Which Country is Best in Esports?

Esports is a form of competition using video games. The most common genres are real-time strategy, first-person shooter (FPS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) and collectible card games (CCG).

Which Country is Best in Esports?


Korea is a small country with a big reputation in the world of esports. The country has produced some of the best professional gamers in the world, and its teams are some of the most successful. Korea has a strong esports infrastructure, with dedicated gaming facilities and a large number of professional gamers.


Korea is renowned for its excellent infrastructure, both in terms of internet and PC bangs (Internet cafes). South Korea has the world’s fastest internet speeds and nearly everyone has access to high-speed internet. This is critical for competitive gamers who need low ping rates and little to no lag. Korea also has an incredible amount of PC bangs, which are basically Internet cafes designed specifically for gaming. In fact, there are more PC bangs in Korea than there are McDonalds! This makes it very easy and affordable for people to play video games casually or competitively.

Government Support

The South Korean government has been supportive of the esports industry from early on. In 2000, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism established the Korea e-Sports Association, which is the governing body for esports in the country.

Since then, the government has continued to invest in the industry, with a goal of making Korea a global leader in esports. In 2013, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced a four-year plan to invest $24 million in esports. And in 2017, the city of Seoul announced plans to invest $27 million in esports over three years.

This government support has helped Korea become a powerhouse in the esports world. Korean teams have won some of the most prestigious tournaments in League of Legends, Overwatch, and other games. And Korean players are some of the highest-paid professionals in esports.


korea has a very professional esports culture. Many top players in various games reside in South Korea, and the country has several well-established pro teams and organizations. players in Korea typically start training at a young age and play professionally for several years. As a result, the level of play in Korean esports is generally very high.


China is one of the top countries when it comes to esports. According to a report by Goldman Sachs, the country has the potential to generate $1.5 billion in revenue by 2022. Not only that, but China also has a large number of professional gamers and a growing number of esports fans.


China has the best infrastructure for esports in the world. The country has numerous purpose-built esports stadiums, as well as a large number of professional teams and players. China also has a huge online gaming community, with over 50% of the country’s population playing video games. This means that there is a large potential audience for esports in China.

Government Support

The Chinese government has been supportive of the esports industry and its growth. In 2016, the State General Administration of Sports released an official document that recognized esports as a legitimate sport and recommended that it be promoted and included in events such as the Asian Games and National Games. The administration also put together a team of experts to start developing policies and regulations for the industry.

In 2017, China’s Ministry of Education announced that it would start to recognize professional gamers as athletes and include esports in its educational athletics system. This move will give professional gamers access to benefits such as student loans and other forms of financial aid.

The Chinese government’s support has been instrumental in the growth of the esports industry in the country. With over 500 million gamers, China is the largest gaming market in the world. And according to Newzoo, China is also expected to generate $32.5 billion in revenue from the global gaming market in 2020.


The esports industry in China is big business. Professional teams are well-funded and have access to the best training and facilities. Players are treated like celebrities and given everything they need to succeed.

This level of professionalism has helped produce some of the best players in the world. Chinese teams are regularly among the top finishers in international competitions.

If you want to be a professional esports player, China is definitely the place to be.

United States

The United States of America is the best country for esports. It offers the most tournaments, the most prize money, and the most opportunity for players to make a living off of playing video games. The USA also has the most successful teams and players in the world. If you want to be the best, you need to play in the USA.


The United States is home to some of the largest and most well-known esports organizations in the world, including Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, and 100 Thieves. These orgs are able to provide their players with top-tier facilities, coaching, and support staff. In addition, the US has a large number of well-established collegiate esports programs.

Government Support

The United States has been a major player in the esports scene for years, and its popularity is only increasing. The industry is expected to generate $1.1 billion in revenue by 2020, and there are now over 150 million esports fans in the country.

One of the reasons that esports has taken off in the US is because of the government’s support for the industry. In 2016, the US Government recognized professional gamers as athletes, which allowed them to apply for visas to compete in tournaments. The government has also invested heavily in esports infrastructure, with multiple states investing millions of dollars in building Esports Arenas.

The government’s support for esports has helped create a thriving industry in the United States, and it is one of the countries leading the way in terms of esport development.


The US has always had a place in esports. The country is home to some of the earliest and most iconic teams in the world, including Evil Geniuses and 100 Thieves. In recent years, the US has seen a surge in professional esports athletes and teams.

The US National Esports Federation was founded in 2016 to promote professional esports in the country. The federation helps connect players with sponsors, tournaments, and other opportunities to help them pursue their passion for competitive gaming.

The popularity of professional gaming has grown exponentially in recent years. As a result, the US now has several high-profile tournaments and events, including the North American League of Legends Championship Series and the Overwatch World Cup. These events attract top gamers from around the world and offer huge prize pools, making them some of the most coveted competitions in all of esports.


Sweden has a long and proud history of competitive gaming. It all started with the “golden age” of arcade gaming in the 1980s when Swedish gamers were some of the best in the world at games like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, and Space Invaders. Since then, Sweden has continued to be a major player in the world of esports. The country has produced some of the world’s best professional gamers and teams, and it is home to some of the biggest esports tournaments in the world.


Sweden has some of the best infrastructure for esports in the world. The majority of the Swedish population lives in cities, which makes it easy for teams to find venues and practice facilities. In addition, Sweden has a high-speed broadband network that covers 98% of the country. This allows gamers to play online without lag or other issues.

Government Support

One of the many reasons that Sweden is such a powerhouse in the esports industry is the support that it receives from all levels of government. At the national level, the Swedish esport association, ESF, was founded in 2015 with support from the Swedish Olympic Committee. The government has also been supportive in providing funding for events and organisations, as well as recognising esports athletes as legitimate sportspeople. This has helped create an environment where esports can flourish, and has undoubtedly contributed to Sweden’s success in the scene.


Sweden has always been at the forefront of esports. They were one of the first countries to establish professional organizations and teams, and they continue to be leaders in the scene today. Swedish teams and players are some of the most successful in the world, with many of them having played at the highest levels for years.

There are a few factors that contributes to Sweden’s success in esports. One is the high level of competition. There are a lot of talented players in Sweden, and they’re always pushing each other to be better. This creates a really strong competitive environment that helps players reach their full potential.

Another factor is the level of support that Swedish teams and players receive. There are many well-funded organizations in Sweden that invest heavily in their teams and players. This allows them to provide their teams with everything they need to be successful, from top-tier coaches to state-of-the-art training facilities.

Lastly, Swedish players tend to be very well-rounded. They not only have great individual skills, but they also know how to work together as a team. This makes them very dangerous opponents who can take down even the best teams in the world.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the best countries in the world for Esports. The United Kingdom has a strong history in Esports and has produced some of the best teams and players in the world. The United Kingdom also has a strong infrastructure for Esports with a lot of facilities and tournaments.


The United Kingdom has a strong infrastructure for esports. The country has a number of top-tier organizations, facilities, and events. There are also numerous grassroots initiatives that provide opportunities for amateurs to get involved in the scene. This solid foundation has resulted in the UK being home to some of the best players and teams in the world.

Government Support

The UK is one of the most supportive countries for esports. The United Kingdom has a long history of supporting traditional sports like football, rugby, and cricket. The same level of support has been given to esports. The UK government believes that esports can have a positive impact on the social and economic development of the country. The government has invested in several initiatives to help grow the esports industry in the UK.

Some of these initiatives include investing in research and development, providing tax relief for businesses involved in esports, and supporting the development of Esports Arenas. The UK is also home to some of the biggest and most well-known esports organizations in the world such as Team Dignitas, G2 Esports, and Excel Esports.


The United Kingdom is one of the leading countries in esports. It has a long history of professional gaming and a strong competitive scene. The UK has produced some of the world’s top players, teams, and organizations. It is also home to a number of major tournaments and events.

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