Who Has the Most Turnovers in the NFL?

Who has the most turnovers in the NFL? This is a question that many football fans ask.

Who Has the Most Turnovers in the NFL?


In the National Football League, there are a variety of ways to turn the ball over. The most common way is via an interception, followed by a fumble. However, there are other ways to turnover the ball, such as on downs and via penalty.

Which team has the most turnovers? The answer may surprise you.


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league. The NFL is the most popular sports league in the United States, and the highest level of professional American football. Turnovers occur when the ball changes possession from one team to the other, either through a fumble or an interception.

NFL teams with the most turnovers

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world.

Turnovers are an important part of the game of football, and teams that can take care of the ball and avoid turnovers tend to be more successful than those who do not. In the NFL, there are a few teams that have been particularly successful at avoiding turnovers, and these teams tend to be some of the most successful in the league year after year.

The New England Patriots have been one of the most successful teams in recent years, and they have also been one of the best at taking care of the ball. They have had only four seasons with more than 20 turnovers since 2000, and they have had only one season with more than 30 turnovers since 1990.

The Pittsburgh Steelers have also been historically good at avoiding turnovers, as they have had only six seasons with more than 20 turnovers since 1970. They have had only two seasons with more than 30 turnovers since 1960.

The Green Bay Packers are another team that has been very good at taking care of the ball, as they have had only five seasons with more than 20 turnovers since 1950. They have had only one season with more than 30 turnovers since 1940.

NFL teams with the least turnovers

In the National Football League, protecting the ball is important. The team that has the ball is said to have “possession,” and the team that doesn’t is said to be “turning it over.” Turnovers can happen on offense, when a team fumbles or throws an interception, or on defense, when a team intercepts a pass or recovers a fumble. The team that turns the ball over gives up a chance to score and gives the other team an opportunity to score.

The following is a list of NFL teams with the least turnovers during the 2019 season:
-New England Patriots: 8
-San Francisco 49ers: 10
-Baltimore Ravens: 10
-Chicago Bears: 11
-Dallas Cowboys: 11


In the NFL, there are a few teams that tend to have a lot of turnovers. The Cleveland Browns, for example, had 34 turnovers in the 2017 season. That’s the most in the NFL. The New York Jets had the second most with 30. So, what does this mean?

Why do some teams have more turnovers than others?

There are a number of reasons why some NFL teams have more turnovers than others. One reason is the style of play. A team that is more aggressive on offense (i.e., a team that throws the ball downfield more often) is more likely to have more turnovers than a team that is more conservative on offense (i.e., a team that runs the ball more often). Another reason is the quality of the quarterback. A quarterback who is prone to making mistakes (i.e., interceptions) is more likely to lead his team to have more turnovers than a quarterback who doesn’t make many mistakes. Finally, the quality of the offensive line can also play a role in turnover differential. If a team has an offensive line that struggles to protect the quarterback, that team is more likely to have more turnovers than a team with a better offensive line.

What can teams do to reduce turnovers?

One of the biggest factors that can affect a team’s performance is turnovers. In the NFL, there are a lot of intricate rules that can lead to turnovers, and each team has their own way of trying to minimize them. For example, the New England Patriots have been known to run a play where quarterback Tom Brady takes a snap under center, then immediately hands the ball off to one of his running backs. This is known as the “patty-cake” play, and it’s designed to keep the ball away from potential defenders.

There are a few things that all teams can do to reduce turnovers. First and foremost, they need to educate their players on the importance of holding onto the ball. This can be done through lectures, film study, or even physical punishment (like making players run extra laps). Secondly, teams need to design plays that minimize the risk of turnovers. This usually means keeping the ball in the hands of skilled players who are less likely to make mistakes. Finally, teams need to have a good plan for when they do turnover the ball. This means having a good defense that can stop opponents from scoring, and an offense that can quickly get back on track after a turnover.


After looking at the data, it is clear that the New York Jets have the most turnovers in the NFL.

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