Who Is John Cena’s Best Friend In WWE?

Find out which one of John Cena’s friends in WWE is his best friend.


John Cena is one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE. He has many friends in WWE, but who is his best friend?

Many people believe that John Cena’s best friend in WWE is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The two have been friends for many years, and they have starred in several movies together. However, it is unclear if they are still close friends.

Another one of John Cena’s close friends in WWE is Randy Orton. The two have been feuding on and off for years, but they have always remained close friends. Orton has even said that Cena is like a brother to him.

It is clear that John Cena has many close friends in WWE. However, it is uncertain who his best friend truly is.

John Cena’s Friends in WWE

Many people think that John Cena is a loner in WWE, but that’s not the case. He actually has quite a few friends in WWE. Some of them are people he’s worked with for a long time, and others are people he’s just recently become friends with. Let’s take a look at some of John Cena’s friends in WWE.

The Miz

The Miz is one of John Cena’s best friends in WWE. Miz and Cena have known each other for a long time, and they have been through a lot together. They are both incredibly talented wrestlers, and they have a lot of respect for each other.

Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler and John Cena have been close friends for years, ever since they started out in WWE together. They’ve always had each other’s backs, whether it’s in the ring or out of it.

Ziggler is one of the few people who knows Cena better than anyone else, and he was even the one who helped Cena get through his break-up with Nikki Bella.

There’s no doubt that these two are close friends, and there’s a good chance that they’ll be friends for life.


Kane is one of John Cena’s best friends in WWE. They have been friends for many years and have always had each other’s backs. Kane is a great wrestler and a great friend, and Cena always knows he can count on him.

John Cena’s Best Friend in WWE

If you’re a WWE fan, then you know that John Cena has a lot of friends in the WWE Universe. But who is John Cena’s best friend in WWE? That’s a tough question to answer, but we’ll take a look at some of the candidates.

Daniel Bryan

John Cena has had many friends in WWE over the years, but one stands out above the rest as his best friend: Daniel Bryan.

The two have been close since their days in NXT, and their friendship has only grown stronger as they’ve climbed the WWE ranks together. They’ve supported each other through good times and bad, and there’s no doubt that Cena is a better person for having Bryan in his life.

Bryan is the perfect friend for Cena because he understands him both as a wrestler and as a person. He knows how to push Cena to be better in the ring, and he’s always there to support him outside of it. Bryan is the one person who truly knows what makes Cena tick, and that’s why he’s such an important part of his life.


While it is difficult to say who John Cena’s best friend is in WWE, it is clear that he has a close relationship with a few people. He has been friends with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for many years, and they have worked together on several projects outside of WWE. He also formed a close bond with the late Eddie Guerrero, and has said that Guerrero was like a father to him. Cena also has a close relationship with current WWE Superstar Randy Orton, and the two have been known to share hotel rooms while on the road.

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