Who Has Been Fired From WWE?

Who Has Been Fired From WWE? is a blog that keeps track of all the WWE superstars who have been released from the company.

Who Has Been Fired From WWE?

WWE Firing History

WWE is a company that has been known to fire employees for a variety of reasons. Some have been because of backstage politics, while others have been released due to WWE’s changing business model. Let’s take a look at some of the more notable firings in WWE history.

1993 – 2013

2013 was a big year for WWE firings, as the company released a number of high-profile names. Among those who were let go were World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, WWE Tag Team Champions The Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O’Neil), Divas Champion AJ Lee, and mainstays of the mid-card such as Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Brodus Clay, Wade Barrett, and Tensai. Big E Langston was also released, though he would later be rehired.

2014 – 2016

2014 – 2016
In 2014, WWE fired a number of wrestlers and backstage personnel. The firing of Rey Mysterio was seen as controversial, as he was accused of having an affair with a WWE Diva. The following year, a number of veteran wrestlers were released, including Jerry Lawler, William Regal, and Mark Henry. In 2016, WWE released a number of wrestlers who had been with the company for a long time, including Eve Torres and Darren Young.

2017 – 2018

In 2017 and 2018, WWE released a number of superstars and staff members.

Some of the most notable releases include:

-Big Cass (real name William Morrissey) was released in June 2018 after a controversial incident involving an enziguri kick to the head of a fan who was being escorted out of the arena.
-Enzo Amore (real name Eric Arndt) was released in January 2018 after allegations of sexual assault were made against him. Arndt was subsequently acquitted of all charges.
-Paige (real name Saraya-Jade Bevis) was released in April 2018 after she failed a WWE wellness policy test. Paige had previously been suspended twice for violating the policy.
-Tye Dillinger (real name Shawn Spears) was released in February 2018 as part of WWE’s reset/ shakeup following the Superstar Shakeup. Dillinger had been with WWE since 2006, but only debuted on the main roster in 2017.

WWE Firing Reasons

WWE has fired many wrestlers over the years for a variety of reasons. Some of these wrestlers have been released due to WWE’s budget cuts, while others have been let go due to their backstage behavior. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most famous wrestlers who have been fired from WWE.

backstage politics

While many WWE Superstars are fired for backstage politics, there are other reasons why WWE may let a Superstar go. Here are some of the other, more common, firing reasons from WWE.

Poor Attitude – A poor attitude can get a WWE Superstar fired very quickly. If a Superstar is disrespectful to WWE management, or to other Superstars, they will likely be let go.

Injuries – If a WWE Superstar is injured and unable to compete, they may be released by WWE. This is especially true if the injury is severe and/or the Superstar is unable to return to in-ring action for an extended period of time.

Lack of Talent – While this firing reason is less common than it used to be, there have been times when WWE has released a Superstar because they lacked the talent to be successful in WWE.

creative differences

WWE has a long history of creative differences leading to Superstars leaving the company. From Stone Cold Steve Austin to CM Punk, many top names have left WWE due to disagreements with Vince McMahon and company.

Here are some of the most notable Superstars who have been fired by WWE due to creative differences:

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
2.CM Punk
3. Batista
4. Brock Lesnar
5. Triple H

declining ratings

In May 2019, WWE announced that it was letting go of a number of on-air personalities as part of a “creative refreshment”. Among those released wereRenee Young, Rusev and Lana, Booker T, Jerry “The King” Lawler, and Paige. This round of cuts followed the company’s recent decision to part ways with WWE Cruiserweight ChampionEnzo Amore and Big Cass due to “unprofessional conduct”. While it’s not unusual for WWE to release talent throughout the year, the high-profile nature of some of these recent dismissals – particularly those of Paige and Enzo – has led some fans to speculate that there may be more going on behind the scenes.

declining ratings
One potential reason for the recent wave of firings could be WWE’s declining ratings. Both RAW and SmackDown have seen significant decreases in viewership over the past few years, with no end in sight. The company is clearly feeling the pressure to turn things around, and one way to do that is by making changes to its on-air product. Letting go of some familiar faces (and bringing in new ones) is one way to do that.

budgetary concerns
Another possibility is that WWE is simply trying to cut costs wherever possible. The company has been facing declining revenue for several years now, and it needs to find ways to save money. After all, WWE is a business first and foremost, and it needs to be profitable in order to survive. Letting go of talent (even high-profile talent like Paige) is one way to save money.

creative differences
Of course, it’s also possible that WWE is simply parting ways with superstars who are no longer a good fit for its current direction. The company goes through creative changes fairly often, and superstars who don’t fit into those changes are often shown the door. That appears to be the case with Rusev and Lana, who were recently released despite being two of RAW’s most popular stars.

WWE Firing Controversies

In the WWE, there have been a number of controversial firings. Some have been for political reasons, some have been for personal reasons, and some have been for financial reasons. Let’s take a look at some of the most controversial firings in WWE history.

CM Punk

On January 27, 2014, WWE announced that CM Punk had been removed from the active roster. His profile was moved to the alumni section of WWE.com later that day. The following day, Punk appeared on Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast, where he stated that he had quit WWE on the day of the Royal Rumble (January 26). He also claimed that he had not been paid for his scheduled appearance at WrestleMania XXX, and had thus decided not to show up for work. Punk also accused WWE doctor Chris Amann of misdiagnosing a MRSA infection in his knee, which led to a lawsuit filed by Amann against Punk and Cabana in November 2014.

Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore was one of WWE’s most popular superstars, but he was released in early 2018 after allegations of sexual assault. This caused a lot of controversy, as many people felt that WWE should have done more to investigate the claims before firing Amore.


On April 9, 2017, WWE confirmed that they had suspended Paige for 60 days due to a violation of the company’s wellness policy. This was Paige’s second suspension, as she was previously suspended in August 2016 for 30 days due to her first wellness policy violation.

Just over one month after her return from her second suspension, on May 17, Paige was fired from WWE after she reportedly failed a third drug test. The report claimed that Paige had tested positive for an illegal substance, which led to her firing.

WWE Firing Reactions

One of the more recent WWE firings has been that of Big Cass. This was not a very surprising firing, as Big Cass had been in trouble for a while now. He was first suspended for 30 days due to a wellness policy violation and then was injured shortly after returning.


Overall, fans have been largely supportive of WWE’s decision to release a number of performers, with many taking to social media to express their thanks to the company for making the changes.

Some have even gone so far as to say that this is the biggest house cleaning WWE has done in years, and that it was badly needed. of course, not everyone is happy with every single release made, but for the most part, fans seem to be supportive of WWE’s decisions.


Numerous WWE Superstars have been fired by WWE over the past few years. The most recent being Curtis Axel and Mickie James. While some Superstars are released with little to no fanfare, others are met with mixed reactions from the WWE Universe.

Here are some of the negative reactions to WWE Superstars being fired:

“I’m so glad [Superstar] is gone. They were terrible.”

“WWE is making a mistake by firing [Superstar]. They were one of the most talented people on the roster.”

“I can’t believe WWE would fire [Superstar] after everything they’ve done for the company.”

WWE Firing Outcomes

WWE has a history of firing wrestlers for a multitude of reasons. While some have been because of personal problems or backstage heat, most have been for business reasons. WWE has made the decision to release a lot of superstars over the years.

wrestlers find success elsewhere

While some wrestlers find success elsewhere, many former WWE Superstars have struggled to find work in the wrestling business after their release. In some cases, wrestlers are forced to retire due to injuries sustained during their time in WWE. Others may be released due to backstage politics or because they simply fall out of favor with WWE management.

Some wrestlers have been able to parlay their celebrity status into successful careers outside of wrestling. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood and has starred in multiple blockbuster films. Dave Bautista has also found success as an actor, appearing in films such as “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Avengers: Endgame.”

wrestlers fade into obscurity

When WWE wrestlers are released, many of them simply fade into obscurity. For some, their time in the wrestling business is over and they move on to other things. Others continue to wrestle on the independent circuit, hoping to one day be signed by WWE again. And then there are those who retire from wrestling altogether.

Here are some wrestlers who were recently released by WWE and what they’re doing now:

-Aleister Black: Black was released by WWE on April 15, 2020. He is currently wrestling on the independent circuit.
-Becky Lynch: Lynch was released by WWE on June 12, 2016. She is currently retired from wrestling and is married to fellow wrestler Seth Rollins.
-Big Cass: Cass was released by WWE on June 19, 2018. He is currently wrestling on the independent circuit.
-Braun Strowman: Strowman was released by WWE on May 29, 2020. He is currently signed with All Elite Wrestling (AEW).
-Cameron: Cameron was released by WWE on May 6, 2016. She is currently retired from wrestling and has a career in acting and modeling.

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