When Is the Hall of Fame Induction for the NFL?

The National Football League Hall of Fame is the highest honor that a professional football player can receive. Find out when the next Hall of Fame induction ceremony is and who is being inducted.


The National Football League Hall of Fame induction is an annual event that takes place in Canton, Ohio. It is a time to honor and celebrate the careers of the game’s greatest players, coaches and contributors. This year’s induction will take place on Saturday, August 8th.

The History of the NFL Hall of Fame

The National Football League Hall of Fame is the hall of fame for professional American football. It is located in Canton, Ohio, and it honors players who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of football in the United States. The Hall of Fame was established in 1963, and it now has a total of 303 inductees.

The Hall of Fame induction ceremony is held every year on the Saturday before the Super Bowl, and it is typically broadcast on television. This year, the ceremony will be held on February 6, 2020.

The Process of Getting Inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame

Players, coaches, and contributors who are elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame are determined by a vote of the selection committee. To be eligible for selection, an individual must have been retired from professional football for at least five years.

Once considered, nominees are assigned to a category based on their primary area of impact on the game: Modern-Era Players, Coaches, or Contributors. The selection committee will then vote on each category separately. A nominee must receive a minimum positive vote of 80 percent to be elected.

If multiple individuals receive enough votes to be elected in the same category (i.e., four Modern-Era Players), then they will all be inducted together as a class. The maximum number of inductees that can be part of any one class is eight (i.e., five Modern-Era Players and three Contributors). If there are more than eight individuals deemed worthy of induction in any one category, then those who receive the highest percentage of positive votes will be selected for induction that year, with any remaining individuals included in future elections.

The Criteria for Getting Inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame

In order to be eligible for the Hall of Fame, players must have played their last professional game five years prior. For coaches, they must have been retired for at least three years. There is no waiting period for Contributors.
The Selection Committee meets once a year to discuss the merits of the eligible candidates and select those they deem most qualified. The selection process begins with a meeting in which each committee member provides a list of up to 25 candidates they feel are deserving of induction. A candidate must receive a minimum positive vote of 80 percent in order to be elected into the Hall of Fame.

Once a list has been compiled, discussion ensues and candidates are voted upon until four finalists from each category are chosen. These finalists are then put before the entire Selection Committee for another round of voting in order to determine induction.
For more information on eligibility and the selection process, please visit http://www.profootballhof.com/players/criteria-for-election/.

The benefits of Getting Inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame

Players that are inducted into the National Football League Hall of Fame have many benefits. They receive a gold jacket, a bronze bust and a Ring of Excellence. In addition, they also receive a $50,000 cash award and unlimited free admission to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.

How many people have been inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame?

The National Football League Hall of Fame is a hall of fame that honors the best players in the history of American football. As of 2020, there have been a total of 326 people inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Who are some of the most famous people in the NFL Hall of Fame?

The National Football League Hall of Fame is a hall of fame and museum that honors NFL players, coaches, and contributors. The Hall is located in Canton, Ohio, and its inductees are selected by a project of the NFL.

What are the requirements to stay in the NFL Hall of Fame?

The National Football League Hall of Fame is the highest honor that a professional football player can receive. To be inducted, a player mustfirst be nominated byeither a team representative or acurrent Hall of Famer. Then, a special selection committee policies on the player’s eligibility.
Players are eligible for the Hall of Fame five years after they retire from the NFL. However, there is no waiting period for players who were All-Pros or played before 1959.
There are currently310 members in the NFL Hall of Fame.

How often do people get inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame?

The National Football League Hall of Fame is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a professional football player. Each year, a select few individuals are inducted into the Hall of Fame in recognition of their extraordinary career achievements.

So, how often do people get inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame?

The answer is that it depends. The number of inductees varies from year to year, and is typically between four and eight. However, there have been years where as many as 11 people have been inducted, and other years where there have been no inductions at all.

The selection process for the NFL Hall of Fame is very rigorous, and only the absolute best of the best are chosen for induction. If you’re wondering how you can become a candidate for the Hall of Fame, here’s a quick summary:

-You must have played in the NFL for at least five seasons.
-You must be retired from playing professional football for at least five years. (However, there is an exception for players who were actively playing within the last two years.)
-You must be nominated by either a member of the media or a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee.


The NFL Hall of Fame induction ceremony is held annually in Canton, Ohio, the birthplace of professional football. The event is usually held in early August, and the enshrinement ceremony is held the Friday before the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, which is the first game of the NFL’s preseason.

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