Which NFL Team Has the Most White Players in 2019?

The NFL has a long history of racial discrimination. But which team has the most white players in 2019?

The NFL is a predominately black league

The NFL is a predominately black league. In 2019, approximately 70% of the NFL’s players were black. This is down from 78% in 2009. The league’s composition has slowly shifted over the last decade as the number of white players has slowly increased. In 2019, there are 32 NFL teams, and of those 32 teams, only seven have more white players than black players.

Those seven teams are the New England Patriots, Green Bay Packers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens, Indianapolis Colts, New York Jets, and Detroit Lions. Of those seven teams, the New England Patriots have the most white players on their roster (58%). The Patriots also have the most overall player on their roster (90), so it stands to reason that they would also have the most white players.

A small percentage of NFL players are white

In 2019, only about 1 in 10 NFL players are white. This is down from almost 30% in 1970. The decline is due to a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of basketball and soccer among white Americans and the rise of African American athletes in the NFL.

The New England Patriots have the most white players of any NFL team

As of September 2019, the New England Patriots have the most white players of any NFL team, with 58 of their 84 players (69%) classified as white. The Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Ravens, and Green Bay Packers also have a majority-white roster, each with 54% of their players classified as white.

There are a number of reasons for this

Reasons for this vary but can include a desire to identify with a particular player or team, to feel a sense of community with other fans, or simply because they are the team that one grew up rooting for. Whatever the reason, it is undeniable that race plays a role in some people’s decision of which NFL team to support.

Interestingly, while there are a number of NFL teams with predominantly black rosters, there are no teams with rosters that are majority white. The closest any team comes is the Indianapolis Colts, who have 51% white players on their roster as of 2019. There are a number of reasons for this, including the fact that black players have historically been marginalized in the NFL and that many of the league’s most talented players are black. However, it is also worth noting that the NFL is becoming increasingly diverse, with players from all backgrounds finding success at the highest level.

The Patriots are an outlier among NFL teams

The New England Patriots have the most white players of any team in the NFL, according to a new report from USA Today.

Of the Patriots’ 53-man roster, 40 are white, which is 75.5 percent. The next closest team is the Green Bay Packers, who have 67.9 percent of their roster made up of white players.

The league average is 60.2 percent, meaning the Patriots are well above average in terms of the racial makeup of their roster.

One reason for the discrepancy may be that the Patriots have more older players on their roster than most teams. According to the report, the average age of a Patriots player is 26.8 years old, which is the highest in the NFL.

The league average is 25.6 years old, and only six other teams have an average age above 26 years old: the Packers (26.1), Seattle Seahawks (26.4), Baltimore Ravens (26.5), Pittsburgh Steelers (26.6), Minnesota Vikings (26.7) and San Francisco 49ers (26.8).

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