Where To Get A Tennis Racquet Restrung?

Here are some ideas of where to get your tennis racquet restrung so you can get back out on the court and playing your best!


If you play tennis regularly, you know that one of the most important pieces of equipment you have is your racket. A well-constructed racket can make a big difference in your game, and it’s important to take care of it to keep it performing at its best. Part of taking care of your racket is getting it restrung on a regular basis – typically every few months or so, depending on how often you play. But where should you go to get your racket restrung? Here are a few things to consider when making your decision.

Why Get A Tennis Racquet Restrung?

Most people don’t think about getting their tennis racquets restrung until they break a string. But did you know that you should actually be getting your racquet restrung every few months?

There are a few reasons why it’s important to get your racquet restrung on a regular basis:

1. to prevent strings from breaking;
2. to ensure optimal performance; and
3. to increase the longevity of your racquet.

If you play tennis regularly, then you know that broken strings can happen at the most inconvenient times. By getting your racquet restrung regularly, you can help prevent those annoying mid-game string snaps.

In addition, well-strung racquets perform better than those with worn-out strings. If you want to up your game, then getting your racquet restrung is a good place to start. finally, by taking care of your racquet and getting it restrung as needed, you can help extend its life. And who doesn’t want their favourite sports equipment to last as long as possible?

So now that you know the importance of getting your tennis racquet restrung, where can you go to get it done? Many locations that sell tennis equipment also offer stringing services. You can also check with local sports stores or even some general retailers like Walmart or Target. And if you prefer to do it yourself, there are also plenty of online tutorials and videos that can walk you through the process step-by-step.

When To Get A Tennis Racquet Restrung?

Most players get their racquets restrung at least once or twice a year. If you play tennis frequently, you might need to get your racquet restrung as often as every few months. You might not need to get it restrung as often if you only play tennis occasionally.

If you notice that your strings are starting to fray or loosen, it’s probably time to get your racquet restrung. You might also want to consider getting your racquet restrung if you start having difficulty generating power or spin on your shots. In general, it’s a good idea to get your racquet restrung before the strings start causing problems.

There are a few different ways to get your racquet restrung. You can take it to a local tennis shop, send it away to a racquet stringer, or do it yourself at home. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Taking your racquet to a local tennis shop is usually the easiest and most convenient way to get it restrung. The shop will have all of the necessary tools and equipment on hand, and they’ll be able to do the job quickly and efficiently. However, this convenience comes at a price – tennis shops typically charge more for racket stringing than other methods (such as mail-in services).

If you’re willing to wait a bit longer and save some money, you can send your racket away to be strung by a professional. There are many companies that offer this service (such as String King), and they usually do a great job. The turnaround time is usually about a week, so it’s not the fastest option if you’re in a hurry. However, it is usually the most affordable option – mail-in services typically charge around $20-$30 for racket stringing, which is significantly less than most tennis shops charge.

If you’re handy with tools and you’re looking to save even more money, you can string your own racket at home. This obviously requires some effort on your part, but it’s not difficult – there are many tutorial videos available online that can walk you through the process step-by-step (see below for an example). The biggest advantage of stringing your own racket is obviously the cost – you can string your own racket for less than $10 in most cases. However, it does take some time and effort, so it’s not necessarily the simplest option either.

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Tennis Racquet Restrung?

The cost to get a tennis racquet restrung depends on the type of string you choose and the labor costs of the shop you take it to. String ranges in price from $8 to $30 per set, while labor costs can be $15 to $25 per racquet. If you have a coupon or discount, your total cost will be lower.

How To Restring A Tennis Racquet?

Assuming you have a tennis racket that needs to be restrung, and string, the first step is to take the old string out. This is done by removing the bottom band (called the bumper guard), taking out the old string, and then removing the top band (called the grommet strip). It’s helpful to use a tennis racket tool to do this, but it’s not strictly necessary – you can also use a regular screwdriver.

With the old string out, take a look at your racket and make a note of how it was strung. There are two main ways to string a tennis racket – one is called mains down and the other crosses up. Mains down means that the main strings (the ones that run vertically down the length of the racket) are strung first, and then the cross strings (the ones that run horizontally across the width of the racket) are strung over them. Crosses up is just the reverse – first you string the cross strings, and then you string the mains over them.

The other thing to note about how your racket was strung is whether or not it had what’s called a “pattern” – this just means whether or not there was any sort of special design to how the strings were interwoven with each other. If there wasn’t a pattern, then all you need to do is make sure that when you restring your racket, you use exactly the same type of string in exactly the same places as before. But if there was a pattern, then you need to be very careful about replicating it exactly – even one mistake can ruin an otherwise perfect restring job.

Once you know how your racket was strung originally, you can start putting in the new string. Again, using a tennis racket tool will make things much easier (and will help you avoid damaging your racket), but it’s possible to do without one if necessary. Start by feeding one end of the string through one of the holes near either end of the frame; if your racket has what’s called an “open throat” design then there will be two holes near each end, while if it has a “closed throat” design then there will just be one hole.

Stringing a tennis racket is not an easy task and definitely requires some practice before getting it perfect. If possible, it’s always best to leave it to a professional – most sporting goods stores that sell rackets will also offer a restringing service for an additional fee. But if you want to try doing it yourself, follow these instructions and hopefully you’ll be successful!


There are many places where you can get your tennis racquet restrung, but the best place to go is a professional racquet technician. They will have the knowledge and experience to restring your racquet correctly, and they will also be able to advise you on what type of string is best for your game.

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