Who Has the Worst Fans in the NFL?

We all know that there are some pretty intense rivalries in the NFL. But which teams have the worst fans? Here’s a look at some of the most notorious groups of fans in the league.

Who Has the Worst Fans in the NFL?

The Case for the New England Patriots

Their fans are obnoxious

The New England Patriots have been one of the most successful teams in the NFL over the past decade, winning three Super Bowls and appearing in five. But their success has come at a cost: their fans have become insufferable.

Patriots fans are notorious for being obnoxious, entitled, and insufferable. They constantly boast about their team’s success, and they are quick to tear down any team or player that dares to challenge them. They have even been known to engage in criminal activity, such as defacing property or assaulting opposing fans.

In short, Patriots fans are the worst fans in the NFL. They are a disgrace to the sport, and they make it difficult for anyone who isn’t a fan of their team to enjoy watching football.

They’re known to be cheaters

The New England Patriots have been embroiled in more than their fair share of controversies over the years, but none has been more damaging to their reputation than the allegations of cheating.

Whether it’s Deflategate, Spygate, or something else, the Patriots always seem to be at the center of some sort of scandal. And while they may not be guilty of all the charges leveled against them, there’s no denying that they have a bit of a checkered past.

This has led many to label the Patriots as “cheaters,” and it’s something that they’ve struggled to shake. It’s also something that has made them one of the most hated teams in the NFL.

The Case for the Dallas Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys have been one of the most successful teams in the NFL for over two decades now. They have won five Super Bowls, and their fans are some of the most passionate in the league. However, there is a downside to having such passionate fans.

Their fans are arrogant

Dallas Cowboys fans are notorious for being some of the most arrogant in the NFL. It’s not uncommon to hear them boast about their team’s accomplishments, even when they haven’t won a Super Bowl in over 20 years. They are quick to point out the faults of other teams and their fans, and they often act like they are better than everyone else.

They’re known to be fair-weather fans

It’s no secret that the Dallas Cowboys have some of the most dedicated and loyal fans in the NFL. But what about when things aren’t going so well for America’s Team? Are they still sticking by their team through thick and thin, or are they fair-weather fans who only show up when things are going good?

There’s no denying that the Cowboys have had their share of struggles over the past few years, but that hasn’t stopped their fans from showing up and being vocal at AT&T Stadium. In fact, many would argue that the fans are one of the biggest reasons why Dallas has been able to turn things around this season and become one of the best teams in the league.

So while it might be easy to call out Cowboys fans as being fair-weather, it’s clear that they’re anything but. They’re some of the most loyal and dedicated fans in all of sports, and they deserve nothing but respect.

The Case for the Pittsburgh Steelers

The Pittsburgh Steelers have one of the worst fan bases in the NFL. Their fans are known for being extremely rude and obnoxious. They have been known to throw objects on the field, start fights, and curse at opposing players. They are also known for being very disrespectful to the officials.

Their fans are violent

Recently, Steelers fans have been in the news for some pretty violent behavior. In 2013, a Steelers fan was convicted of assault after he punched a woman in the face during a game. Last year, another fan was arrested for throwing a beer bottle at an opposing player. And just this past December, a group of Steelers fans were filmed beating up a man in a bathroom at Heinz Field.

Sadly, this kind of behavior is not new for Pittsburgh fans. In 2006, two men were stabbed to death after a fight broke out among Steelers fans at a bar in Philadelphia. In 2000, a Steelers fan was shot and killed after he got into an argument with another fan at Three Rivers Stadium.

Pittsburgh has also been home to some pretty nasty incidents of racism and homophobia. In 2014, a group of Steelers fans were caught on camera making monkey noises at an opposing player. In 2017, a fan was banned from Heinz Field after he shouted homophobic slurs at another fan.

It’s clear that there is a problem with violence and bigotry among Pittsburgh fans. But why?

Some people have argued that the problem is with the city of Pittsburgh itself. They say that the city’s history of steel production and blue-collar jobs has created an environment where violence is more accepted. Others have blamed the team’s tough image, arguing that it encourages aggressive behavior among fans.

Whatever the cause, it’s clear that something needs to be done about the problem of violence among Pittsburgh fans. The team has taken some steps to address the issue, but more needs to be done to make sure that Pittsburgh is safe for everyone – regardless of which team they root for.

They’re known to be drunkards

In addition to being known for their rough-and-tumble ways, Steelers fans are also known to drink a lot of alcohol. This is likely due in part to the fact that Pittsburgh is located in Pennsylvania, which has some of the highest rates of alcohol consumption in the country.

In 2016, the website 24/7 Wall Street ranked Pittsburgh as the eighth-drunkest city in America. This is based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that 26.5% of adults in Pittsburgh reported binge or heavy drinking in the past month. That’s significantly higher than the national rate of 18%.

What’s more, Steelers fans have been known to get drunk and obnoxious at games. In 2010, Sports Illustrated ran a feature story about how Steelers fans were “the worst behaved” in the NFL. The article included several accounts of fans getting into fights, urinating on each other, and engaging in other lewd behavior.

The Case for the Oakland Raiders

It is well-documented that the Oakland Raiders have the worst fans in the NFL. They are often cited for being rowdy, unruly, and downright dangerous. They have been known to start fights, vandalize property, and even assault opposing fans. In short, they are everything that is wrong with football fans.

Their fans are scary

There is no denying that the Oakland Raiders have some of the most die-hard, passionate fans in the NFL. But there is also no denying that their fans can be downright scary.

Their reputation for being rough and rowdy is well earned. Just last year, two Raiders fans were killed in a fight outside of a bar in San Francisco. And in 2012, a Raiders fan was stabbed to death in the parking lot of Candlestick Park after a game.

Raiders fans have also been known to throw bottles and other objects at opposing players and referees. In one notorious incident, they even set fire to an opposing team’s bus.

Needless to say, Oakland Raiders fans are not for the faint of heart. They’re passionate, they’re intense, and they’re definitely not afraid to get involved in a little bit of trouble.

They’re known to be criminals

The Oakland Raiders have been known to have some of the most passionate, intense, and loyal fans in the NFL. Unfortunately, they’ve also been known to be some of the most criminal.

According to a study done by Forbes in 2014, the Raiders had the second most arrests among NFL fans from 2000-2012. In that span, there were 1,020 Arrests made at Raiders games. That number is only surpassed by the Minnesota Vikings who had 1,311 arrests.

What’s even more alarming is that when comparing the arrest rate to the population of the city where each team is located, the Raiders come out on top with an arrest rate of 8.4 per 100,000 people. The next closest team is once again the Minnesota Vikings with a rate of 5.6 per 100,000 people.

So why are Raider fans so much more likely to be arrested than other NFL fans? There are a few possible explanations.

First, it’s worth noting that a significant portion of Raider fans are from Oakland’s inner city neighborhoods which tend to be more violent and have higher crime rates than other parts of town. Additionally, many Raiders fans are part of gangs or have ties to organized crime which could contribute to their propensity for violence and criminal activity.

Another explanation could be that Raider games are simply more intense and rowdy than other games and therefore attract a higher number of people looking to cause trouble. Additionally, with Oakland being such a tough and gritty city, there’s definitely an element of ‘toughness’ that comes with being a Raiders fan which could lead to more altercations and arrests.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s clear that Raider fans are significantly more likely to be arrested than fans of any other team in the NFL. So if you’re looking for a team with passionate and intense fans but don’t want to deal with all the potential criminal activity, you might want to look elsewhere.

So Who Has the Worst Fans in the NFL?

It’s no secret that some NFL fans can be pretty hardcore – and not in a good way. There are a lot of fans out there who are known for being absolutely terrible. So, who has the worst fans in the NFL? Let’s take a look.

It’s a close race, but the New England Patriots have the worst fans in the NFL

A recent study by Emory University professor Michael Lewis found that New England Patriots fans are the most likely in the NFL to be “obstreperous, obnoxious, irrational, uncivil, spiteful, and belligerent.”

The study looked at a number of incidents involving NFL fans, including fighting, vandalism, verbal abuse and general disorderly behavior. The Patriots were involved in more of these incidents than any other team, which led Lewis to conclude that they have the worst fans in the NFL.

Of course, this is just one study and there are sure to be plenty of people who would dispute its findings. But it does provide some interesting food for thought.

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