When Does the NFL Preseason End?

The NFL Preseason typically runs from late July through the end of August. However, the exact dates can vary from year to year. For example, the Preseason might start a week earlier or later depending on when the Hall of Fame game is played.

So when does the NFL Preseason end? Keep an eye on the schedule and check back here for updates!


The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the regular season. Preseason games are used by coaches to evaluate talent and determine which players will make the final cut for the Regular Season roster.

The NFL preseason typically runs for four weeks, from early August to early September. The exact dates of the preseason schedule are determined by the NFL each year, and are typically announced in April.

During the preseason, each team plays four games total: two at home, and two on the road. One of the home games is typically “ dress rehearsal ” game in which starters see significant playing time in order to get ready for the regular season. The other three games are used mostly to evaluate reserve and backup players.

What is the NFL Preseason?

The NFL preseason is a time when professional football teams play exhibition games before the start of the regular season. Most teams play four preseason games, which are used to help coaches and management determine which players will make the final cut for the regular season roster. These exhibition games also give players a chance to show off their skills and prove their worth to the team. Preseason games typically do not count towards regular season standings, but they can be important for player development and evaluation.

The NFL preseason typically begins in early August and ends in late August or early September. The regular season then begins a few weeks later, typically in September.

How long does the NFL Preseason last?

The National Football League preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the actual “regular” season starts.

Preseason games are typically played between late August and early September, with the regular season beginning the week after Labor Day. The length of the preseason has varied through the years, but it has generally lasted somewhere between two and five weeks.

The NFL preseason is important for a few different reasons. First and foremost, it allows coaches to get a look at all of the players on their roster, especially new additions and young players who are hoping to make the team. Preseason games also give players a chance to shake off any rust that may have accumulated over the long offseason break, and to get back into game shape before the rigors of the regular season begin.

Finally, the preseason provides fans with a chance to see their favorite teams in live action again before the games start counting for real. Though many fans complain about the length and lack of meaning of the preseason, it remains an important part of the NFL calendar nonetheless.

When does the NFL Preseason end?

The National Football League (NFL) preseason is the period each year during which NFL teams play several not-for-the-record exhibition games before the actual “regular” season starts.

With the 2020 NFL regular season set to begin on September 10, the NFL preseason will end on September 3. The preseason began on August 13 with the Hall of Fame game between the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers.

The length of the NFL preseason has varied throughout the years. The games used to be longer, with some exhibitions lasting up to 60 minutes. but they have gradually decreased in time over the years. In 2010, the NFL reduced the length of preseason games from four quarters to two quarters for all but two weeks of the exhibition schedule.

Many fans believe that the NFL preseason is too long and that there are too many exhibition games. Critics say that these exhibition match-ups are meaningless and that they put players at risk for injury because they are not playing at full speed or intensity. Others argue that the preseason is necessary for teams to gel and for coaches to assess their talent before the regular season starts.


In conclusion, the NFL preseason generally lasts about four weeks, with each team playing four games. The last two weeks of the preseason are typically used for evaluation purposes, as teams try to finalize their 53-man roster for the regular season.

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