Where Should A Baseball Glove Fold?

There’s a lot of debate on where a baseball glove should be folded. Some say over the top, some say in the middle. What do you think?

The Three Different Ways to Fold a Baseball Glove

A baseball glove should be folded in one of three ways, depending on the position you play. The three different ways to fold a baseball glove are the catcher’s fold, the infielder’s fold, and the outfielder’s fold. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

The Traditional Fold

Place your glove on a flat surface, face up. With both hands, grab the top of the glove and fold it in towards the pocket. Once you’ve reached the halfway point, grab the bottom of the glove and fold it up so that it meets the top of the glove in the middle. Next, take hold of both sides of the glove and fold them in towards each other until they meet in the middle. Finally, flip your glove over so that the palm is facing down and tuck it under your arm.

The Modified Traditional Fold

The first way to fold a baseball glove is the traditional way. You take the glove and put your hand in the middle of it. You then take the glove and fold it in half so that the palm of the glove is on the outside. Once you have done this, you put your hand in the glove and grab hold of the pinky finger side of the glove. You then take this side of the glove and fold it over to the thumb side. When you do this, you will notice that the webbing on the glove forms a “V” shape. You then take the pinky side of the glove and tuck it into the “V” shape. Once you have done this, you are finished folding your baseball glove the traditional way.

There are two other ways that you can fold your baseball gloves; however, these two methods are not as popular as the traditional way. The first way is called the modified traditional way. To do this method, you follow all of the steps that are listed above; however, when you get to step six, you do not tuck in the pinky side ofthe glove. You simply leave it out so that it hangs overthe “V” shape that is formed bythe webbing onthe glove.

The last way to fold a baseballglove is calledthe single-sidedmethod.To do this method,you put yourhand in themiddleofgloveand grabholdofthepinkyfingersideofitthenfolditoverthelittlesefinger sideofittomakea “U”shape withtheglove.You then putyourthumbintothemiddleofthe “U”shapeandfolditovertopso thatitformsa smaller“U”shape withinthelargerone-this will bewhereyouputyourhandwhenyouweartheglove duringagameto catchesomefly balls!Afteryouhave donethismethod,youarefinished foldingyourbaseballglove
One final tip: ifyou havealargemitsuch asan outfielder’smittorfirstbaseman’smitt ,youmaywanttouse both hands totuckinyourpinkysidebeforeyoutuckinginthethumbside-otherwisethethumbside maybe a littlelooseandmaycomeloosenduringagame!

The Non-Traditional Fold

The Non-Traditional Fold is done by folding the glove in half lengthwise. This will give you a long, narrow rectangle. Next, fold the glove in thirds, folding the top part of the glove down towards the bottom third. Once again, you should have a long, narrow rectangle. Then, simply roll the glove up from one end to the other and you’re all set!

Which Way is the Best Way to Fold a Baseball Glove?

Folding a baseball glove is a skill that every player must learn. There are many different ways to fold a glove, but only one way is the best way. In this article, we will show you the best way to fold a baseball glove.

The Traditional Fold

For those who grew up playing baseball, you were likely taught to fold your glove in a specific way so that it would fit better in your ball bag. While this method may have worked for you then, it’s not necessarily the best way to keep your glove in good shape now.

Folding your glove the traditional way can actually put unnecessary stress on the leather, causing it to crack and tear over time. Instead, it’s recommended that you store your glove flat or rolled up to help preserve its shape.

The Modified Traditional Fold

The traditional method has been around forever and was likely the way your dad or grandfather broke in his glove. You can do this by sitting on the ground with your glove in front of you and your legs open in a “V” shape. Reach down with both hands and grab the top of the glove, folding it back towards you until it’s about halfway closed. Then, take the bottom part of the glove and fold it over the top half. Once it’s folded in half, put your hand in the glove and grip the bottom part, while pressing down on the top part of the glove with your other hand. Finally, fold over one side of the glove so that it covers your fingers completely. This will leave a space at the top of the glove — this is where you will store your baseball when you’re not using it.

The Non-Traditional Fold

For people who want to break away from the norm, the non-traditional fold is for you. This way is great for those who frequently change the way they field. It’s also a good option for those who play multiple positions. To do this fold, start by lying the glove flat Palm down. Next, take the heel of the glove and fold it towards the top of the glove so that only half of the glove is showing. Finally, roll up the glove towards the top so that it’s in a tight cylinder shape.

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