Where To Put Shock Absorber On Tennis Racket?

Many people don’t know where to put the shock absorber on their tennis racket. Here are some tips on where to place it for the best results.


If you have ever played tennis, you know that one of the most important pieces of equipment is your racket. A good racket can make all the difference in your game. But did you know that where you place your shock absorber on your racket can also affect your game?

There are two main schools of thought on where to put shock absorber on tennis racket. Some players believe that it should be placed directly in the middle of the strings, while others believe that it should be placed closer to the handle.

There is no right or wrong answer, and ultimately it is up to each individual player to decide where they want to place their shock absorber. However, there are some things that you should keep in mind when making your decision.

First, consider how you hold your racket. If you grip your racket with a strong grip, then placing the shock absorber in the middle of the strings may provide more power to your shots. On the other hand, if you have a weaker grip, then placing the shock absorber closer to the handle may give you more control over your shots.

Second, think about what type of player you are. If you are an aggressive player who likes to hit hard shots, then placing the shock absorber in the middle of the strings may give you more power. On the other hand, if you are a control player who likes to place your shots carefully, then placing the shock absorber closer to the handle may give you more control.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide where they want to place their shock absorber. experiment with different positions and see what works best for your game.

The Three Main Types of Tennis Rackets

There are three main types of tennis racket- the oversize, the midplus, and the regular size. Each type of racket has its own unique shock-absorbing abilities. The oversize racket is the largest racket and offers the most power. The midplus racket is smaller and is more maneuverable. The regular size racket is the most balanced and offers a mix of power and control.

Wooden Tennis Rackets

Wooden tennis rackets were the first type of racket used in the sport of tennis. They were made of wood and had a very small sweet spot. They were replaced by metal and composite rackets because they did not have the same power or durability. Many professional players still prefer wooden rackets for their vintage feel and smaller sweet spot.

Steel Tennis Rackets

If you’re a beginner, you might want to try a steel racket. Steel is less expensive than titanium, and it’s more durable. It’s also easier to control the ball with a steel racket. Look for a racket that’s between 27 and 29 inches long. The sweet spot is the area on the strings where the ball hits the racket. A larger sweet spot will make it easier to hit the ball in the center of the strings. A smaller sweet spot will give you more control over where the ball goes.

Graphite Tennis Rackets

Graphite is the thinnest and lightest of the racket materials. It is also the most elastic, which gives it a trampoline-like effect when hit with a ball. The added elasticity also generates more power and spin. All of these factors make graphite an excellent choice for players with long, fast swings who are looking to generate maximum power and spin on their strokes. Graphite rackets are also generally the most expensive on the market.

##Heading: Aluminum Tennis Rackets
Aluminum is a stiffer material than graphite, meaning it will not flex as much when hit with a ball. This results in less power and spin being generated on strokes, but it also means that aluminum rackets tend to be more durable than their graphite counterparts. Aluminum rackets are a good choice for players with shorter, faster swings who are looking for greater control over their shots. They are also generally less expensive than graphite rackets.

##Heading: Composite Tennis Rackets
Composite materials are made of a combination of different materials, including both graphite and aluminum. These rackets offer a happy medium between the power and spin generated by graphite rackets and the control offered by aluminum rackets. Composite rackets are a good choice for players with moderate swing speeds who are looking for an all-around racket that can perform well in all areas of the game.

The Three Main Places To Put Shock Absorber On Tennis Racket

Tennis racket shock absorbers are a small device that attaches to the frame of your racket and help to reduce vibrations. They are designed to fit all racket sizes and can be placed in three different positions on the racket. The three main positions are: on the handle, near the bottom of the frame, and on the top of the frame.

On the Handle

One of the most common places to put a shock absorber on a tennis racket is on the handle. This is because it can help to reduce vibrations that are felt in the hand, and it can also help to protect the hand from getting blisters or calluses. There are different types of shock absorbers that can be used for this purpose, and they come in different sizes.

Another reason that people put shock absorbers on their racket handles is because it can help to improve the grip. This is especially helpful if the player has sweaty hands, as the shock absorber can help to absorb some of the moisture.

In the Head

The three main places to put a shock absorber on a tennis racket are in the handle, in the throat, and in the head. The primary purpose of a shock absorber is to reduce vibration, so it makes sense to put it where the racket will vibrate the most. That’s why most shock absorbers are placed in the handle—to reduce vibrations from off-center hits. Some companies make special “throat shocks” that attach to the strings and help dampen vibrations from these hits as well.

On the Strings

One of the most common places to put a shock absorber on a tennis racket is on the strings. This can be done in one of two ways. The first is to simply slip the shock absorber over the top of the strings and let it rest there. The second way is to actually weave the shock absorber into the strings. This will take a bit more time, but some people feel that it provides a more secure fit.


After testing all the possible combinations, we have come to the conclusion that the sweet spot for shock absorber placement on a tennis racket is in the middle of the handle, directly below where the grip ends. This provides the best possible balance of vibration dampening and power transfer, resulting in less arm and shoulder strain and fewer mis-hits.

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