Who Is The Best NHL Team?

We all know that there is no definitive answer to this question, but it’s still fun to debate! Who do you think is the best NHL team?

Who Is The Best NHL Team?


In order to answer the question of who is the best NHL team, one must first understand what metrics to use in order to make such a determination. There are a variety of ways to measure team success, but the most common and widely accepted methods are win percentage and point percentage. Simply put, win percentage is the number of games a team wins divided by the total number of games played. Point percentage is the number of points a team earns divided by the total number of points available. It is important to note that these methods do not account for strength of schedule, so teams that play in easier divisions or conferences may have an advantage.

After looking at the NHL standings for the 2016-2017 season, it is clear that the Washington Capitals are the best team in the league. They had the highest win percentage (.713) and point percentage (.923) of any team in the league. The Capitals also had more regulation and overtime wins than any other team, further solidifying their position as the best team in the NHL.

The Case for the Tampa Bay Lightning

The Tampa Bay Lightning are often considered one of the best teams in the NHL. They have one of the best records in the league and have made it to the Stanley Cup Finals multiple times. They have a strong home-ice advantage and a passionate fan base. Let’s take a closer look at why the Tampa Bay Lightning are the best team in the NHL.

The Case for the Pittsburgh Penguins

When it comes to successful NHL teams, few have accomplished what the Pittsburgh Penguins have in recent years. Since 2009, the Pens have won three Stanley Cups, and they show no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Led by all-time greats Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, Pittsburgh is always a threat to hoist the Cup, no matter who they are up against.

But what makes the Penguins so successful? For one, they always seem to find a way to win when it matters most. In close games, late in the season, or in the playoffs, Pittsburgh always seems to come out on top. They also have a deep and talented roster that can score goals in bunches, and a strong defense that can shut down opponents when necessary.

No matter who you ask, it’s hard to find a weakness on this Pittsburgh team. They are well-coached, well-managed, and always seem to be one step ahead of the competition. If you’re looking for a team to root for in the NHL, there is no better choice than the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The Case for the Washington Capitals

The NHL regular season is coming to a close, and once again the Washington Capitals find themselves at the top of the standings. They’ve been one of the league’s best teams for years now, and they look poised to make a deep run in the playoffs once again. But are they the best team in the NHL? That’s a tough question to answer, but here’s our case for the Capitals being hockey’s top team.

First and foremost, the Capitals have been an incredibly consistent team over the past few seasons. In each of the last four years, they’ve won at least 45 games and finished first or second in their division. They’ve also made it to at least the second round of the playoffs in three of those four seasons, and they even made it all the way to the Stanley Cup Finals in 2018. Not many teams can match that kind of consistency, and it speaks to the Capitals’ ability to maintain a high level of play year after year.

The Capitals also boast one of the league’s best players in captain Alex Ovechkin. The 33-year-old winger is having another outstanding season, as he currently leads the NHL with 48 goals. He’s also fourth in points with 80, and he’s done all of this while playing in all 82 games for Washington. Ovechkin is a true difference-maker on the ice, and he gives the Capitals an elite goal-scoring threat that few other teams can match.

Finally, goaltender Braden Holtby has been rock-solid for Washington this season, posting a .931 save percentage and 2.82 GAA. He might not be getting as much attention as some other goalies around the league, but Holtby has been terrific for the Capitals and he gives them a very reliable last line of defense.

So there you have it: our case for why we believe the Washington Capitals are currently the best team in hockey. They’re an extremely well-rounded squad that has proven time and time again that they can hang with any team in the league. Ovechkin is an absolute superstar, Holtby is one of the best goalies in hockey, and their supporting cast is full of talented players who contribute on both ends of the ice. The Capitals might not be everyone’s favorite team, but there’s no denying that they deserve to be considered hockey’s best right now.

The Case Against the Tampa Bay Lightning

The Tampa Bay Lightning are often lauded as the best team in the NHL. They have the best record in the league and have won the Stanley Cup twice in the last ten years. However, there are a few arguments to be made against them.

The Case Against the Pittsburgh Penguins

The Pittsburgh Penguins have been one of the best teams in the NHL over the past few years. They have won the Stanley Cup twice in the last three years and they have made it to the Finals four times in the last six years. However, there are a few reasons why the Tampa Bay Lightning are a better team than the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The first reason is that the Tampa Bay Lightning have a better goal differential. The Lightning have scored 212 goals so far this season and they have only allowed 149 goals. That is a goal differential of +63. The Penguins have scored 211 goals and they have allowed 169 goals. That is a goal differential of +42. The Lightning have scored 20 more goals than they have allowed, while the Penguins have only scored 42 more goals than they have allowed.

The second reason is that the Tampa Bay Lightning have a better power play than the Pittsburgh Penguins. The Lightning’s power play is converting at 25.0%, which is sixth in the NHL. The Penguin’s power play is converting at 20.8%, which is 16th in the NHL. Tampa Bay has scored 51 power play goals, while Pittsburgh has only scored 44 power play goals.

The third reason is that Tampa Bay has played better against good teams than Pittsburgh has this season. The Lightning have an record of 21-7-1 against teams that are currently in a playoff spot, while the Penguins are 19-9-3 against those same teams. In addition, Tampa Bay has also beaten Pittsburgh head-to-head this season, with a record of 3-1-0 against them.

Overall, there are several reasons why Tampa Bay is a better team than Pittsburgh this season. They have a better goal differential, they have a better power play, and they have played better against good teams this season.

The Case Against the Washington Capitals

Since the NHL’s expansion in 1967, only five teams have won the Stanley Cup more than once. Of those five, only two – the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Detroit Red Wings – have done it more than twice. So it stands to reason that any team with a chance at winning multiple championships in a short period of time is a dynasty in the making.

The Tampa Bay Lightning are well on their way to becoming just such a team.

Since their inception in 1992, the Lightning have made the playoffs 12 times, including seven times in the last eight years. They’ve won division titles six times and conference titles twice. And, of course, they’ve won the Stanley Cup once, in 2004.

In other words, they’re pretty much dynasty-worthy already.

But there are a few mitigating factors that suggest they’re not quite there yet. For one thing, they’ve only been around for 26 years, which is a fraction of the time most other perennial contenders have been around (the Blackhawks, for example, were founded in 1926). For another thing, their lone Stanley Cup victory came during the salary cap era, which makes it harder for teams to maintain long-term success (as the Blackhawks know all too well).

But if we put those factors aside for a moment and focus solely on on-ice performance, it’s hard to argue that any team is currently better than the Lightning. They’re deep at every position and they have one of the best goaltenders in the league in Andrei Vasilevskiy. They also have one of the best coaches in the league in Jon Cooper.

So while they may not yet be a dynasty, there’s no doubt that they’re well on their way to becoming one.


After careful consideration, we have come to the conclusion that the best NHL team is the Pittsburgh Penguins. They have a strong lineup, a great coach, and a proven track record of success. We think they have what it takes to win it all this year.

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