Which NHL Team Should You Root For?

It’s Stanley Cup Playoff time! But if your team didn’t make the cut, or you’re just looking to jump on the bandwagon, we can help. Find out which NHL team you should be cheering for based on your personal preferences.


In order to help you find an NHL team to root for, we’ve put together this quick and easy guide. Just answer a few questions and we’ll let you know which team is the best fit for you!

If you’re a die-hard hockey fan, you may already have a team that you root for. But if you’re new to the sport or are looking for a team to root for, you may be wondering if it’s better to root for a popular team or an underdog team. There are pros and cons to both.

There are undeniably some great advantages that come along with rooting for a popular team. One of the biggest benefits is that you’ll never have trouble finding fellow fans to watch the game with. No matter where you are in the world, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find someone wearing your team’s jersey. This makes it easy to bond with other fans and creates a sense of community.

Another advantage of being a fan of a popular team is that you have a greater chance of seeing your team win. Of course, there are no guarantees in sports, but over time, the more successful teams tend to come out on top. This means that if you’re looking to experience the thrill of victory, cheering for a popular team is more likely to pay off.

## Title: The Pros and Cons of Rooting for an Underdog Team – (Which NHL Team Should You Root For?)
##Heading: The Pros of Rooting for an Underdog Team
Rooting for an underdog can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. One of the best things about being a fan of an underdog team is that their victories are often that much sweeter. When a small or less-successful team manages to win, it’s a David-and-Goliath moment that their fans will never forget.

Another great thing about being an underdog fan is that you often feel closer to the players and staff. On popular teams, it can feel like the players are inaccessible gods or celebrities. But on underdog teams, it’s often easier to feel like you know them as people. This makes rooting for them all the more personal and satisfying.

Rooting for a popular team has its perks. You’re almost guaranteed to have friends who are also fans, and you’re likely to see your team’s gear in stores wherever you go. But there are also some potential downsides to being a fan of a widely-supported team. Here are a few things to consider before deciding whether or not to root for a popular squad.

First, popular teams are often at the center of media attention, which can be both good and bad. On the plus side, you’re likely to hear about your team often, and you’ll have no trouble finding highlights and game recaps. On the other hand, negative attention is also amplified when it falls on a popular team. If your team is struggling or is involved in a scandal, it will be difficult to avoid hearing about it constantly.

Secondly, tickets to see a popular team play in person can be very expensive and difficult to come by. If you’re hoping to catch your squad live on a regular basis, you may be disappointed unless you’re willing (and able) to pay premium prices.

Finally, it’s worth considering that rooting for a less popular team can actually make the experience of being a fan more enjoyable. When your team wins, it feels that much sweeter because it’s not something that happens all the time. And when they lose, you don’t have to hear about it from everyone you know – you can commiserate with fellow fans who understand what you’re going through.

So if you’re trying to decide which NHL team to support, think about whether or not you want to root for a popular squad. There are benefits and drawbacks either way, so it’s ultimately up to you to decide what’s most important to you in a team.

The Pros and Cons of Rooting for an Underdog Team

Rooting for an underdog team can be great. You typically won’t have as much competition for tickets and you can often find deals on merchandise. You might also feel good when your team wins because you were supporting them when not many other people were. However, there are a few downsides to rooting for an underdog team as well. Let’s get into the details.

The Pros of Rooting for an Underdog Team

There are many reasons why someone might choose to root for an underdog team. Maybe you like the idea of being a part of a team that isn’t expected to win, or maybe you appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into being a successful underdog team. Whatever your reasons, there are definitely some pros to rooting for an underdog team.

One of the best things about rooting for an underdog is the feeling of pride and joy you experience when they do manage to pull off a win. When your team is expected to lose, every victory feels that much sweeter. You also get to avoid the negative associations that come with being a fan of a winning team – like obnoxiousness and arrogance.

Underdog teams often have more die-hard, passionate fans than successful teams because fans of underdogs feel like they are part of something special. They are united by their love for the team, and their shared experience of constantly being underestimated. This can create a strong sense of community and camaraderie among fans.

Rooting for an underdog can also be a great way to teach children about important life lessons like resilience in the face of adversity and the importance of effort and determination. Seeing your team overcome obstacles and achieve success against all odds can be inspiring and empowering.

So if you’re looking for a team to root for this hockey season, don’t discount the underdogs!

The Cons of Rooting for an Underdog Team

Many NHL fans find themselves drawn to rooting for an underdog team. There are a number of reasons why this may be the case, including the fact that underdog teams are often more relatable than the powerhouse teams. Fans of underdog teams may also feel a greater sense of pride when their team beats one of the big dogs.

However, there are also a few potential downsides to rooting for an underdog team. One is that you may not always get to see your team in the playoffs or competing for the Stanley Cup. Another is that you may have to put up with more mockery and derision from fans of other teams. And finally, you may find yourself getting attached to players who eventually leave your team for greener pastures.

How to Choose the Right Team for You

There are a few things to consider when trying to decide which NHL team you should root for. First, think about which team is the most successful. If you want to root for a winning team, then you’ll want to go with one of the teams that has been successful in recent years. Second, consider which team has the most passionate fans.

Consider Your Location

If you’re a hockey fan, chances are you have a favorite team. But if you don’t, or if you’re looking to become a fan of the sport, how do you choose which team to root for?

One way to choose is to consider your location. If you live in or near a city with an NHL team, that’s usually the best place to start. For example, if you live in Toronto, it makes sense to root for the Maple Leafs. Or if you live in Pittsburgh, you might want to cheer for the Penguins.

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to rooting for the local team. Maybe you grew up in one city but now live in another. Or maybe you don’t live near any NHL cities but have relatives or friends who are fans of specific teams. In those cases, it might make more sense for you to root for those teams instead of the ones near you.

Consider Your Personal Preferences

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an NHL team to root for. Some people choose based on geography, others choose based on their favorite player or coach. But ultimately, the best way to choose is by finding the team that best suits your personal preferences.

Do you prefer a high-scoring offense or a stingy defense? Do you like teams that are built through the draft or via free agency? Do you prefer a team with a rich history or one that is on the rise?

Consider your answers to these questions and use them to help narrowing down your options. And don’t forget, you can always root for more than one team!

Consider the Teams’ Histories

When you are choosing an NHL team to root for, it is important to consider the teams’ histories. Each team has its own unique story, and some stories are more interesting than others. For example, the Chicago Blackhawks have a long and storied history, dating back to their inception in 1926. They have won six Stanley Cups, and they are one of the Original Six teams. The Los Angeles Kings, on the other hand, only joined the NHL in 1967 and have only won two Stanley Cups.

Another important consideration is whether or not you want to root for a team that is likely to win a lot of championships in the future. The Blackhawks and Kings both have strong rosters and are considered contenders for the Stanley Cup every year. If you want to root for a team that has a good chance of winning a championship in the near future, these two teams would be good choices. On the other hand, if you want to root for a team that is rebuilding and may not be competitive for a few years, there are plenty of other options to choose from.


Now that you know a little more about each of the NHL teams, it’s time to decide which one you should root for! Consider which team is the best fit for you based on your location, favorite players, and team history. Then, show your support by wearing your team’s colors and cheering them on to victory!

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