When Does NFL Practice Start?

Find out when NFL practice start for the 2018 season so you can start planning your trip to see your favorite team.

When Does NFL Practice Start?


Pre-season NFL practices typically start in late-July or early August. Veterans report first, followed by rookies a few days later. The first few days focus on conditioning and learning playbook schemes. Full-team padded practices usually start by the third or fourth day.

Training Camp

Training camp is the time when NFL coaches assess the skills of individual players and work to improve the team’s performance as a whole. Players report to camp in late July or early August, and the first practice is usually held within a week.

During training camp, teams practice several times each day. The morning session (often referred to as “walk-through”) is a non-contact practice that focuses on situational drills and plays. The afternoon session is a full- contact practice, with players wearing pads and engaging in hitting drills.

Teams typically hold two-a-day practices for the first few weeks of camp, then gradually scale back to one practice per day as the season approaches. Preseason games are typically played in August, and the regular season begins in September.

Regular Season

The start of the NFL regular season is upon us, which means that training camp is also officially underway. For those of you who are diehard fans, this is an exciting time as we get to see our favorite teams and players suit up again for another season of gridiron action. But for those of you who are not as familiar with NFL football, you may be wondering when does NFL practice start?

The answer to that question is that it depends on the team. Each team is allowed to set its own schedule for when training camp begins, as well as how long it lasts. The length of training camp also varies from team to team. Some teams will hold camp for just a few weeks while others will keep their players in camp for over a month.

So when does NFL practice start? The answer is that it really varies from team to team, but most teams will begin their practices in late July or early August.

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