Who Is The Fattest NFL Player?

We all know that NFL players are some of the biggest and strongest athletes in the world. But have you ever wondered who the fattest NFL player is?

Here at The Fat Blog, we did some research and compiled a list of the top 10 fattest NFL players of all time. From former Super Bowl champions to current stars, these are the guys who have really let themselves go.

So if you’re wondering who the fattest NFL player is, wonder


The NFL is full of incredibly talented and physically fit athletes. However, there are a few players who stand out for their size. These massive men are the biggest in the NFL, and they make up some of the fattest players in the league.

So, who is the fattest NFL player? That title goes to former offensive lineman Jonathan Martin, who clocks in at an impressive six feet six inches and 340 pounds. Martin’s weight became a problem during his time with the Miami Dolphins, and he was eventually released from the team.

Other obese NFL players include guard Jahri Evans of the New Orleans Saints, tackle Terrence Cody of the Baltimore Ravens, and guard Trai Turner of the Carolina Panthers. These three massive men weigh in at 340 pounds, 345 pounds, and 350 pounds respectively.

While these four players are certainly among the fattest in the NFL, they are not necessarilythe heaviest. That distinction goes to nose tackle Damon Harrison of the New York Jets, who weighs an incredible 350 pounds.


Lineman are the heaviest players on an NFL roster, with an average weight of about 300 pounds. But there are some players who are significantly above that mark. Here are the five heaviest NFL players, all of whom play on the defensive line or offensive line.

1. Dontari Poe, Carolina Panthers: 350 pounds
2. Michael Brockers, Los Angeles Rams: 325 pounds
3. Vita Vea, Tampa Bay Buccaneers: 324 pounds
4. Danny Shelton, New England Patriots: 323 pounds
5. NT Domata Peko Sr., free agent: 320 pounds

Running Backs

The running back position has always been a vital part of football. If a team has a good running back, they have a chance to be very successful. If a team does not have a good running back, they will struggle. In recent years, the importance of the running back has diminished somewhat due to the increased importance of the passing game, but they are still a very important part of any football team.

There are many different types of running backs in the NFL. Some are big and physical, some are small and shifty, and some are somewhere in between. Some are very fast, some are very quick, and some are both. Some excel at catching the ball out of the backfield, and some do not.

One thing that all running backs have in common is that they are usually among the biggest and heaviest players on their team. This is because they need to be strong enough to run through defenders and break tackles, and they need to be big enough to withstand the punishment that comes with being a running back.

There have been many great running backs in NFL history, but only one can be the fattest. That title belongs to former New Orleans Saints running back Jerome Bettis. Bettis was listed at 5’11” and 260 pounds during his playing days, making him one of the heaviest players in NFL history.


In recent years, the average NFL player has become bigger and bigger. But some players are still larger than others. Here is a look at the five heaviest quarterbacks in the NFL right now.

1. Cam Newton, Carolina Panthers – 248 pounds
2. Andy Dalton, Cincinnati Bengals – 221 pounds
3. Eli Manning, New York Giants – 218 pounds
4. Alex Smith, Kansas City Chiefs – 213 pounds
5. Ryan Fitzpatrick, New York Jets – 210 pounds

Defensive Players

There are a few ways to measure who the “fattest” player in the NFL is. One way is to look at BMI, which is a measure of weight relative to height. The second way is to look at body fat percentage.

Defensive linemen have the highest BMI on average, at 32.4. quarterbacks are next highest, at 31.2. However, when looking at body fat percentage, offensive linemen have an average of 35.8%, while defensive linemen are at 32.6%. So, while defensive linemen are generally heavier than offensive linemen, they actually have less body fat on average. When looking strictly at BMI, the heaviest player in the NFL is Malik Jackson of the Denver Broncos, who has a BMI of 39.6. When looking at body fat percentage, the heaviest player is Justin Britt of the Seattle Seahawks, who has a body fat percentage of 38%.


As you can see from the list, there are quite a few fat NFL players. Some of them are even considered to be obese. However, there is one player who stands out above the rest. That player is offensive lineman William “The Refrigerator” Perry.

At 6’2” and 375 pounds, Perry is one of the largest players in NFL history. He played for the Chicago Bears from 1985 to 1993 and was a member of their Super Bowl XX winning team. Perry was also named to the NFL All-Pro team in 1986 and 1987.

So, there you have it. The fattest NFL player is offensive lineman William “The Refrigerator” Perry.

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