When Will NFL Free Agency Start in 2022?

The NFL free agency period is one of the most exciting times of the year for fans, as it gives them a chance to see their favorite team improve through the addition of new talent. Unfortunately, the 2022 free agency period is still a ways off, and we don’t yet know when it will start.

However, we can make some educated guesses based on when free agency has started in previous years. Based on that, it’s safe to say that the 2022 free agency period will


When Will NFL Free Agency Start in 2022? is a question that has been asked by many NFL fans. The answer to this question is still unknown, but there are a few things that we can look at to help give us a better idea of when it might start.

The first thing to look at is the current collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the NFL and the NFL Players Association (NFLPA). This CBA expires after the 2021 season, so it’s possible that free agency could start as early as 2022.

Another thing to consider is the NFL’s new television contract. This contract runs through the 2022 season, so the league will want to keep fans interested in the sport by having major events like free agency during that time.

Lastly, we can look at recent history to see when free agency has started in previous years. In 2020, free agency started on March 18th. In 2019, it started on March 13th. And in 2018, it started on March 14th. Based on this, it’s possible that free agency could start sometime in mid-March of 2022.

Although we don’t know for sure when free agency will start in 2022, these are a few things that we can look at to help give us a better idea of when it might start.

What is NFL Free Agency?

In the National Football League (NFL), free agency begins when the new league year starts. The precise date of the start of the league year is determined by the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the NFL and its players. Free agency allows NFL players who have completed four or more accrued seasons to sign contracts with any team in the league, with no restrictions from their former team. Teams can also sign free agents from other teams to fill holes on their rosters.

The start of NFL free agency also signals the beginning of the trading period in the NFL. Teams are able to trade players, draft picks, and other assets starting at this time. Trades can happen up until the start of the regular season.

During free agency, teams typically focus on signing players to fill needs on their rosters. teams will also let go of some players, either because they are too expensive or because they do not fit into the team’s long-term plans.

Why is NFL Free Agency Important?

As the regular season winds down and the evaluations for NFL teams are made, one of the first questions on the minds of NFL fans is when free agency will start. While many factors play into how a team’s offseason will ultimately shake out, free agency is often where some of the biggest moves are made.

For perspective, we can look at some of the recent blockbuster trades that have happened in the NFL. Last offseason, one of the league’s most dominant defensive players was traded twice in a span of days. First, Khalil Mack was sent from the Oakland Raiders to the Chicago Bears. Then, just hours later, the Bears shocked the NFL world by trading for Pro Bowl wide receiver Allen Robinson.

While not all trades happen during free agency, it’s often where they are first reported or rumored. So, when will NFL free agency start in 2022? According to reports, it is tentatively scheduled to begin on Wednesday, March 9th.

When will NFL Free Agency Start in 2022?

The NFL free agency period is set to begin on March 9th, 2022. This is the earliest date that NFL free agency can start, as the league’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA) stipulates that free agency cannot begin any earlier than seven days after the Super Bowl. As a result, the 2022 NFL free agency period will be shorter than usual, as the league has pushed back the start of the new league year in order to accommodate for expanded playoffs in 2021.

How will the New CBA Affect NFL Free Agency?

The NFL’s new collective bargaining agreement will have a major impact on free agency. Under the new CBA, teams will be able to use two franchise tags instead of one, and the window for free agency will be pushed back from early March to mid-March. This means that teams will have more time to negotiate with their own free agents, and that there will be less time for agents to shop around for the best deal. The change could also lead to more player movement, as teams will have more flexibility in terms of who they can sign and when they can sign them.


Based on the date of the Super Bowl in 2022, it is safe to say that free agency will start sometime in March. This is assuming that the NFL keeps the same schedule as they have had in previous years. As always, things could change and free agency could start earlier or later than expected. Be sure to stay tuned for updates!

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