Who Is The Best Esports Player In The World?

The best esports player in the world is a hotly contested title. There are a lot of great players out there, but only one can be the best. Who is the best esports player in the world?

Who Is The Best Esports Player In The World?


In recent years, competitive gaming has seen a surge in popularity, with tournaments being held for many different games. One of the most popular competitive games is League of Legends, a multiplayer online battle arena game. The game has a large following, with professional teams and players from all over the world.

So, who is the best esports player in the world? This is a difficult question to answer definitively, as there are many talented players who have achieved success in different ways. However, there are a few players who stand out as being exceptionally skilled and successful.

One of these players is Faker, a South Korean player who competes for the team SKT T1. Faker is widely considered to be the best League of Legends player in the world, and he has achieved amazing success in both domestic and international competitions. He is known for his outstanding mechanical skill and his ability to make quick and decisive decisions in-game.

Another highly successful esports player is Coldzera, a Brazilian player who competes for the team SK Gaming. Coldzera is considered to be one of the best Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players in the world, and he has helped his team to win numerous major tournaments. He is known for his consistent aim and his ability to perform under pressure.

These are just some of the best esports players in the world; there are many other talented individuals out there who have had success in different games and genres. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual player to decide who they think is the best esports player in the world.


The best esports player in the world is a title that is constantly being fought over. There are so many talented and skilled players out there, it’s hard to determine who is the best. However, there are a few players who always seem to come out on top. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best esports player in the world and their accomplishments.

History of Esports

The history of esports is fascinating, because it starts with people playing video games for fun and then progresses to people playing video games for money. Competitive gaming has been around almost as long as video games themselves, with the first “tournament” being a Space Invaders competition held in 1980. But it wasn’t until the early 2000s that competitive gaming, or “esports,” started to gain traction as a legitimate spectator sport.

The early days of esports were dominated by first-person shooters (FPS) like Quake and Counter-Strike, and real-time strategy (RTS) games like StarCraft. These were the genres that really lent themselves to competitive play, and the ones that attracted the most viewers. As broadband Internet became more widespread in the late 2000s and early 2010s, other genres began to emerge as well. These days, you can find competitive tournaments for just about any kind of game you can think of, from fighting games like Street Fighter to card games like Hearthstone.

The best esports athletes in the world are typically those who have been playing their chosen game for years and have honed their skills to a razor-sharp edge. Unlike traditional sports, there is no “off-season” in esports — players are always practicing and competing in online tournaments or ladders to try and improve their ranking. The biggest tournaments usually take place once or twice a year, with prize pools often reaching into the millions of dollars.

If you’re interested in becoming a professional esports athlete, the best thing to do is start practicing now. There are plenty of online resources that can help you get better at your chosen game, and there are also many amateur/semi-professional leagues you can compete in to try and make a name for yourself. With enough dedication and skill, you too could one day be among the best esports athletes in the world!

What is an Esports Player?

An esports player is a professional video game player. Esports players train for hours every day to hone their skills in specific games. They compete in tournaments all over the world, with prize pools often reaching into the millions of dollars.

The most popular esports games are first-person shooters (FPS), such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Overwatch; multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), such as League of Legends and Dota 2; and battle royales, such as Fortnite and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

The Best Esports Player in the World

In the world of esports, there are many talented players. But who is the best? This is a question that does not have a simple answer. However, we can look at the achievements of the top players to try and find an answer.


In order to determine who the best esports player in the world is, we must first establish what criteria we will use to make our decision. There are a few different ways to approach this, but we will focus on three main factors: results, earnings, and popularity.

Results are the most important factor when it comes to determining the best player in any given esports game. The best players in the world consistently place at the top of tournaments and competitions, often winning multiple championships over the course of their careers.

While earnings are not as important as results, they are still a significant factor to consider. The best players in the world tend to earn the most money from prize pools, sponsorships, and endorsements. This allows them to maintain their status as professional gamers and continue competing at the highest levels.

Popularity is also a key factor when determining the best esports player in the world. The best players are often those who have built up a large following online, through social media and streaming platforms. This allows them to connect with their fans and generate even more support for their career.

The Contenders

There are several contenders for the title of best esports player in the world. The most logical place to start is with the top players in the world according to prize money won. This list is topped by Chinese Dota 2 player Zhong Xuanyu, better known by his in-game name “BurNIng”, who has amassed over $4 million in winnings. In second place is another Dota 2 player, Saahil Arora from the United States, who goes by the name “UNiVeRsE”. He has earned just over $3.5 million from playing the game professionally.

The third spot on this list is held by “s4”, a Swedish player of the same game, whose real name is Gustav Magnusson. He has won nearly $3 million in prize money. Rounding out the top five are two more Dota 2 players: Jesse Vainikka from Finland (“JerAx”) and Juan Pablo de la Cotera from Argentina (“Meeper”).

While prize money is one way to measure success in esports, it is not the only metric. Another way to look at things is to examine which players have had the most success in terms of tournament wins. When we do this, a different picture emerges.

The most successful tournament player in recent years has been Lee Sang-hyeok from South Korea, better known as “Faker”. He plays the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game League of Legends and is considered by many to be the best player in that game’s history. Faker has won over $1 million in prize money, but his true value lies in his untapped potential. At just 22 years of age, he has many years of competition ahead of him and could easily surpass BurNIng as the highest-earning esports player ever.

Another player to watch is 22-year-old Amer Barqawi from Jordan, who goes by the name “Miracle-. Miracle- currentlyplays Dota 2 for Team Liquid and is widely considered to be one of the best players in that game. To date, he has earned just over $800,000 in prize money, but like Faker, he still has many years of competition ahead of him and could easily climb up the ranks


In the end, there is no clear consensus on who the best esports player in the world is. Different people have different opinions, and there is no one player who has dominated the scene for an extended period of time. Instead, it seems that the title of best esports player in the world is up for grabs every few years, with different players taking turns at the top spot. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see who rises to the top in the coming years.

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