Which State Has The Most NFL Players in 2020?

Which state has the most NFL players? Here is a list of the top 10 states with the most NFL players in 2020.


It is no secret that the National Football League (NFL) is one of the most popular professional sports leagues in the United States. According to a 2019 report, the NFL generated $16 billion in revenue, making it the richest professional sports league in the world. The NFL is also one of the most watched television programs in America, with an average of 17.6 million viewers per game during the 2019 season.

Given its popularity, it is not surprising that many young people aspire to play in the NFL one day. But what are their odds of actually making it?

Well, that depends on a number of factors, including where they come from. This is because, while there is no guarantee that any particular state will produce NFL players, some states have historically been more successful than others when it comes to sending players to the league.

So, which state has produced the most NFL players?

The State with the Most Players

The state of California has the most NFL players in 2020. This is not surprising, given that California is the most populous state in the country. Additionally, California has produced more NFL players than any other state over the years. In 2020, there are a total of 86 California natives on NFL rosters. Florida is second, with 77 players. Texas (75), Georgia (41), and Ohio (40) round out the top five states.

The State with the Second Most Players

The state of California is home to the second most NFL players in 2020, with a total of 93. This is down from 104 players in 2019, but still enough to put the state ahead of Florida, which has 89 players in the league as of September 2020. The majority of these California-based NFL players come from the Los Angeles area (44), followed by San Diego (9), San Francisco (8), Sacramento (5), and Oakland (4).

The State with the Third Most Players

Although California is home to the most NFL players of any state in 2020, Texas comes in at a close second with 83 players on NFL rosters. Florida rounds out the top three states with the most NFL players, with 74 players hailing from the Sunshine State.


Looking at the data, it’s clear that California has the most NFL players in 2020. In fact, California has more than double the number of NFL players than any other state. This is likely due to a number of factors, including the large population of California and the popularity of football in the state.

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