When Does NBA Live Mobile Reset?

Wondering when does NBA live mobile season reset? Here’s everything you need to know about the NBA live mobile season reset schedule.

When Does NBA Live Mobile Reset?

NBA Live Mobile resets at different times for different players. The precise date and time of the reset depends on when you last played the game and how much progress you have made. Generally, players who have not played for a while will find that their game has reset to the beginning.

The answer to this question is a little complicated

The answer to this question is a little complicated. The reason being is that there is no real set reset date for the game. Instead, the game resets at different times for different people. This is because the game resets based on when you last played it. So, if you last played the game on January 1st, then your game would reset on February 1st. However, if you last played the game on January 31st, then your game would reset on March 2nd. As you can see, thereset date is not always the same for everyone.

There are two types of resets that can happen

There are two types of resets that can happen in NBA Live Mobile. One is the soft reset and the other is the hard reset.

The soft reset happens when there is a new season and your team’s stats and players are all reset to their original values. You will keep your same team name, logo, and coach though. All of your progress in the season mode will also be gone. The only things that will carry over are your coins, NBA cash, and anything that you have bought with real money.

The hard reset happens if you stop playing the game for an extended period of time or if you uninstall and reinstall the game. This type of reset is much more drastic because not only are your team’s stats and players reset, but you also lose your team name, logo, coach, and all of your progress in season mode. The only things that will carry over are your coins, NBA cash, and anything that you have bought with real money.

The first type of reset is the soft reset

Every so often, NBA Live Mobile will have a reset of some sort. There are different types of reset, each with their own purpose. The first type of reset is the soft reset, which is usually done to remove any temporary data that may be causing issues with the game.

This happens when there is a new NBA season

Live events are only available for a limited time, and they will generally reset at the beginning of a new NBA season. This usually happens in October, but the exact date will depend on when the new season starts. You can check the in-game calendar for more information on when events will be happening.

In terms of player cards, there are two types of resets that can happen. The first is the soft reset, which occurs at the end of each NBA season. This means that all players’ ratings will be reset to what they were at the start of the season, and any new players who have been drafted or signed will be added to the game. However, your progress in terms of coins and levels will not be reset.

The second type of reset is the hard reset, which happens every few years. This is when all player cards are completely wiped and everyone has to start from scratch. Your coins and levels will also be reset at this time. The last hard reset was in 2018, so the next one isn’t due for a few years yet.

Your progress from the previous season is carried over, but your player ratings are reset to their default values

The first type of reset is the soft reset. Your progress from the previous season is carried over, but your player ratings are reset to their default values. You’ll also have to re-earn your position in the ladder, as your ranking will also be reset. The soft reset usually happens a few weeks before the new season begins.

The second type of reset is the hard reset. This is when everything is wiped clean and you have to start from scratch. This usually happens at the start of a new NBA season.

You also keep any in-game items that you’ve unlocked, such as cards and packs

A soft reset is when you keep your account and progress, but NBA Live Mobile resets the season. This happens at the end of the real NBA season, which is in mid-April. You also keep any in-game items that you’ve unlocked, such as cards and packs.

The second type of reset is the hard reset

Hard resetting your account will cause you to lose all of your progress, including your team, coins, and any other items you have purchased.

This happens when there is a new NBA Live Mobile game

The second type of reset is the hard reset and this happens when there is a new NBA Live Mobile game. All content from the previous game including players, teams, coins, and points will be wiped and you will start from scratch. A hard reset usually happens in early August when the new NBA season begins.

All progress from the previous game is lost, and your player ratings are reset to their default values

A hard reset in the NBA Live Mobile season happens every time a new season begins. That means all progress from your player ratings and coins are reset to their default values. You’ll have to start from scratch, but on the bright side, so will everyone else.

You also lose any in-game items that you’ve unlocked, such as cards and packs

If you’re having trouble with NBA Live Mobile and want to start over from scratch, you can perform a reset. This will delete your progress and account, so you’ll have to start over from the beginning. There are two types of resets: a soft reset and a hard reset.

A soft reset keeps your account but deletes your progress. You’ll still have any purchased items, such as coins and cash, but you’ll lose any in-game items that you’ve unlocked, such as cards and packs. To perform a soft reset, go to the NBA Live Mobile settings menu and select “Soft Reset.”

A hard reset delete your account and progress, as well as any purchased items. This is equivalent to uninstalling and reinstalling the game. To perform a hard reset, go to the NBA Live Mobile settings menu and select “Hard Reset.”

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