When Does the NBA Trade Season Start?

It’s that time of year again when NBA trade rumors start to heat up. Here’s a look at when the NBA trade season starts and some of the biggest names that could be on the move.


The NBA trade season is one of the most exciting times of the year for basketball fans. Every team is looking to improve their roster, whether it’s by adding a star player or shedding salary. The trade season usually starts in early December, after the first few weeks of the regular season. It typically ends in late February, just before the NBA’s All-Star break.

What is the NBA Trade Season?

The NBA Trade Season is the period during which NBA teams can make trades with each other. It typically lasts for about two months, from early December to late February. During this time, teams can agreed to trade players, draft picks, and other assets.

When Does the NBA Trade Season Start?

The NBA trade deadline is fast approaching, and with it comes the official start of trade season. As the Feb. 18 deadline approaches, teams will begin to ramp up their efforts to make deals, with the goal of either securing a playoff spot or positioning themselves for a championship run.

In the days leading up to the deadline, rumors will start to circulate about which players are being shopped around, and which teams are interested in making a move. It can be a exciting time for NBA fans, as they wait to see if their team makes a splashy move or stands pat.

So when does trade season officially start? It depends on who you ask.

Some people will say that trade season starts as soon as the season ends, when teams can begin making trades involving players with expiring contracts. Others will say that trade season starts on July 1, when free agency begins and teams can start making trades involving players who have signed new contracts.

still others will say that trade season starts on Dec. 15, when teams can begin making trades involving players who signed new contracts during the offseason. And finally, some people will say that trade season never really ends, as there are always rumors floating around about potential trades throughout the year.

So when does the NBA trade season start? There is no definitive answer, but it is safe to say that it starts well before the deadline approaches. So if you’re an NBA fan who loves to track the rumors and speculation leading up to the deadline, make sure to pay attention in the coming weeks and months.

What Happens During the NBA Trade Season?

The NBA Trade Season is a time when players can be traded from one team to another. This usually happens around the NBA Draft, which is held in June. During the Trade Season, teams will often make trades with each other in order to improve their rosters for the upcoming season. These trades can involve players, draft picks, or even cash.

How Does the NBA Trade Season Affect Fans?

The NBA trade season can have a big impact on how fans view their favorite teams. For example, if a team trades away a star player, fans may become angry and feel betrayed. On the other hand, if a team makes a big trade that brings in talent, fans may be ecstatic and feel like their team is finally moving in the right direction. Either way, the trade season can be a very emotional time for fans.


There is no precise answer to this question, as the NBA trade season can technically start at any time. However, the vast majority of trades usually take place during the offseason, specifically during the month of June. This is when most teams are able to make significant roster changes, as they have more salary cap space and flexibility during this time. So while the trade season technically start at any time, the vast majority of activity usually takes place during the offseason.

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