Which NBA Players Aren’t Vaccinated?

As the NBA looks to return to play, one big question has surfaced: which players haven’t been vaccinated?

NBA Players Who Aren’t Vaccinated

The NBA has a policy in place that requires all players to be vaccinated for the flu, but there are a few players who have chosen not to get the flu shot. These players are at risk of contracting the flu and passing it on to their teammates. In this article, we will list the NBA players who aren’t vaccinated and explain why they chose not to get the flu shot.

Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is one of the many NBA players who has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus. In an interview with ESPN, Irving said that he “wasn’t comfortable” with getting the vaccine and that he doesn’t “believe in the science” behind it.

Irving is not alone in his beliefs; several other NBA players have also spoken out about their hesitations regarding the vaccine. Some, like LeBron James, have said that they need more information before making a decision, while others, like Kemba Walker, have said outright that they do not plan on getting vaccinated.

TheNBA has stated that it is “encouraging” players to get vaccinated, but it is not mandatory. With so many players undecided on the issue, it remains to be seen how many will ultimately choose to get the vaccine.

Kevin Durant

While the vast majority of NBA players have been vaccinated against COVID-19, Brooklyn Nets star Kevin Durant is among those who have not yet received the vaccine.

Durant, who missed the majority of last season recovering from an Achilles injury, told reporters on Friday that he has not yet made a decision on whether or not to get vaccinated.

“I haven’t really thought about it,” Durant said. “I’m just kind of living my life and seeing how everything plays out.”

Durant is not alone in his decision to wait on getting vaccinated. Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James has also said that he has not yet made a decision on whether or not to get the vaccine.

The NBA has been working closely with health officials in an effort to ensure that all players are vaccinated before the start of next season. So far, there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 among NBA players who have been vaccinated.

Carmelo Anthony

As of right now, it is unknown if Carmelo Anthony has been vaccinated against Covid-19. The NBA has made it mandatory for all players to be vaccinated in order to play, but there are a handful of players who have yet to get the vaccine. Other notable players who haven’t been vaccinated include Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, and LeBron James.

Why Aren’t They Vaccinated?

As the NBA season comes to an end, there are only a handful of players who are not vaccinated. The main reason for this is that the NBA requires all players to be vaccinated in order to play. However, there are a few players who have not been vaccinated because they have religious or medical reasons. Let’s take a look at why these players are not vaccinated.

Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets was one of the first NBA players to say he would not be getting the COVID-19 vaccine. In an interview with Bleacher Report, Irving said he did not trust the government or the medical establishment and that he believed getting the vaccine would be “another way of controlling us.”

Since then, a handful of other players have come out and said they will not be getting vaccinated. One notable player is Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James, who has said he is “not getting vaccinated” and that he do not “believe in” vaccines. Other players who have said they will not get vaccinated include Philadelphia 76ers guard Seth Curry, Houston Rockets guard Eric Gordon and Brooklyn Nets forward Kevin Durant.

Kevin Durant

As of June 10th, it was reported by ESPN that only 60% of NBA players were vaccinated. Players were asked to remain anonymous, but some chose to speak out about their decision. Among them was Kevin Durant, who said he “didn’t trust” the vaccine and that he “did [his] own research.”

However, many experts say that Durant’s research may be flawed. “When you look at the science, there’s really no room for debate,” Dr. Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN. “The vaccines are extraordinarily effective — not just at preventing disease, but also at preventing transmission.”

Dr. Hotez says that people like Durant who refuse to get vaccinated are not only putting themselves at risk, but also those around them — including their teammates. “It’s completely irresponsible,” he said.

Carmelo Anthony

Carmelo Kyam Anthony is an American professional basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has played in the NBA for 19 seasons, winning one NCAA championship with Syracuse in 2003 and 10 Olympic medals with Team USA, including three golds.

Anthony was born in Brooklyn and raised in Baltimore. He played college basketball for the Syracuse Orange, winning a national championship as a freshman before declaring for the NBA draft. Anthony was selected with the third overall pick in the 2003 NBA draft by the Denver Nuggets and traded to the New York Knicks eight months later. While playing for Denver, he led the Nuggets to two playoff appearances. In 2011, he was traded from New York to the Minnesota Timberwolves before being waived by Minnesota and signing with Oklahoma City that same day.

As of March 30th, 2021, Carmelo Anthony has not yet been vaccinated for COVID-19.

What Are the Risks?

The NBA is currently grappling with the decision of whether or not to allow unvaccinated players to compete in the upcoming season. There are a few players who have chosen not to get vaccinated, and the league is trying to figure out what to do about it. There are risks involved with having unvaccinated players on the court, and the league is trying to decide if those risks are worth it.

Kyrie Irving

Kyrie Irving is one of the most prominent NBA players to say he won’t be getting the vaccine. He told reporters in February: “Doctors and scientists have been sitting up there lying to all of us about our health for generations.”

The Brooklyn Nets star has also said that he believes the vaccine is “for safety,” but hasn’t given a clear reason why he won’t be getting it.

Kevin Durant

As of June 10, 2021, Kevin Durant is one of four Brooklyn Nets players who have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19. The other three are Jeff Green, Tyler Johnson, and DeAndre Jordan. Durant has said that he is “thinking about it,” but has not made a decision yet.

Carmelo Anthony

Carmelo Anthony has not yet been vaccinated for COVID-19.

What Can Be Done?

The 2020-2021 NBA season has been one of the most unique seasons in recent memory. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season was delayed and players were given the option to not play. Some players, like Kyrie Irving, chose to sit out the season. Now, as the season is nearing its end, some players are still not vaccinated. This is a problem. What can be done?

Kyrie Irving

As the nation’s leading scorer, Kyrie Irving has been one of the NBA’s most valuable players this season. Unfortunately, he has also been one of the league’s most vocal opponents of the COVID-19 vaccine. In February, Irving said that he would not receive the vaccine because “there are a lot of unknowns” about its safety and efficacy. Irving doubled down on his anti-vaccine stance in March, telling reporters that he was “not comfortable” with the idea of getting vaccinated.

While Irving has every right to make his own health decisions, his public opposition to the vaccine is concerning. As a high-profile athlete, Irving has a unique platform that he could use to promote vaccines and help persuade other people to get vaccinated. Instead, Irving is using his platform to spread misinformation about the vaccine.

There is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe or ineffective. On the contrary, scientific studies have shown that the vaccine is highly effective at preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19. Given the risks posed by COVID-19, it is irresponsible for Irving to discourage people from getting vaccinated.

Kevin Durant

As of now, it’s unclear why players like Kevin Durant aren’t vaccinated. Durant has said that he’s “looking into it,” but hasn’t given a clear answer as to why he hasn’t gotten the vaccine yet. It’s possible that Durant is simply waiting for more information before making a decision, but given the importance of the issue, it’s frustrating that he hasn’t been more forthcoming about his thoughts on the matter.

Carmelo Anthony

Carmelo Anthony has yet to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, though he is eligible to do so. The NBA does not require players to be vaccinated, but does strongly recommend it. Anthony has said that he is still “weighing his options” and has not made a decision yet.

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