Where Do NFL Players Pee?

We all know that NFL players have to stay hydrated during games, but where do they go to the bathroom? It’s a question that has plagued mankind for centuries, but we may finally have an answer.

Where Do NFL Players Pee?


NFL players are big guys. They’re also human beings, which means they have to go to the bathroom just like the rest of us. So, where do they go?

Obviously, they can’t just stop in the middle of the field and take care of business. That would be unsanitary and disruptive to the game. So, what do they do?

It turns out that there are a few different options for NFL players when nature calls. Here are a few of the most popular:

1. Use the restroom before the game: This is probably the most common option for players. Most guys will use the restroom before they suit up so they don’t have to worry about it during the game.

2. Wear a catheter: Some players wear a catheter during the game so they don’t have to worry about finding a bathroom. This can be uncomfortable, but it allows them to focus on playing without having to worry about where they’re going to pee next.

3. Use a port-a-potty: If there’s a port-a-potty on the sidelines, some players will use it during the game. This isn’t the most ideal option, but it can be better than nothing if there aren’t any other options available.

4. Hold it: Some players will just try to hold it in until they can find a bathroom after the game. This obviously isn’t ideal, but sometimes it’s necessary if there just aren’t any other options available.

On the Field

players generally relieve themselves in a small cup called a urinal. They will sometimes use the restroom during halftime, but usually only if they really have to go.

If a player does have to go during the game, he usually won’t leave the field to do so. Instead, he will use a small cup called a urinal. He will hold the cup up to his waist and go into it while he is standing on the field. Then, he will pour the contents of the urinal onto the ground.

In the Locker Room

NFL players generally use the facilities in their locker room. There are often urinals and toilets in separate stalls to provide privacy. Some locker rooms also have showers, so players can wash off after the game.

On the Bus

One would think that with all the money the NFL makes, they would be able to afford to build proper facilities for their players to use during halftime. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Instead, the players are forced to use an old school bus that has been outfitted with a urinal and a port-a-potty.

While this may seem like an uncomfortable situation, it is actually not as bad as it sounds. The bus is equipped with air conditioning and heating so that the players can stay comfortable. There is also a TV on the bus so that the players can watch replays of the game.

In the Training Room

While football players typically don’t have to go to the bathroom during a game, they do have to take care of business before hitting the field. That’s why most teams have a designated “training room” where players can use the restroom, shower, and change into their uniforms.

The training room is also where players receive any last-minute treatments (such as icing an injured ankle) before heading out onto the field. It’s a place where they can mentally and physically prepare for the game ahead.


In conclusion, NFL players typically pee in the same place as everyone else: in a toilet. However, there are some locations where it may not be possible or practical to use a toilet, such as on the sidelines during a game. In these cases, players may use portable toilets or urinals.

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