When Does NFL Training Camp End?

It’s that time of year again! Get all the info on when NFL training camp ends so you can be prepared for the regular season.

When Does NFL Training Camp End?


With the NFL regular season winding down, fans are already looking ahead to next year. One of the most anticipated events of the offseason is training camp, when players report to their teams to prepare for the upcoming season. But when does NFL training camp end?

The answer varies from team to team, but most camps last between three and four weeks. Some teams will hold an additional minicamp or two during the offseason, but those are typically shorter in duration and do not involve all of the team’s players.

Once training camp ends, teams will begin preparing for the preseason. The first preseason games are typically scheduled for late August or early September.

History of NFL Training Camps

The first NFL training camp was held in Laguna Beach, California in 1922. Since then, the length and location of training camp has varied greatly from team to team. Some teams hold their training camp at their regular season facilities, while others choose to hold it at a separate location.

Training camp used to last much longer than it does now. In the 1950s, it was not uncommon for training camp to last over two months. However, as the game has changed and players have become more aware of the importance of conditioning, training camp has been shortened significantly. It is now common for training camps to last 4-6 weeks.

The start date of training camp also varies from team to team. The earliest camps usually start in late July, while the latest start in mid-August.

The end date of training camp is largely determined by the NFL preseason schedule. Most teams play their final preseason game on the Thursday before Labor Day weekend, which is typically the first weekend in September. This means that most teams will wrap up training camp sometime in late August or early September.

Why Do Training Camps End?

Why Do Training Camps End?
The short answer is that training camp ends when the regular season begins. The long answer is a bit more complicated.

NFL training camp is the time when players report to their team’s facility to begin preparing for the upcoming season. During training camp, players practice together in order to build team chemistry and learn plays. Training camp also provides an opportunity for coaches to evaluate players and decide who will make the final 53-man roster.

The length of training camp varies from team to team, but most camps last between three and four weeks. This year, the Cleveland Browns are scheduled to have the longest training camp, with 27 days of practices leading up to their first preseason game. The New Orleans Saints, on the other hand, will have the shortest training camp, with just 16 days of practices.

Training camp usually ends a week or two before the first preseason game. This gives teams a chance to focus on game-planning for their opponents and gives players a mental and physical break before the start of the long regular season.

Once the preseason games end, teams must trim their rosters down to 53 players plus a 10-player practice squad. These cuts can be difficult for both players and coaches, but they are necessary in order to comply with league rules.

How Do Training Camps End?

Training camps for the NFL typically last around four weeks, with teams ramping up their preparations for the regular season during this time. The end of training camp signifies the start of the preseason, with teams playing a series of exhibition games to tune up for the real thing.

So when does NFL training camp end? It all depends on when teams start their preseason games. The first game of the preseason is typically played on the first Thursday in August, meaning that training camp would need to end around two weeks prior to that in order to give players a decent amount of time to prepare.

However, some teams like to push things right to the very limit and will hold their training camp right up until the week before their first preseason game. This can be a risky strategy as it doesn’t leave much room for error, but it can also pay off if everything goes according to plan.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each team to decide when they want to bring their training camp to a close. But you can generally expect most camps to wrap up sometime in late July or early August.


NFL training camp typically ends in late August or early September, just before the start of the regular season. However, the exact date varies from team to team and can depend on a number of factors, such as how successful the team was the previous season and whether or not they have any preseason games scheduled.

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