When Will the NBA Season Start?

The NBA season is set to start on December 22nd. We’ll take a look at the teams and players to watch out for as the season tips off.

When will the NBA season start?

The NBA season is tentatively scheduled to begin on December 22, 2020 and end on May 16, 2021. These dates are subject to change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Why was the NBA season postponed?

The 2019-2020 NBA season was supposed to start on October 22, 2019. However, on October 4th, the NBA announced that the season would be postponed due to a labor dispute between the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA). The NBPA was pushing for a higher percentage of basketball-related income (BRI), while the NBA was only willing to offer 50-51%.

The main reason for the postponement was because the two sides could not agree on how to split up the $8 billion in annual revenue that the NBA generates. The NBPA wanted a 50-50 split, while the NBA wanted to keep its traditional split of 50% for players and 42.5% for owners, with the other 7.5% going to cover operating expenses.

The two sides also clashed over how to divide revenue from things like jersey sponsorships and arena naming rights. The NBPA wanted these things to be included in BRI, while the NBA did not.

The impasse led to a stalemate, and eventually, the decision was made to postpone the start of the season. It is unclear when or if the season will start, but it is unlikely that it will begin before Christmas Day.

How will the NBA season be affected?

The NBA season is set to start on December 22, 2020.

It is unclear how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the NBA season. The league has released several plans on how to conduct the season safely, but it remains to be seen if these plans will be successful.

There is a possibility that the season could be delayed or even cancelled if the pandemic worsens.

What are the NBA’s plans for the future?

The 2020-21 NBA season is finally here. After a long offseason, training camp is underway and the first games will be played on December 22. The league has released its schedule for the first half of the season, which will feature games through March 4. All teams will play 72 games, down from the usual 82.

The NBA had to make some tough decisions in order to get the season started on time. The league originally planned to start the season on December 1, but that was pushed back due to the ongoing pandemic. Players also had to agree to a shortened offseason and a reduced salary cap for the 2020-21 season.

It remains to be seen how the NBA will be affected by the pandemic in the long term. The league is hopeful that fans will be able to return to arenas at some point during the season, but that remains up in the air. For now, fans will have to settle for watching games on TV or streaming them online.

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