When Does the NBA Offseason Start?

While the NBA season may be over, there’s still plenty of activity during the NBA offseason. Here’s a look at when the offseason starts and what to expect.

When Does the NBA Offseason Start?

NBA Offseason Overview

Most fans countdown the days until the start of the NBA season. However, for front office personnel, scouts, and coaches, the end of the season signals the beginning of a very busy time. The offseason is when teams prepare for the future by making trades, signing free agents, and participating in the draft.

The offseason officially begins on June 1st, following the conclusion of the Finals. This is when teams can start making trades and signing free agents. The NBA Draft usually takes place in late June or early July. Following the draft, there is a brief period of time where teams can still sign free agents.

The offseason isn’t all business though. Players take some time off to rest and relax before starting to train for next season. Many players also participate in basketball camps and clinics around this time as well.

So when does the NBA season start again? The regular season typically begins towards the end of October.

When Does the NBA Offseason Start?

The NBA offseason starts when the last game of the NBA Finals is played. The offseason lasts for about four months, during which time teams can make trades, sign free agents, and do other things to improve their rosters.

Free Agency

The NBA offseason starts the first week of July, when teams can begin meeting with free agents. The NBA Draft is usually held in late June, and free agency begins the first week of July. Training camp begins in late September, and the regular season starts in early October.

NBA Draft

The NBA Draft is an annual event in which the 30 franchises of the National Basketball Association (NBA) select new players for their teams. The draft is held in late June, after the end of the NBA playoffs.

The first overall pick in the draft is given to the team that finished with the worst record in the previous season. The second pick is given to the team with the second-worst record, and so on. If two or more teams have identical records, a coin flip decides which team will draft first.

Once a team has drafted a player, that player is under contract with that team for at least two years. After those two years, the player can become a free agent and sign with any other team.

Other Important Dates in the NBA Offseason

The NBA offseason starts immediately after the NBA Finals end. The date changes each year depending on when the Finals end, but it is usually in mid-June. Other important dates in the NBA offseason include the draft, free agency, and summer league.

start of Summer League

The Summer League is the first event on the NBA offseason calendar. It usually starts in early July and runs for about a week and a half. During this time, all 30 NBA teams send their young players and draft picks to Las Vegas to compete against each other in a series of exhibition games.

End of Summer League

The end of Summer League signals the beginning of the NBA offseason for most teams. For players on non-playoff squads, this is the time to rest up and work on individual skills before rejoining their teammates for training camp in September/October. For those who participated in Summer League and did not make their team’s final roster, it signals the start of the GLeague season


In conclusion, the NBA offseason starts in mid-April and runs through early July, with free agency opening on July 1st. Teams can start signing free agents on July 6th. The NBA Draft is typically held in late June.

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