When Was Instant Replay First Used In The NFL?

When was instant replay first used in the NFL? This is a question that many fans have asked over the years. According to NFL.com, instant replay was first used during a regular season game in 1986.


Instant replay is a feature of American and Canadian football that allows a referee to review plays and make a ruling on the field. The referee can review plays on a field-level monitor or via a television broadcast. Instant replay was first used in the NFL in 1986, and its use has been expanded over the years.

The First Use of Instant Replay in the NFL

The first use of instant replay in the NFL occurred on December 7, 1963, during a game between the New York Giants and the Detroit Lions. Lions head coach George Wilson challenged a call made by the officials, and the play was reviewed by referee Gordy Joyce. After reviewing the play, Joyce ruled that the call on the field stands.

How Instant Replay Has Changed Over the Years

Instant replay has been a part of the NFL since 1986, but it has undergone a few changes since it was first introduced. Here is a brief history of how instant replay has evolved over the years:

In 1986, the NFL began using instant replay to review plays on a trial basis. This was originally known as “coach’s Challenge.”

In 1999, the “coach’s Challenge” system was replaced with a system in which each team was allowed two challenges per game. If both challenges were successful, the team would be awarded a third challenge.

In 2007, the NFL instituted a rule change that allowed teams to challenge any play, regardless of whether they had used up their allotment of challenges for the game. This rule change was made in order to prevent situations in which teams were forced to let plays stand because they had no challenges remaining.

In 2008, another rule change expanded the types of plays that could be challenged. Previously, only plays that resulted in an apparent turnover or scoring play could be challenged; now, any play could be challenged except for those that were already being reviewed by the officials (such as penalties).

In 2009, yet another rule change was made regarding instant replay. This time, the change had to do with how long teams had to challenge a play. Under the new rule, teams had to challenge a play within 30 seconds of when the play ended. previously, they had 60 seconds to challenge a play.

The Impact of Instant Replay on the NFL

The first use of instant replay in the NFL came in 1986, during a preseason game between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots. Since then, its use has slowly expanded to where it is now an integral part of the game. Here’s a look at how instant replay has impacted the NFL over the years.

1986: The First Use of Instant Replay in the NFL
In 1986, instant replay was first used in an NFL game. It was during a preseason game between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots. The game was paused so that officials could review a play. After review, it was determined that the play should stand as originally called.

2007: Instant Replay Becomes a Regular Part of NFL Games
In 2007, instant replay became a regular part of NFL games. All plays were reviewed by officials before being finalized. This helped to ensure that all calls were made correctly and fairly.

2013: Instant Replay Is Used to Help Officials Make Correct Calls
In 2013, instant replay was used to help officials make correct calls. This was done by allowing them to review plays before making a final decision. This helped to ensure that all calls were made correctly and fairly.

2017: The Impact of Instant Replay on the NFL Continues to Grow
In 2017, the impact of instant replay on the NFL continues to grow. It is now an integral part of the game and is used on a regular basis to help officials make correct calls. This helps to ensure that all calls are made correctly and fairly.

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