Where Do Baseball Players Live During The Season?

As the baseball season approaches, fans start to wonder where their favorite players will be living during the season. While some players choose to live in apartments or houses near the stadium, others opt for more luxurious accommodations. Where do baseball players live during the season?

Where Do Baseball Players Live During The Season?


Major League Baseball (MLB) is a professional baseball league, the oldest of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. A total of 30 teams play in the National League (NL) and American League (AL), with 15 teams in each league. The NL and AL were formed as separate legal entities in 1876 and 1901, respectively.

The History of Baseball Players Living in Hotels

When baseball players travel with their team during the season, they typically stay in hotels. This has been the case for many years, and it is a tradition that continues today.

The roots of this tradition go back to the early days of baseball, when players often traveled by train to get to their games. Staying in hotels was convenient for players and it also allowed them to socialize with other players from around the league.

Today, most baseball teams fly to their games, but players still typically stay in hotels. This is because hotels offer a convenient place for players to stay and they also provide amenities that are important to professional athletes, such as workout facilities and access to trainers.

Despite the convenience of staying in hotels, some players prefer to live in apartments or houses during the season. This is especially true for older players who have families. Living in an apartment or house can be more comfortable for families and it also gives players a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of life on the road.

The Pros and Cons of Living in Hotels

The Pros:
1. Hotels are centrally located in the city.
2. You have a wide variety of food options at your disposal.
3. You don’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning.
4. You can socialize with other guests in the hotel.
5. There are usually plenty of activities to keep you entertained during your stay.
6. You can take advantage of hotel amenities like the gym, pool, and spa.
7. You have access to room service and housekeeping services.
8. Hotels offer a certain level of privacy and security.
9. You can stay in a different hotel every night if you want to explore different cities during your trip.
10. Hotels are generally more affordable than renting an apartment or house for extended periods of time.

The Future of Baseball Players Living in Hotels

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change the landscape of professional sports, one of the areas that has seen the most significant changes is where players are living during the season. In years past, most players have lived in apartments or houses near the stadium where they play. However, with the increased risk of contracting and spreading the virus, many players are now choosing to live in hotel rooms near the stadium instead.

There are several reasons for this change. First, it allows players to avoid contact with the general public and reduce their risk of contracting COVID-19. Second, it provides players with a more controlled environment where they can better focus on their training and performance. Finally, it gives players access to amenities like on-site dining and laundry service that they would not have if they were living in an apartment or house.

While living in a hotel room is not ideal for every player, it is clear that it has become a popular option for many during the COVID-19 pandemic. It remains to be seen if this trend will continue after the pandemic ends, but it is certainly something that baseball players will be considering in the future.


After conducting our survey, we found that most players do indeed live close to the stadium during the season. However, there were a few players who lived further away, and some who even lived in other cities! We also found that the majority of players preferred to live in apartments, with a few players living in houses. Overall, it seems that living close to the stadium is the most popular option for baseball players during the season.

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