Who Invented Fantasy Baseball?

A look at the origins of the game that has captivated baseball fans for decades.


The game of fantasy baseball is thought to have originated in the early 1960s, created by a group of Oakland, California-based baseball fans who called themselves the “Rotisserie League”. This first fantasy baseball league reportedly drafted their teams in a Chinese restaurant and used statistics from the previous season to determine each player’s value.

Since then, fantasy baseball has grown into a hugely popular pastime for baseball fans across the United States and beyond. According to the Fantasy Sports Trade Association, an estimated 41 million people in the United States and Canada played some form of fantasy sports in 2015 – and that number is only expected to grow.

The Origins of Fantasy Baseball

Fantasy baseball is a game in which participants act as the general managers of imaginary baseball teams. A fantasy baseball team is composed of real-world baseball players, who are assigned to teams via a draft, and accumulate points based on their real-world statistical performance. The first known fantasy baseball league began in Boston in 1960.

The First Fantasy Baseball League

In the early 1960s, a group of baseball fans in New York City started a game that would come to be known as fantasy baseball. The game was simple: each player would create a team of real-life Major League Baseball players, and the team that scored the most points (based on the statistical performance of the real-life players) would win.

This first fantasy baseball league, which was called the “Rotisserie League” after the restaurant where it was founded, became so popular that it spawned dozens of imitators and helped give rise to today’s booming fantasy sports industry. The Rotisserie League is also credited with popularizing many of the game mechanics that are now standard in fantasy baseball, such as the use of statistical categories (such as batting average and home runs) to score points.

The Second Fantasy Baseball League

In 1980, a man named Daniel Okrent created the first fantasy baseball league. He recruited his friends, all of whom were fans of baseball, to participate in his league.

However, it wasn’t until 1988 that fantasy baseball became widely popularized. This is when a second fantasy baseball league was created by a man namedRotisserie League Baseball, or RLB.

RLB was different from Okrent’s fantasy baseball league in a few key ways. First, RLB was played online, which made it much more accessible to people outside of Okrent’s inner circle of friends. Second, RLB used a different scoring system than Okrent’s league, which emphasized different aspects of the game and ultimately made the game more exciting to play.

Okrent’s league continued to be played offline and use the original scoring system for several years after RLB was created. However, as more and more people began playing fantasy baseball online using the RLG scoring system, Okrent’s league eventually switched to this newer system as well.

Since its inception in 1988, fantasy baseball has grown exponentially in popularity. Today, there are millions of people all over the world who play the game on a variety of different platforms. And it all started with just one man’s idea to create a fun and unique way for baseball fans to interact with the sport they love.

The Inventor of Fantasy Baseball

It is believed that the game of Fantasy Baseball was invented by a group of friends in Boston, MA during the late summer of 1960. The game’s inventors are believed to be Daniel Okrent, the game’s first commissioner, and Robert Sklar, one of the original players.

Daniel Okrent

Daniel Okrent is widely credited with inventing fantasy baseball. He came up with the concept in 1980 as a way to make watching baseball more exciting for non-baseball fans.

Okrent and some friends created a 12-team league with rosters of real-life baseball players. They held a draft to determine who would get which players, and then they used statistics from the actual games to keep track of how their “teams” were doing.

The concept quickly caught on, and today there are millions of people playing fantasy baseball worldwide.

Robert Sklar

Robert Sklar is believed to be the inventor of fantasy baseball. A lawyer from New York, Sklar created the game in 1960 as a way to keep track of his favorite players and teams. He originally called it “Tabletop Baseball,” but later renamed it “Fantasy Baseball.” Sklar’s game quickly gained popularity, and by the 1970s, there were dozens of different fantasy baseball leagues across the country. Today, fantasy baseball is one of the most popular fantasy sports, with millions of players worldwide.


Fantasy baseball was invented in 1980 by Daniel Okrent and friends. The game was created as a way to add excitement to watching baseball on television. It has since grown into a huge industry, with millions of people playing in leagues each year.

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