When Does NFL Free Agency Start?

Find out when NFL free agency starts this year so you can be prepared to make your moves.


The date of the start of NFL free agency has been moved up in recent years, and it is now set to begin on the first day of the new league year, which is March 13th. This is earlier than it has been in the past, when free agency used to begin on the first Monday after the Super Bowl.

What is NFL Free Agency?

NFL free agency is when NFL teams can begin to sign free agent players to contracts. Free agency typically begins in early March. This is when teams can begin to negotiate with free agents.

What is the NFL Free Agency Period?

The NFL Free Agency period is when players who are not under contract with any team are free to sign with any team that they choose. It typically occurs in March, after the NFL’s regular season has ended.

During the NFL Free Agency period, teams can sign unrestricted free agents, restricted free agents, and exclusive rights free agents. Unrestricted free agents are players who have been in the league for at least four years and are free to sign with any team. Restricted free agents are players who have been in the league for three years and can only sign with their current team or another team if their current team does not match the offer. Exclusive rights free agents are players who have two or fewer years of experience and can only sign with their current team.

Teams often use the NFL Free Agency period to improve their rosters by signing players that they believe will be an upgrade over their current roster. However, signing too many free agents can lead to a team having too many players under contract and having to release some players before the start of the season.

Who is Eligible for Free Agency?

Any player with at least four accrued seasons is eligible for free agency, provided his contract has expired. An accrued season is defined as six or more regular-season games on a team’s active/inactive, reserved/injured or reserve/physically unable to perform list.

What are Restricted and Unrestricted Free Agents?

In the NFL, a free agent is a player who is eligible to sign with any club without restriction, i.e., without compensation to his previous club, during the free-agent signing period. A restricted free agent (RFA) is a player with three accrued seasons of service whose contract has expired. When their contract expires, RFAs have received a qualifying offer (a “tender”) from their previous club and they can negotiate with any club through a set period of time. If they sign an offer sheet from another club, their original club then has seven days to match the terms of that offer; if it declines to do so, it may receive compensatory draft picks from the signing team. Unrestricted free agents (UFAs) have completed four or more accrued seasons and their contracts have expired. They are free to sign with any team that offers them a contract. Players who have been released by their clubs are also free agents and may sign with any other team.

How Does NFL Free Agency Work?

NFL free agency is a period of time in the offseason where NFL teams can sign free agents to improve their rosters. It typically lasts for 10 days and begins on the first day of the new league year. Free agents are players who are not under contract with any team and are free to sign with any team that offers them a contract.

What is the Free Agent Acquisition Process?

In order to become a free agent, a player must have four accrued seasons (a season in which six or more games are played) and must not have a contract with his current team. When his contract expires, the player is free to sign with any club, subject to the rules of the NFL’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

There are two types of free agents in the NFL: unrestricted and restricted. Unrestricted free agents (UFAs) are free to sign with any team, while restricted free agents (RFAs) can sign offer sheets with other teams, but their current team has the right to match the offer and keep them. If the player’s current team does not match the offer, they may lose the player but receive draft-pick compensation from the signing team, depending on the size of the contract offer.

Players who have been released by their teams are also able to sign with any other team as a free agent. If they sign with another club within seven days after their release, their old club does not receive any compensation. If they wait longer than seven days to sign with another team, their old club will receive compensatory draft picks for losing them.

What is the Free Agent Tender Offer?

The NFL’s free agency period typically runs from the end of February to early April, though the exact dates can vary from year to year. During this time, NFL teams can offer free agent contracts to players who are not under contract with any team.

Players who are tendered a contract by their current team have a few options: they can sign the contract and stay with their current team, they can sign a contract with another team, or they can let the contract expire and become an unrestricted free agent.

If a player signs a contract with another team, their old team has the right to match the offer and keep the player. If the old team does not match the offer, they will receive compensation in the form of draft picks from the new team. The amount of compensation depends on the player’s experience and whether they were tendered at the first- or second-round level.

Players who let their tender offers expire become unrestricted free agents and can sign with any team without compensation.

What is the Franchise Tag?

In the National Football League (NFL), the franchise tag is a designation a team may apply to a player that restricts the player’s movement when his contract has expired. The tag binds the player to the team for one year if he is unsigned and if no other team offers him a contract. Signed players can still sign offer sheets with other teams, but their current team has the right to match any offer, effectively preventing them from leaving. If they choose not to match an offer, they are compensated with draft picks from the signing team.

When Does NFL Free Agency Start?

NFL free agency is an exciting time for fans as their favorite team tries to improve their roster for the upcoming season. Free agency usually starts in late February or early March. This is the time when players who are not under contract can sign with any team. Teams can also sign players to contract extensions and make trades.

When is the NFL Free Agency Period?

The NFL free agency period begins on the first day of the new league year. For 2021, that date is March 17th. Players who are under contract for the 2020 season will become free agents at the end of their contracts on March 16th, 2021. NFL teams can begin signing free agents at 12:01 am on March 17th, 2021.

When Do Free Agents Sign Contracts?

The NFL’s free agency signing period begins on March 13th and runs through May 8th. Teams are allowed to begin negotiating with free agents on March 11th.


The start of NFL free agency is one of the most anticipated events of the year for football fans. It is a time when teams can improve their rosters by signing players from other teams. There is a lot of excitement and speculation surrounding free agency, and it is a time when fans can dream about their team making a big splash and signing a player that will make them better.

There are a few things that need to happen before free agency can begin. First, the NFL needs to release the list of players who are eligible for free agency. This usually happens in late February or early March. Once the list is released, teams can start to negotiate with free agents. These negotiations can be done through agents or directly with the player.

Once negotiations are complete, contracts can be signed. Contracts cannot be signed until the start of the new league year, which is typically in early March. The new league year begins at 4 p.m. ET on the first day of free agency. At that point, teams can officially sign players to contracts.

The start of NFL free agency is an exciting time for fans and there is always a lot of speculation about which players will sign with which teams. It is a time when teams can improve their rosters and make a push for the playoffs.

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