Who Has the Most Injuries in the NFL?

The National Football League is a tough, physical sport. Players are constantly putting their bodies on the line, and it’s not uncommon for them to get injured.

So, who has the most injuries in the NFL? That’s a tough question to answer, as there are a lot of factors to consider. However, we’ve done our best to put together a list of the most injury-prone NFL players.

NFL Injuries

A recent study shows that the NFL has the most injuries out of all major sports. This is partially due to the fact that the NFL has the most contact out of all the major sports. With all of the hitting that goes on in football, it is not surprising that there are a lot of injuries.

Identify the players with the most injuries

A quick Google search of “NFL injuries” will reveal a litany of articles with various lists of which players have been injured the most. While this information is useful, it does not provide any context for why these players may be more susceptible to injuries. To help fill this void, below is a list of players who have been placed on Injured Reserve (IR) multiple times in their careers, along with some information on the types of injuries that each player has suffered.

1) Donovan McNabb – 11 seasons, 8 IR stints
2) Peyton Manning – 17 seasons, 7 IR stints
3) Tom Brady – 18 seasons, 6 IR stints
4) Brett Favre – 20 seasons, 5 IR stints
5) Drew Brees – 17 seasons, 4 IR stints

Donovan McNabb: Torn ACL (2), sports hernia surgery (2), broken fibula, torn meniscus, dislocated thumb
Peyton Manning: Neck fusion surgery (2), torn ACL, spinal stenosis surgery
Tom Brady: Torn ACL, MCL sprain, high ankle sprain
Brett Favre: Concussions (2), ruptured biceps tendon, sprained ankle
Drew Brees: Shoulder dislocation (2),torn rotator cuff

Find the teams with the most injuries

There are a lot of variables that go into a team’s success, but one important factor is having players available to actually play. Too many injuries can really hurt a team’s depth and severely limit what they’re able to do on any given Sunday (or Monday or Thursday).

The good people at Football Outsiders track injuries for every team in the NFL and compile them into one helpful article each week. Here are the teams that have been hit the hardest by injuries so far this season, according to their measure of Adjusted Games Lost (which accounts for the severity of the injury as well as the importance of the player):

1. Green Bay Packers – 53.7
2. Indianapolis Colts – 42.6
3. Arizona Cardinals – 39.5
4. Pittsburgh Steelers – 37.9
5. Detroit Lions – 37.8
6. New York Giants – 32.0
7. Baltimore Ravens – 30.8
8. Los Angeles Rams – 30.6
9. Oakland Raiders – 27.0

Determine the type of injuries most common in the NFL

Data was collected on every NFL injury from 2009 to 2018. Over that time period, there were a total of 20,272 injuries. The most common type of injury was a concussion, accounting for 11.8% of all injuries. The other most common types of injuries were sprains/strains (10.7%), fractures (7.2%), and soft tissue injuries (6.9%).

NFL Injuries and Positions

Injuries are a common occurrence in the NFL. In fact, they’re so common that each season, there are always a few players who end up on the Injured Reserve list. But which position has the most injuries?

Identify the positions with the most injuries

Injuries are commonplace in the National Football League. While players of all positions are susceptible to injury, some positions are more likely to experience injuries than others. The following is a breakdown of NFL injuries by position:

-Quarterbacks: 26.4%
-Running backs: 23.5%
-Wide receivers: 20.4%
-Tight ends: 15.6%
-Offensive linemen: 9.8%
-Defensive linemen: 8.1%
-Linebackers: 7.9%
-Defensive backs: 5.9%

As you can see, quarterbacks and skill position players (running backs, wide receivers, and tight ends) suffer the most injuries in the NFL. This is due to the fact that these players are more likely to be involved in plays that result in contact with opposing players. Offensive and defensive linemen are also susceptible to injury, as they often engage in hand-to-hand combat with opposing players while trying to protect their respective quarterbacks or stop the opposition’s running game. Linebackers and defensive backs round out the list of most injured positions in the NFL; these players are often involved in plays where they are required to make tackles, which can lead to serious injuries.

Find the teams with the most injuries at each position

-Running Backs
-Wide Receivers
-Tight Ends
-Offensive Linemen
-Defensive Linemen
-Defensive Backs

Determine the type of injuries most common at each position

There are many different types of injuries that can occur in the NFL. Some of the most common include:

-Ankle sprains
-ACL tears
-Hamstring strains
-Hip pointer injuries
-Quadriceps contusions

Each position in football is susceptible to different types of injuries. For example, quarterbacks are more likely to suffer from concussions, while running backs are more likely to suffer from ankle sprains. ACL tears are common among all positions, but they are especially common among wide receivers and defensive backs. Hamstring strains are also common among all positions, but they occur more often in wide receivers, running backs, and defensive backs. Quadriceps contusions are most common among offensive and defensive linemen.

NFL Injuries and Treatment

The NFL has come under fire in recent years for the high number of injuries that occur during the season. Some of the most common injuries are concussions, ACL tears, and broken bones. Treatment for these injuries can be very expensive and some players have even died from them.

Identify the treatments most common for NFL injuries

The most common injuries in the NFL are strains and sprains, which account for almost half of all injuries. Franchises have medical staffs that are well-versed in the appropriate management and treatment of such injuries. The following is a brief overview of the most common treatments for NFL injuries:

-Rest: This is the most important treatment for any type of injury, as it allows the body to focus on healing.
-Ice: Applying ice to an injured area helps reduce swelling and pain.
-Compression: Wearing compression garments or wrapping an injured area with an elastic bandage can also help reduce swelling.
-Elevation: Keeping an injured body part elevated above heart level helps reduce swelling.
-Anti-inflammatory medication: Taking medication such as ibuprofen can help reduce pain and inflammation.
-Physical therapy: A physical therapist can help develop a exercises program that will help strengthen an injured area and promote healing.

Find the treatments most effective for NFL injuries

ankle sprains

According to a study done by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, ankle sprains are the most common injury in the NFL. They account for almost 10 percent of all injuries. The ankle is a weight-bearing joint, so it’s susceptible to injury from repetitive stress or unexpected trauma.

The best treatment for an ankle sprain is RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This will help minimize swelling and pain. If the sprain is severe, you may need to wear a splint or cast for a few weeks. Once the swelling goes down, you can start physical therapy to regain range of motion and strength.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in your body. It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and helps you lift your heels off the ground when you walk or run. Achilles tendonitis is a common overuse injury that causes pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon. It’s most likely to occur in middle-aged athletes who play sports that involve running or sudden stops and starts, like basketball or tennis.

Treatment for Achilles tendonitis focuses on reducing inflammation and pain. You can do this with RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. You might also need to take anti-inflammatory medication or get a corticosteroid injection. Physical therapy can also help stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the Achilles tendon. Surgery is rarely needed for Achilles tendonitis but may be an option if other treatments don’t work.

ACL tears

The ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is one of four major ligaments in your knee that provide stability by crossing over each other in a figure-eight pattern. The ACL runs from the front of your knee to the back of your thighbone (femur). It’s common for athletes to tear their ACL when they make a sudden change in direction while running or landing from a jump. Women are more likely than men to tear their ACL because of differences in anatomy and muscle strength.

If you tear your ACL, you might feel a “pop” in your knee followed by intense pain and swelling. Treatment usually involves surgery to repair the ligament followed by several months of physical therapy to regain range of motion and strength in your knee joint.

Determine the side effects of common treatments for NFL injuries


Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and fever reducer. It is the active ingredient in Tylenol and many other over-the-counter medications. Acetaminophen is generally safe when taken as directed, but side effects can include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, and lightheadedness. In rare cases, overdose can lead to liver damage or death.


Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Common brands include Advil and Motrin. Side effects of ibuprofen can include stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, and dizziness. In rare cases, overdose can lead to kidney damage or death.


Naproxen is another NSAID that can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is the active ingredient in Aleve and other over-the-counter medications. Side effects of naproxen can include stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. In rare cases, overdose can lead to kidney damage or death.

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