), and Washington Senators (now the Minnesota Twins).

In baseball’s early years, fastballs were few and far between. Pitchers relied mostly on off-speed pitches like curveballs and changeups. This began to change in 1914 when “Kansas City male model” Grover Cleveland Alexander debuted his wild fastball. Inspired by Alexander’s success, other pitchers began to throw harder and faster. As a result, batting averages began to decline and home run totals skyrocketed. In 1930, St. Louis Cardinals slugger Hack Wilson set a single-season record with 56 home runs.

The era of big hitting came to an abrupt end in 1934 when Major League Baseball imposed a series of rule changes designed to limit offensive production. Among other things, they outlawed promotions like “free beer Fridays” and increased penalties for pitchers who walked too many batters intentionally (a common tactic at the time). These rule changes had an immediate and significant effect on scoring rates; from 1930 to 1933, teams averaged around 5 runs per game but that number dropped to 4 by 1934. It would fall even lower in subsequent years as pitchers continued to dominate hitters with their hard-throwing fastballs.

When does baseball season start in 2018?

The MLB regular season is scheduled to begin on Thursday, March 29, 2018 and will end on Sunday, September 30, 2018. The postseason is scheduled to begin on October 2, 2018.

The regular season

In baseball, the regular season is the period of the year when Major League Baseball (MLB) teams play their sport. It is in contrast to the preseason and postseason, and is generally committed to 162 games for each team in order to decide which teams will advance to the postseason. These games are played between late March/early April (Opening Day) and late September/early October (the end of the regular season).

Spring training

Spring training is a practice exhibition season in baseball that precedes the regular season. Spring training allows new players to try out for roster and position spots, and gives existing team players practice time prior to competitive play. Spring training has always attracted fan attention, drawing crowds who travel to see their favorite teams and players in the warmer climates of Florida and Arizona.

The first spring training game was held on March 7, 1888, between the Chicago White Stockings and the Cleveland Spiders. The length of spring training has varied considerably since its first year. It is traditionally divided into two parts: the opening week devoted to basic camp and the remaining weeks used for practice and exhibition games.

The baseball season typically starts in late March or early April, with teams playing approximately 162 games each. So mark your calendars and set your alarm clocks, because baseball season is just around the corner!


Baseball season starts 2018 on March 29th.

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