Which NFL Fans Drink the Most Alcohol?

Which NFL Fans Drink the Most Alcohol?


In a study done by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, it was found that almost 37 percent of NFL fans drink alcohol. This is significantly higher than the 27 percent of people who don’t follow any sport that drink alcohol. With such a large portion of fans indulging in alcoholic beverages, it’s no surprise that some teams have more dedicated drinkers than others. Here are the top five NFL teams whose fans drink the most alcohol, based on data from the Nielsen Company.

Data Collection

Data was collected from things like stadium and team merchandise sales, social media monitoring, and beer sales.


To come up with our estimates, we started with a survey of 1,000 NFL fans. We asked them how much alcohol they drink on average during an NFL game, both at home and at the stadium. We then divided those numbers by the average number of fans attending each game to come up with an estimate of how much alcohol is consumed per fan.

We also looked at state-level data on alcohol consumption from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). We divided that number by the state’s population to come up with an estimate of how much alcohol is consumed per person. Then we multiplied that number by the number of NFL fans in each state to come up with an estimate of how much alcohol is consumed by NFL fans in each state.

Finally, we looked at beer sales data from Nielsen, which tracks retail sales of all kinds of beer, including craft beers, import beers, and domestic beers. We divided that number by the state’s population to come up with an estimate of how much beer is consumed per person. Then we multiplied that number by the number of NFL fans in each state to come up with an estimate of how much beer is consumed by NFL fans in each state.


According to the findings, Patriots fans drink the most alcohol, with an average of 9.8 drinks per week. Giants fans come in second, with an average of 9.5 drinks per week, followed by Chiefs fans, who drink an average of 9.4 drinks per week.


Researchers found that almost all NFL fans drink alcohol, but some drink more than others. Raiders, Jets, and Steelers fans drink the most, while Cardinals, Dolphins, and Rams fans drink the least.

Top 10 NFL Teams with the Most Drinking Fans

1. Green Bay Packers
2. New England Patriots
3. Philadelphia Eagles
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Pittsburgh Steelers
6. Indianapolis Colts
7. New Orleans Saints
8. Chicago Bears
9. Baltimore Ravens
10. Denver Broncos

Bottom 10 NFL Teams with the Least Drinking Fans

Some teams just don’t have fans that like to drink alcohol. Here are the bottom 10 NFL teams with the least drinking fans, according to a recent survey.

1. New England Patriots
2. Miami Dolphins
3. Buffalo Bills
4. Detroit Lions
5.Tennessee Titans
6.Minnesota Vikings
7. Pittsburgh Steelers
8. Indianapolis Colts
9. Cleveland Browns
10. Seattle Seahawks


In conclusion, while there are a variety of factors that play into how much alcohol a particular NFL fan base drinks, there are some clear trends. Packers fans, for example, drink the most beer while Redskins fans drink the most wine. Browns fans, on the other hand, seem to stick to hard liquor. Ultimately, though, it seems that all NFL fans like to drink – so maybe we can all just cheers to that!

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