When Does Baseball Spring Training Begin?

Here are the important dates to know for the 2020 baseball season, including when spring training begins for each team.


Spring training is an annual tradition in which baseball teams prepare for the upcoming season. The practice began in the late 1800s and has been a fixture of American baseball culture ever since.

For most teams, spring training lasts for about six weeks and takes place at their home stadium or a nearby facility. During this time, players focus on honing their skills and getting in shape for the long season ahead.

While spring training is typically a time for players to ease into things, there are always a few storylines that emerge during this period. For example, some teams use spring training to try out new players or experiment with different lineup combinations.

So when does baseball spring training begin? The answer may surprise you!

History of Spring Training

Spring training is a tradition dating back over 100 years, although the games themselves are considerably younger. The first professional team, the Cincinnati Reds, held spring training in 1888. The Kansas City Royals and Toronto Blue Jays began holding spring training in Florida in 1969. Presently, 15 of the 30 Major League Baseball teams conduct spring training in Florida (including both the Grapefruit League and Cactus League).

Florida’s warmer climate allows teams to begin practicing earlier than they could if they trained in their home cities. This gives players more time to hone their skills before the regular season starts. For example, if a team from Detroit or Chicago trained at home, they would have to wait until late February or early March to begin practicing outdoors due to the cold weather. However, if that same team trained in Florida, they could begin practicing as early as mid-February.

In addition to the warmer weather, Florida’s spring training sites are also located close to each other. This proximity allows fans to easily see multiple teams play during their vacation. For example, a fan in central Florida could see the Tampa Bay Rays play in Port Charlotte, then drive an hour south to see the Miami Marlins play in Jupiter.

Why Spring Training is Important

Baseball is a game of inches. A well-thrown ball just out of the reach of a diving outfielder can mean the difference between a home run and an out. A hitter who can time his swing perfectly can drive the ball into the gap for a stand-up double. Spring training is important for players and teams because it gives them a chance to fine-tune their skills and get ready for the long, grueling MLB season.

During spring training, players have a chance to work on their batting, pitching, and fielding. They also get to know their new teammates and build team chemistry. This is especially important for newly constituted teams or teams with new players.

Spring training also allows managers to experiment with different lineups and strategies. They can try out different pitchers in different situations and see how they respond. This is especially important in today’s game, where specialization has led to pitchers who only come in during specific situations.

All in all, spring training is essential for players and teams to get ready for the long MLB season. It’s a time for players to fine-tune their skills, build team chemistry, and experiment with different lineups and strategies.

When Does Spring Training Begin?

Most Major League Baseball teams begin spring training around the same time, generally in early February. Spring training is a time for players to get back into game shape after the offseason and prepare for the upcoming regular season.

There are usually a few weeks of practices and exhibition games before the team breaks camp and heads back to their home city. The start of spring training signals the beginning of baseball season for many fans, even though the regular season doesn’t begin until April.

How to Prepare for Spring Training

Spring training is a time for players to get back into game shape and for teams to fine-tune their skills before the regular season starts. The length of spring training varies from team to team, but all players report to their respective camp locations in February.

Most teams play their first spring training game in early March, and the majority of games are played against other teams in Florida or Arizona. The game schedule typically ramps up as the season approaches, with teams playing more exhibition games in the final weeks of spring training.

The first official game of the season is usually played on the final Thursday or Friday in March, which means that spring training can last anywhere from 4-6 weeks.


So when does baseball spring training begin? pitchers and catchers report on February 12th, while the rest of the team will join them on February 17th.

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