Who Gets Paid More: NFL or NBA Players?

Do NFL or NBA players get paid more? It’s a tough question to answer, but we’ve done our best to break it down for you.

NFL Players

The average NFL player salary is $2.1 million per year, while the average NBA player salary is $5.2 million per year. NFL players make a little over half of what NBA players make.

Average Salary

The average NFL player salary is $2.7 million per year, while the average NBA player salary is $7.4 million. The NFL has a higher average salary for its players because it has more players on active rosters than the NBA. The NBA also has a higher minimum salary than the NFL.

Top Paid Players

In the National Football League, the average career lasts just 3.3 years, and the median salary is $985,000. However, there are a handful of players who earn far more than that. The highest-paid player in the NFL is currently Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, who makes an annual salary of $35 million.

Second on the list is Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz, who makes $32 million a year. New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees rounds out the top three with an annual salary of $25 million. These are the only three players in the NFL who currently make more than $20 million a year.

There are a total of eleven players in the NFL who make more than $20 million a year. The other eight are: Raiders QB Derek Carr ($25 million), Packers QB Aaron Rodgers ($33.5 million), Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger ($19 million), Texans DE J.J. Watt ($15.5 million), Lions QB Matthew Stafford ($27 million), Colts QB Andrew Luck ($24 million), Falcons QB Matt Ryan ($30 million) and Seahawks DE Khalil Mack ($23.5 million).

NBA Players

In general, NBA players get paid more than NFL players. This is because the NBA has a higher salary cap than the NFL. The salary cap is the amount of money that a team can spend on its players’ salaries.

Average Salary

The average salary for an NFL player was $2.7 million in 2017, while the average NBA player earned $7.4 million that same year, according to data from Forbes. While the average salary for an NFL player is higher than that of an NBA player, the median salary is actually lower in the NFL than in the NBA. This means that while half of all NFL players make more than $2.7 million per year, half of all NBA players make less than $7.4 million per year.

The maximum salary for an NFL player is $17.6 million per year, while the maximum salary for an NBA player is $35.4 million per year. The minimum salary for an NFL player is $480,000 per year, while the minimum salary for an NBA player is $582,180 per year.

Top Paid Players

In the NBA, the average player salary is $7.7 million per year, which is more than double the average player salary in the NFL, which is $3.3 million per year. The highest-paid NBA player is LeBron James, who makes $33.3 million per year. The highest-paid NFL player is Cam Newton, who makes $20 million per year.


While the average NFL player salary is slightly higher than the average NBA player salary, the top-earning players in each league bring in much higher salaries than the average player. The median salary for an NFL player is $860,000, while the median salary for an NBA player is $790,000. However, the top-earning NFL player, Kirk Cousins, makes $28 million per year, while the top-earning NBA player, LeBron James, makes $33.5 million per year.

Average Salary

An average NFL player’s salary is $2.1 million per year. NBA players make an average of $5.2 million a year. So NBA players make more money per year, on average. But it’s not that simple. NFL players have shorter careers, on average, than NBA players. And while the NFL has a higher salary cap than the NBA, that doesn’t necessarily mean that NFL players make more money overall.

When we compare the average career earnings of NFL and NBA players, we see a different story. The average career earnings for an NFL player are $24 million. The average career earnings for an NBA player are $61 million. So, while NBA players make more money per year, on average, NFL players make more money over the course of their careers.

Top Paid Players

In general, NFL players are paid more than NBA players. The average NFL salary is $2.1 million, while the average NBA salary is $7.4 million. However, there are a few factors that contribute to this difference.

First, the NFL has a hard salary cap, which means that teams can only spend so much money on player salaries. The NBA does not have a hard salary cap, so teams can spend as much money as they want on player salaries. This gives NFL teams less money to spend on each individual player, which results in lower salaries overall.

Second, the NFL has more players on each team than the NBA does. An NFL team has 53 players on its roster, while an NBA team has just 15 players. This means that there are more mouths to feed in the NFL, so to speak, which again results in lower salaries for each individual player.

Finally, NBA players tend to have shorter careers than NFL players do. This is due in part to the fact that basketball is a more physically demanding sport than football and also because of the shorter season. As a result, NBA teams are often willing to pay more for each year of a player’s career than NFL teams are.

All of these factors contribute to the overall difference in pay between NFL and NBA players.

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