Who Is Left In The NFL?

Who is left in the NFL? Here’s a look at the teams that are still in contention for the Lombardi Trophy.


The NFL is in a state of decline

The NFL is in a state of decline. That’s the only way to explain why so many fans are still watching, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The product on the field is suffering, as evidenced by declining ratings and attendance. Players are retiring early, due to concerns about their health. And the league’s off-field antics are making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The NFL is losing its fan base

The National Football League is in the midst of a crisis. Ratings are down, viewership is down, and attendance is down. In fact, the NFL is losing its fan base at an alarming rate.

There are many reasons for this decline, but the most important one is that the NFL is losing touch with its core audience: blue-collar America. For decades, the NFL was the sport of choice for working-class Americans. But now, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the league doesn’t understand or appreciate its blue-collar fans.

This disconnect was on full display this past weekend, when NFL commissioner Roger Goodell held a press conference to address the league’s declining ratings. When asked about the decline, Goodell blamed it on “various things,” but he didn’t seem to have a clear understanding of why people are tuning out.

Goodell’s comments were tone-deaf and out of touch with what’s really going on in America. The truth is that blue-collar Americans are tired of being ignored and disrespected by the NFL. And until the league starts to understand and appreciate its blue-collar fans, the decline will continue.

The NFL is losing its TV ratings

The National Football League is America’s most popular sport. But it’s also facing some serious headwinds.

One of the biggest problems the NFL is facing is declining TV ratings. In 2016, the average NFL game was watched by 16.5 million people, down from 17.9 million in 2015, according to Nielsen. That’s a decline of nearly 8%.

What’s behind the falling TV numbers? There are a few theories:

1) The presidential election: Many people believe that the 2016 election was a big reason for the decline in NFL ratings. With all the drama and intrigue surrounding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, there were simply fewer people watching TV in general, and that included NFL games.

2) cord-cutting: As more and more people ditch their cable TV packages, it stands to reason that fewer people would be watching NFL games on broadcast television. That’s because cord-cutters tend to be younger and more tech-savvy than the average TV viewer, and they’re less likely to watch live sports on traditional TV channels.

3) Competition from other sports: The NBA has seen a resurgence in recent years, thanks in large part to the popularity of players like LeBron James and Steph Curry. And with Major League Baseball enjoying one of its mostcompetitive seasons ever, there’s simply more competition for sports fans’ attention—and that could be taking away from the NFL.

4) Player protests: Some fans have been turned off by the player protests that have taken place during the singing of the national anthem before NFL games. While many see these protests as a form of free speech, others believe they’re disrespectful to America and its military veterans.

The NFL is losing its sponsors

With the NFL season in full swing, many fans are wondering who is left in the NFL? The short answer is that the NFL is losing its sponsors.

In recent years, the NFL has been embroiled in a number of controversies, ranging from player protests to domestic violence. As a result, a number of sponsors have pulled their support for the league.

Among the most recent examples is Anheuser-Busch, which announced earlier this year that it was ending its partnership with the NFL. In a statement, the company said that it had “decided not to extend our existing relationship” with the league.

Other companies that have ended or reduced their partnerships with the NFL include Nordstrom, Verizon, and Toyota. It’s unclear how much these decisions will impact the league financially, but it’s clear that the NFL is losing some of its most important partners.

The NFL is losing its players

The National Football League is facing a bit of a crisis. Due to a combination of factors, the league is losing its players. In the last few years, several high-profile players have retired early, and the overall number of retirements has been higher than usual. This trend is likely to continue, as more and more players are becoming aware of the risks associated with playing football.

The league has responded to this challenge in a number of ways. They have implemented rule changes designed to make the game safer, and they have also been working to improve player safety equipment. However, these efforts may not be enough to stem the tide of player losses.

If the NFL wants to maintain its position as the preeminent professional football league, it needs to find a way to keep its players safe. Otherwise, it risks losing its talent pool to retirement and other leagues.

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