When Is The Next NFL CBA?

The current NFL CBA expires in 2021. What does that mean for football fans? We break it down.

When Is The Next NFL CBA?


The current NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is set to expire in March 2021. This CBA extension was originally supposed to run through the 2030 season, but the players voted to opt-out in 2020, and so the new expiration date is now 2021. If both sides cannot agree to a new CBA by then, there is a very real possibility of a work stoppage in 2021.

The last NFL work stoppage was in 2011, and it lasted for four months. During that time, there were no games played and no practices held. It was not until July of that year that the two sides finally came to an agreement on a new CBA. That agreement ended up lasting for ten years.

Now, with the current CBA set to expire in just over a year, both sides are already preparing for the possibility of another work stoppage. The players have been saving money in case there is no football in 2021, and the league has been stockpiling money as well.

So, when is the next NFL CBA? It is hard to say for sure, but it is looking increasingly likely that there will be no football in 2021 unless both sides can come to an agreement on a new CBA before then.

What is the NFL CBA?

The NFL CBA is the collective bargaining agreement between the National Football League and the National Football League Players Association. The current CBA was signed in 2011 and runs through the 2020 season. It is a 10 year agreement with a mutual opt-out after the 2020 season.

When is the next NFL CBA?

The National Football League collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a labor agreement which was ratified in August 2011, ending the 2011 NFL lockout. The CBA runs through the 2030 NFL season, and includes a provision for a potential extension through 2032. It also created a new revenue sharing system in which all teams share in national revenue, regardless of how well they do on the field. Finally, it increased the minimum salary for players and provided for additional benefits, including increased pension payments.

What has been negotiated in previous CBAs?

In the previous CBAs, the following have been negotiated:
– Salaries
– Revenue sharing
– Salary cap
– Free agency
– Drug testing
– Player discipline
– Player benefits

What are the key issues in the current CBA negotiations?

The current NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement is set to expire in March 2021. Both the NFL Players Association and the league have been working on extensions to the CBA in recent months, but there are still a number of key issues that need to be resolved before a new agreement can be reached.

The most significant issue is the players’ share of revenue. Under the current CBA, the players receive 47% of all revenue generated by the league. The NFLPA is seeking an increase to this percentage, while the NFL is reluctant to give up any more of its share.

Another key issue is the length of the season. The players would like to see a reduction in the number of regular season games, while the league is adamant that there should be no reduction in the amount of revenue generated by the season.

Finally, there is also disagreement over player safety rules and how they should be applied. The NFLPA would like to see stricter rules regarding concussions and other injuries, while the league believes that these issues should be left up to each individual team.

With so many key issues still unresolved, it seems unlikely that a new CBA will be agreed upon before the expiration of the current one.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the CBA negotiations?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the NFL and the league’s Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations. The pandemic led to the cancellation of the 2020 NFL season, which put a significant financial strain on the league. The NFL has been losing revenue since the pandemic began, and this has made it difficult for the league to negotiate in good faith with the players’ union.

The two sides have been unable to reach an agreement on a new CBA, and the current CBA expires in 2021. reports that the NFL has proposed a new CBA that would reduce player salaries by 18 percent, but the proposal was rejected by the players’ union. The union has accused the NFL of trying to take advantage of the pandemic to reduce player salaries, and it is clear that there is a great deal of mistrust between the two sides.

It is uncertain when or if an agreement will be reached, but it is clear that the pandemic has had a major impact on the negotiations.


The CBA is the contract between the NFL and the NFLPA that governs all aspects of their relationship, from how players are paid to health and safety rules. The current CBA runs through the 2020 season, and both sides have opted to extend it twice, first in 2011 and again in 2014. That means that the earliest either side could opt out of the CBA is 2021.

The NFL has been extremely profitable in recent years, thanks in large part to a series of television deals that have seen them rake in billions of dollars. That has led to calls from some players for a bigger slice of the pie, and it’s possible that we could see a push for a new CBA as soon as next year.

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