When Is The Baseball Lockout Going To End?

With the baseball season set to start in just a few weeks, fans are wondering if the current lockout will end in time. Here’s a look at the latest news on the situation.


The current Major League Baseball lockout began on October 30, 1994, when acting commissioner Bud Selig announced that the Major League Baseball Players Association had failed to reach an agreement with Major League Baseball on a new basic agreement, causing a strike by the MLBPA. The previous agreement expired on December 31, 1993.

The History of Lockouts in Baseball

Since 1995, there have been four lockouts in baseball. The most recent one started on November 1st, 2011 and ended on January 18th, 2013. The previous lockout was in 1994 and lasted for 232 days. That year, there was no World Series. In total, there have been 939 days of lost baseball due to lockouts.

1995 Lockout

The baseball lockout of 1995 was the eighth work stoppage in baseball history, as well as the fourth in-season work stoppage in 22 years. The 145-day lockout began on August 12, 1994 and ended on April 2, 1995. It caused the cancellation of 948 games overall, including the 1994 World Series. It was the longest labor dispute in baseball history and the last to include a World Series cancellation until 2020.

2002 Lockout

In 2002, the Major League Baseball lockout began on August 30, when the league and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) failed to agree on a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The previous CBA, which had been agreed upon in 1993, expired on November 7. The main issue separating the two sides was revenue sharing. The owners proposed that each team share 31% of its locally generated revenue, while the MLBPA proposed that each team share 42%.

The lockout lasted for 32 days, and caused the cancellation of 938 games (approximately 26% of the regular season). It was the first time a major North American professional sports league had lost an entire season to a labour dispute. On November 25, MLB announced that the World Series would be cancelled for the first time since 1904.

Why the Current Lockout is Different

Since baseball’s first lockout in 1976, there have been eight work stoppages in the sport. The most recent one, in 1994-95, led to the cancellation of the World Series for the first time in 90 years. But that doesn’t mean that this one is going to have the same effect. In fact, it looks like both sides are committed to reaching a deal this time around.

The main issue in the current lockout is money. The owners want to impose a salary cap, which would limit the amount of money that teams can spend on player salaries. The players don’t want a salary cap, because they believe that it would limit their earning potential.

The owners have proposed a luxury tax, which would tax teams that spend over a certain amount on player salaries. The players have also proposed a luxury tax, but they want the revenue from the tax to be used to fund player benefits and pension programs.

The owners have also proposed changes to the revenue sharing system, which would give more money to small-market teams. The players have proposed changes to the revenue sharing system as well, but they want a larger percentage of revenue to be shared among all teams.

It’s clear that both sides are interested in reaching a deal, and they’re both willing to make concessions. But until they can agree on how to divide the pie, there will continue to be a lockout.

What the Owners and Players Want

The owners want a salary cap, which would limit the amount of money each team can spend on salaries. The players don’t want a salary cap, because they think it would limit their earnings potential.

The owners say that they need a salary cap because the current system is unfair. They say that the teams with the most money have an unfair advantage, because they can outspend the other teams. They also say that the current system is not sustainable, because it leads to too much debt for some teams.

The players say that a salary cap would be unfair, because it would limit their earnings potential. They also say that it would lead to less competition, because some teams would be unable to compete with the teams with more money.

How the Lockout is Affecting the Game

The baseball lockout is now in its fourth month, and there is still no end in sight. The lockout began on October 1, when the owners of the 30 Major League Baseball teams voted to unilaterally impose a new collective bargaining agreement on the players. The players, represented by the Major League Baseball Players Association, have refused to accept the terms of the owners’ proposal.

The main point of contention in the negotiations is how to divide the game’s $9 billion in annual revenue. The owners are proposing a 50-50 split, while the players are holding out for a 52-48 split in their favor. Other issues, such as drug testing and the luxury tax, have also been major sticking points in the negotiations.

The effects of the lockout are already being felt throughout baseball. Spring training has been cancelled, and it is looking increasingly likely that the start of the regular season will be delayed. In addition, many minor league teams have been forced to shut down operations due to lack of funding.

The baseball lockout is having a major impact on the sport’s fans as well. With no games being played, many fans are feeling disconnected from the game they love. And with no end in sight to the dispute, it seems likely that even more fans will be lost to baseball forever.


It is still too early to say when the baseball lockout is going to end. The owners and the players are still far apart on several key issues, and there doesn’t seem to be any urgency on either side to get a deal done. The sooner the two sides can come to an agreement, the better it will be for everyone involved.

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