Where Is Esports Betting Legal?

Esports betting is legal in some countries and illegal in others. Here’s a look at where it’s legal and where it isn’t.


The esports betting industry is still in its infancy, but it is growing rapidly. With more and more people becoming interested in esports, the question of where esports betting is legal has become increasingly important.

There is no easy answer to this question as the legality of esports betting varies from country to country. In some countries, such as the United States, esports betting is illegal; in others, like the United Kingdom, it is perfectly legal.

The best way to find out if esports betting is legal in your country is to check with your local gambling authorities. However, even if gambling authorities have not yet issued any guidance on the matter, that does not mean that esports betting is necessarily illegal. In many cases, the law simply has not caught up with the rapidly changing world of esports.

Finally, it is worth noting that even if Esports betting is legal in your country, there may be restrictions on where you can bet or how you can bet. For example, some countries only allow licensed bookmakers to offer Esports betting markets. As always, it is important to check the local laws and regulations before placing any bets.

The United States

The United States is one of the most complicated markets for esports betting due to the many different laws and regulations in place at the state and federal level. Currently, there is no federal law that specifically addresses esports betting, but several bills have been introduced in Congress that would do just that. At the state level, things are even more confusing, with some states explicitly allowing esports betting and others prohibiting it. Here’s a look at the current legal landscape for esports betting in the United States:

States where esports betting is explicitly legal:
-New Jersey

States where esports betting is explicitly illegal:

States where the legality of esports betting is unclear:


In Canada, there is no federal law that expressly bans or prohibits online gambling or online gaming, including online esports betting. However, each province or territory is responsible for its own gaming laws and regulations.

Some provinces, like Alberta and Quebec, have their own state-run online gaming and gambling sites where residents can legally place bets on a variety of sports, including esports. In other provinces, like British Columbia and Ontario, private companies are allowed to operate legal online gambling and gaming sites, but they must be licensed by the provincial government.

There are also a number of offshore betting sites that accept Canadian players, though it is technically illegal for these sites to operate in Canada. Nevertheless, many Canadians continue to place bets on these sites without any legal repercussions.


In Europe, esports betting is legal in a number of countries, including the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, and Denmark. In others, such as Sweden and Norway, it is not explicitly illegal but there are no regulated markets. This means that while you can bet on esports in these countries, there is no guarantee that you will be able to withdraw winnings or that your money will be safe.


Asia is currently the largest and most active esports market in the world, with China alone accounting for over $24 billion in revenue in 2019. So it’s no surprise that Asian nations are also at the forefront of legalizing and regulating esports betting.

South Korea was one of the first countries to do so, with a law passed in 2000 that expressly legalized esports betting on games such as Starcraft and Warcraft III. This law also set up the Korea e-Sports Association (KeSPA) to help promote and regulate the industry. esports betting is also legal in China, but only on a limited basis through state-licensed sports lottery outlets.

Other Asian countries where esports betting is legal include Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. In Japan, for example, all forms of gambling are illegal except for horse racing and certain types of motor sport betting. However, the Japanese government has recently shown signs of openness to legalizing other forms of gambling, including esports betting.

Outside of Asia, several European countries have also legalized esports betting, including Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. In addition, a number of companies located in these countries offer legally licensed and regulated esports betting services to punters around the world.


As you can see, there are a number of places where you can legally bet on esports. However, it is important to note that the legality of esports betting can change quickly. For example, while it is currently legal to bet on esports in the United Kingdom, that could change in the future. As such, it is always important to check the local laws and regulations before placing a bet on esports.

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