When Is Baseball Season Start?

It’s time to start thinking about baseball season! Here’s a rundown of when each MLB team’s season begins.

When Is Baseball Season Start?


Baseball season in the United States typically runs from late March/early April to late September/early October.

America’s Pastime

baseball season in the United States typically starts in late March or early April and ends in October. The Major League Baseball (MLB) season is the longest of any professional sport, with each team playing 162 games over the course of about six months.

The Start of Spring

The start of baseball season is one of the most anticipated moments of the year for fans. After a long winter, the first game back is always a welcome sight. But when does baseball season actually start?

For most teams, spring training starts in February. This allows players to get back into game shape and prepare for the regular season. The exhibition season starts in early March, and the regular season typically begins around the end of the month.

However, there are some exceptions. For example, the Tokyo Dome hosts an annual exhibition game between two MLB teams in late March or early April. This is done to promote baseball in Japan and give Japanese fans a chance to see some of their favorite players in person. Additionally, some teams may start their regular season a few days earlier than others to avoid playing on Opening Day (the first day of the regular season) if they have a West Coast or international trip scheduled shortly thereafter.

So if you’re looking forward to baseball season, keep an eye on your team’s schedule. Spring training games are a great way to get a taste of what’s to come, and you might even be able to catch a glimpse of your team’s future stars!

The Start of Summer

The start of summer is when baseball season begins. Most schools are out for summer break, so the kids have more time to spend outside playing ball. The weather is warm and the days are long, so there is plenty of time for games. This is also the time when most people take their vacations, so attendance at ballparks may be lower than usual.

The Fall Classic

baseball season start? The answer might suprise you.

The Fall Classic, the World Series, is played in October. Baseball season actually starts in late February or early March with spring training. But the regular season doesn’t begin until April.

The decision to start the season in April was made in 1903 by then-president of the American League, Ban Johnson. He wanted to avoid playing games in cold weather and also wanted to have a longer season than the National League.

So there you have it. The next time someone asks you when baseball season starts, you can tell them it all depends on whether you’re talking about spring training or the regular season.


The regular season for Major League Baseball usually starts in late March or early April and runs until late September or early October. The postseason typically starts in October and can run into November if the World Series goes to seven games.

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