When Will the NFL Resume?

The NFL has been on hiatus since March due to the coronavirus pandemic, but there is growing optimism that the league will resume play in the near future. Here are the latest updates on when the NFL may return.


The NFL season was supposed to start on September 10th. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the season has been postponed. As of now, it is unknown when the season will resume. Many fans are wondering how this will affect their favorite team’s chances of winning the Super Bowl.

Some experts believe that the NFL will resume in October or November. However, there is no official word from the NFL yet. The situation is fluid and it is hard to say what will happen next. All we can do is wait and see what the NFL decides to do.

The NFL’s Current Situation

The NFL is currently in a situation where they are trying to figure out when it is safe to resume playing. The NFL is looking at all options and trying to make the best decision for the safety of their players. The NFL is also working with the CDC to ensure that they are following all the guidelines.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

The NFL is facing an uncertain future due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has forced the league to postpone its season indefinitely, and it remains to be seen when the league will resume play.

The NFL had been hoping to start its season on time, but the pandemic has made that impossible. The league has been working with health officials to try to find a way to start the season safely, but so far, no solution has been found.

The NFL is not the only sports league that has been affected by the pandemic. Major League Baseball, the NBA, and the NHL have all postponed their seasons as well. It is unclear when any of these leagues will be able to resume play.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on all aspects of life, and the sports world is no exception. The NFL’s current situation is just one example of how the pandemic has changed everything.

The NFL’s Response

The NFL has yet to give a clear answer as to when their season will resume. They have stated that they are working on a plan to start the season as soon as possible, but they have not given a specific date. The NFL is currently in a holding pattern, waiting to see how the situation with the coronavirus unfolds.

The NFL has been in contact with both the CDC and state officials in order to ensure that they are taking all of the necessary precautions. They have also been in contact with other professional sports leagues, such as the MLB and NBA, in order to learn from their experiences and see what has worked for them.

The NFL is still hopeful that they will be able to start the season on time, but they are also prepared for the possibility of delays. They are continuing to work on contingency plans in case the situation with the coronavirus worsens or takes longer to improve than expected.

When Will the NFL Resume?

The NFL has been on hiatus since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there have been talks about when the NFL will resume. According to sources, the NFL is planning to resume the season in September. However, nothing has been officially confirmed yet.

Potential Start Dates

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of slowing down and NFL training camps set to begin in just a few weeks, the league is scrambling to figure out how and when to proceed with the 2020 season. While there is no clear-cut answer at this time, here are a few potential start dates that have been floated:

Sept. 10 – This is the date that was originally scheduled for the NFL’s regular season to begin. At this point, it seems highly unlikely that the season will start on time, but the NFL has not officially ruled out this date.

Sept. 17 – This date has been mentioned as a potential starting point for the season, as it would give teams an extra week to prepare. It is also worth noting that Sept. 17 is currently scheduled as the first Sunday of the college football season, so there would be some competition for viewers if both leagues were playing on that day.

Oct. 1 – This is another date that has been mentioned as a possible start date for the NFL season. Once again, it would give teams an extra week of preparation, but it would also mean going head-to-head with Major League Baseball’s postseason.

Oct. 8 or 9 – These are the dates of the first two weeks of the college football season. If the NFL pushes its start date back to Oct. 8 or 9, it would avoid going head-to-head with college football. However, it would also mean starting the season later than usual and potentially playing games in cold weather conditions.

At this point, nothing has been decided and everything is on the table. The NFL is reportedly working on several contingency plans and hopes to have a better idea of what’s happening in the next few weeks.

What Needs to Happen for the NFL to Resume

There is no set answer for when the NFL will resume. The answer largely depends on how the COVID-19 pandemic evolves in the coming weeks and months.

In order for the NFL to resume, a number of factors need to be taken into account, including:
– The health and safety of players, staff and fans
– Government restrictions on large gatherings
– The ability of teams to travel
– The availability of facilities and stadiums

The NFL has been monitoring the situation closely and will make a decision on when to resume operations based on the latest information available.


The bottom line is that we simply do not know when the NFL will resume. The league has been tight-lipped about its plans, and it seems to be taking a wait-and-see approach. At the moment, the hope is that the season can start on time, but that is far from a certainty. We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

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