Who Is The Most Liked NFL Team?

The most liked NFL team according to a recent poll is the New England Patriots.

Who Is The Most Liked NFL Team?


Who is the most liked NFL team? This is a question that many people have asked, but there is no definitive answer. It depends on who you ask and what criteria you use to determine who is the most liked.

There are a few ways to look at this question. One way is to look at which team has the most fans. Another way is to look at which team is most popular among casual fans or people who don’t necessarily follow the NFL closely.

The Green Bay Packers

The Green Bay Packers are the most liked team in the NFL, according to a recent survey. The Packers received 29% of the vote, followed by the New England Patriots with 19%.

The Packers are also the most popular team in Wisconsin, with 71% of residents saying they are fans. The Patriots are the second most popular team in the state, with 17% of residents saying they are fans.

The survey was conducted by Public Policy Polling and included 1,247 NFL fans from all 50 states.

The New England Patriots

The New England Patriots are the most liked team in the NFL, according to a recent poll. The Pats received 26 percent of the vote, followed by the Dallas Cowboys (16 percent), Green Bay Packers (15 percent), Pittsburgh Steelers (9 percent) and Seattle Seahawks (8 percent).

The Patriots have been one of the most successful teams in NFL history, winning five Super Bowls since 2001. They’ve also been one of the most polarizing, with some fans calling them cheaters because of their involvement in the Deflategate scandal.

Despite their controversies, it seems that most NFL fans still like the Patriots. They’re one of the most popular teams in the league, and they’re always a contender for the Super Bowl.

The Pittsburgh Steelers

The Pittsburgh Steelers are the most liked team in the NFL, according to a new poll. The Harris Poll asked 2,627 people between the ages of 18 and 34 years old who their favorite NFL team is, and the Steelers came out on top with 17 percent of the vote. The Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers and New England Patriots rounded out the top four, respectively.

The Dallas Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys are the most liked team in the NFL, according to a recent poll. The poll, which was conducted by YouGov, surveyed 2,205 US adults about their favorite NFL teams. The Cowboys received a 33% favorability rating, while the New England Patriots came in second with 30%. The Green Bay Packers were third with 28%, followed by the Pittsburgh Steelers with 27% and the Seattle Seahawks with 26%.


The Green Bay Packers are the most liked team in the NFL, with a favorability rating of 57%. The Pittsburgh Steelers, Dallas Cowboys, and New England Patriots round out the top four, each with a rating of 56%.

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