Who Is Leaving WWE for AEW?

Who Is Leaving WWE for AEW? As the new kid on the block, AEW is quickly making a name for itself in the world of professional wrestling. Many top WWE Superstars have already made the jump to AEW, and more are rumored to be on their way. So who is leaving WWE for AEW?

Who Is Leaving WWE for AEW?

WWE superstars who have left for AEW

In recent years, WWE has seen a number of top superstars leave the company for AEW. The most notable names include Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, and The Young Bucks. While there are a number of reasons why these stars have left WWE, the most common one is that they were not happy with the creative direction of the company.

CM Punk

CM Punk is a former WWE superstar who has recently joined forces with All Elite Wrestling (AEW).

Punk made his first appearance with AEW at their Double or Nothing pay-per-view event, where he attacked Chris Jericho.

This was a huge surprise for fans, as Punk had not been seen in the wrestling world since he left WWE in early 2014.

Punk is currently signed to a multi-year contract with AEW, and it is believed that he will be a major player in the company going forward.

The Young Bucks

The Young Bucks are an American professional wrestling tag team consisting of brothers Matthew and Nicholas Massie, who are signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW). They are both former one-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions and three-time ROH World Tag Team Champions. They have also won the PWG World Tag Team Championship a record six times. They are executive vice presidents of AEW.

Chris Jericho

One of the most notable WWE superstars to make the move to AEW is Chris Jericho. Jericho is a 6-time world champion and has been with WWE for over 20 years. He is considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and his move to AEW has sent shockwaves through the wrestling world.

In January 2019, it was announced that Jericho had signed a multi-year deal with AEW. He made his debut for the company at their inaugural event, Double or Nothing. Since then, he has become one of the top stars in AEW, winning the AEW World Championship in 2020.

Jericho’s move to AEW has been a game-changer for the wrestling world and has helped to establish AEW as a major player in the industry.

WWE superstars who have been rumoured to leave for AEW

The professional wrestling world was turned upside down when All Elite Wrestling was founded in 2019. Since then, many WWE superstars have been rumoured to be leaving the company for AEW. In this article, we will take a look at some of the WWE superstars who have been rumoured to be leaving for AEW.

Brock Lesnar

While Lesnar has not officially signed with AEW, there have been rumours that he has been in talks with the company. This is due to the fact that his contract with WWE is set to expire in 2020. If Lesnar were to sign with AEW, it would be a major coup for the company as he is one of the biggest names in WWE.

The Rock

The Rock’s last WWE appearance was at WrestleMania 32 in 2016 where he defeated Erick Rowan in six seconds.

While The Rock has not officially signed with AEW, he has been rumoured to be interested in working with the company. He has reportedly had talks with AEW president Tony Khan about appearing on Dynamite, and Khan has said that he would “love” to have The Rock appear on the show.

The Rock is one of the biggest WWE superstars of all time, and his addition to the AEW roster would be a huge get for the company.

Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns is one of the top WWE superstars and has been with the company for many years. He is rumoured to be considering a move to AEW though, as his contract is coming up soon. Reigns has not been happy with how WWE has been booking him lately, and feels like he could be used better elsewhere. This is a big loss for WWE if Reigns were to leave, as he is one of their top stars.

Why WWE superstars are leaving for AEW

In recent months, a number of high-profile WWE superstars have left the company for All Elite Wrestling (AEW). While WWE is still the dominant force in professional wrestling, AEW is quickly gaining ground. There are a number of reasons why WWE superstars are leaving for AEW.

Better pay

While AEW hasn’t revealed what their contracts look like, it is widely believed that they are offering better pay and more creative freedom to wrestlers. WWE superstars have been known to be underpaid compared to other professional athletes, and with AEW being a new company, they can afford to pay their wrestlers more. In addition, WWE has a reputation for being very restrictive creatively, often times not letting wrestlers show their true personalities or do the things they are passionate about. AEW has promised to be more open creatively, which has led many wrestlers to leave WWE for AEW.

More creative freedom

When WWE superstars leave for All Elite Wrestling (AEW), they’re doing so for a number of reasons. For some, it’s because they weren’t being used to their full potential in WWE. Others simply want a change of scenery. But one of the main reasons many WWE superstars are leaving for AEW is because they’re seeking more creative freedom.

In WWE, storylines are often written by a team of writers and approved by Vince McMahon himself. This can lead to superstars being stuck in storylines that they’re not particularly happy with. In contrast, AEW gives its wrestlers a lot more freedom when it comes to their characters and storylines. This allows wrestlers to be more creative and build their characters in ways that they see fit.

It’s also worth noting that AEW president Tony Khan is a big wrestling fan himself. This means that he’s more open to hearing ideas from the wrestlers themselves and incorporating them into the show. In WWE, it often feels like Vince McMahon is the only one who has any say in what goes on, which can be frustrating for the wrestlers themselves.

Tired of WWE’s politics

Former WWE superstars are leaving the company for All Elite Wrestling (AEW) because they are tired of the WWE’s politics, according to a report by PWInsider.

According to the report, former WWE superstars Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks ( Matt and Nick Jackson) have been vocal about their frustration with WWE’s backstage politics.

The report also states that other former WWE superstars, such as Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose, have also spoken about their frustration with WWE’s backstage politics.

WWE has been criticized in the past for its backstage politics, which many believe is one of the reasons why some superstars have left the company.

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