Which NFL Team Has the Most Female Fans?

A recent study shows that the Dallas Cowboys have the most female fans in the NFL.

Which NFL Team Has the Most Female Fans?


In recent years, the NFL has made a concerted effort to market to female fans. While the league still has a ways to go, there’s no question that women make up a sizable portion of the NFL’s fan base. But which team has the most female fans?

The NFL’s Female Fans

According to a recent poll, the NFL team with the most female fans is the Dallas Cowboys. This is not surprising given the popularity of the team and the fact that they have had success in recent years. The Cowboys are followed by the New England Patriots, Green Bay Packers, and Pittsburgh Steelers.

The NFL’s Female Fans by Team

The NFL’s female fans are passionate about their teams! Here is a look at which NFL team has the most female fans.

The Green Bay Packers have the most female fans, with 41% of their fan base being women. The Packers also have the highest percentage of female season ticket holders, at 46%.

The New England Patriots are second, with 37% of their fan base being women. The Pats also have the second highest percentage of female season ticket holders, at 45%.

The Dallas Cowboys are third, with 36% of their fan base being women. The ‘Boys also have the third highest percentage of female season ticket holders, at 44%.

So there you have it! The Green Bay Packers are the NFL team with the most female fans.

The NFL’s Female Fans by Age

The NFL’s female fans are a very important part of the league’s fan base. In fact, according to a recent Nielsen report, women make up 45% of the NFL’s total fan base. That said, it’s no surprise that the vast majority of NFL teams have a large number of female fans. However, which NFL team has the most female fans?

According to a recent study by Emarketer, the Green Bay Packers have the most female fans of any NFL team. The study found that 36% of Packers’ fans are women. The Packers are followed by the New England Patriots (34%), the Dallas Cowboys (33%), and the Pittsburgh Steelers (32%).


Based on the data collected, it is clear that the New England Patriots have the most female fans. They have consistently had high numbers of female fans over the past few years and they continue to grow. This is likely due to their success as a team, as well as their strong fan base in general.

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